PUG rear sight removal

Started by jbanos, November-18-12 10:11

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I noticed a small manufacturing issue next to rear sight on my new Pug. All I need to do is remove the sight, use a small file, sand paper, polish and reinstall the sight. Is there a trick to remove this sight (pin, weld,...), or should come out easily when pushed out of the dovetail?   Thanks...


Does that small manufacturing issue have anything to do with the dovetail, like maybe crimped a bit to keep sight in place?
I assume there is a little bump from when the sight was pushed in.
If you take the sight out , goes out to the right, using brass punch or something non marring.
The use of a file, sand paper and polish anywhere close to the dove tailmight make things worse. Loose or lost sight.


Thanks Boone 123!.
And yes, it is a rather pronounced bump only on the right side top (when seen from the rear). I am a little surprised that quality assurance let it go out like that but, it is what it is. I will be very,very careful, just want to level it and then put the sight back on the gun. So knock it out from left to right (seen from rear) using a brass punch... got it .  Thanks again!!!