Gun Ban Myth

Started by redhawk4, September-20-12 09:09

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Over the years I've seen quite a few incidents reported where disgruntled employees or similar have used a gun against workmates, bosses etc.


   I saw this report today and this illustrates that these acts of violence, by individuals who have lost touch with reality, are not caused by gun ownership, but rather by the individual and their state of mind. It seems this sad incident would have attracted much more media attention if a gun had been involved, even though the knife proved equally deadly, and so far no one is calling for a "knife ban"">
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


with the obesity problems in this country I'm surprised no one has called for the banning of spoons


sorry couldn't help it

yup bad place mentally and poor reaction to stress has caused several, if not all of these incidents.  People have become too soft and spoiled, unable to deal with lifes let downs and set backs.  I'm afraid it's only gonna get worse.


And booze.  Just had a 26-year-old stabbed and killed in our little community.  Killer was his drinking buddy.  Booze makes us stupid and crazy and the friends got drunk then pissed then dead.

Shooter in CN had to have been having his first Schizophrenic break.  Only someone having a Schizophrenic break would kill his mother and small kids.  Hallucinations, delusions, paranoia.  Sadly, there's no treatment for Schizophrenia that hasn't happened yet. First breaks come from about age 18 to 26 for men.  He was right on track.  Its a pure guess based on what little fuzzy information there is out there - but that's my prediction.

Answer isn't in gun control, its in stopping slashing the mental health funding.....though even with full mental health funding this sad sad event couldn't have been prevented.


The insurance companies have been allowed to keep cutting their coverage of just about everything with mental health being one of the first to feel the cutbacks years ago to todays date . It's a shame we the people don't have any working lobbists on our side to help defend our rightful coverages . Prices go up coverages go down and as for medicaid or medicare medical people get paid literally pennies on the dollar for their services . True prices for services are out of hand but there has to be a happy medium for great service and great coverage . I keep saying this but it's way too true family members have NO business trying to take care of mentally ill relatives but because of what I've written above there are few choices which is dead wrong , sometimes literally as we've experienced .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .