Safe to Shoot? Dakota Firearms purchase

Started by junkmail, October-26-21 08:10

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I purchased a revolver from Dakota Firearms Schenectady NY.  It had pictures and described gun as Excellent shape.  After inspecting the gun it was found to be non operational.  The cylinder pin was bent and impinging the receiver hole in the frame.  The receiver hole appears to be slightly worn out of round.  Since this hole contributes to barrel alignment and head space is the gun safe to use as intended.
Also the cylinder lift appears to have been sharpened by grinding.  The upper and lower frame shows gouges is this normal?


OUCH!  and welcome.  I would not fire it until a gun smith goes over it. What model is it?  Need full pics. The pin can bend but all this is not normal. The lift is called the hand. The bolt that locks the cylinder looks messed up also.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


 Welcome aboard Junkmail , any firearm you happen across and you have the good sense you see something is wrong either take it to a gun smith for evaluation or use it as a paper weight . One shot and the whole gun falls apart , wouldn't that be a hoot . In the end you might just start yourself a junk parts box . But anyhow , HEY HOW DID YOU POST PICTURES WITH LIMITED EXCESS . Your a lucky fellow nobody else has been able to so soon . :):)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I would take more detailed pics and send them to Dakota to see what they want to do about this. They sold it as good. Send them this link also. You got a P.O.S. billed as good. I did a quick search and found no home page. Call NAA in Utah  1-800-821-5783 . Have the number on the frame. This is not normal for NAA.  In the morning after all of us OLD FARTS  have our coffee (a big deal on this blog) You should get more feed back. Don't give up on MINI!
Death before Decaf !!!!!


The gun is an older model and obviously not made as well as current production.  My main concern was the possiblity of unauthorized grinding on frame.  Please see the factory response below:
This particular gun is a
vintage/older model (1986) the hand appears to have some wear but normal with the age, the machining
marks are normal as they do not finish the inside of the cylinder pocket, the new guns aren?t quite that rough
but still are not finished in that area. The serial number I do believe would actually be a V01220, instead of C
due the roll stamping used at that time, zeros can often fade on one side The cylinder pin is tricky, if it is bent
we cannot just simply send a replacement as many of the new parts do not fit the old guns without some
modifications, so we recommend sending the complete gun in for updating. North American Arms offers an
update under our lifetime warranty for these older revolvers. The only fees associated with this would be the
shipping. (As long it is not missing major components) No RMA or preauthorization is required. Please
package it for shipping using a small box or padded shipping mailer, be sure to include any cylinders that
currently belong to it. Include either the downloadable customer repair form (attached) or a letter regarding
the reason for return and request for ?update? and any other reason for return, and your contact information
and a copy of your FFL


Thanks for your responses.  It looks like this gun will need to return to the factory.
PS The dealer is denying any responsibility for a consignment gun he did not even open to check condition.  He claims to be a gunsmith so any damages caused by his claim of excellent condition will be his legal responsibility.


Welcome junkmail,
On the revolver there are 3 little stampings.
Post a picture of those. We can tell when it was made, when it was made will tell who made it. That will help finding the parts.
Really, post a picture on any stampings or logos.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Sorry not getting camera to focus.
nort american arms corp
spanish fort UT 84660
.22 long rifle
pat.4,024,643  ?
Thanks for checking this.  I will send to factory next week


Really, look it over and post  the pictures.
I may be able to find the parts.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I googled the address and looked it up on google earth this is a private home in a rural residential neighbor hood, small house and when I went to look at it on street view the guy has had his house blurred out. WTH This guy must be sketchy 8) ::). And I bet he said no returns >:(


Junkmail--   First give him time to make it good and send him this link. Looks like his FFL stuff is on line.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


Well I have given up expecting any help rom the seller.  I will return to factory for update because it is one of the models that the present factory cylinder pin is special .