Random thoughts, about LEO's

Started by keith44, August-10-12 15:08

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top dog


   Right now I am on the mend from surgery (ripped my quadriceps/tendons,right leg)but I have FL on the bucket list.

   My parents (both now passed on) retired in Treasure Island (near Tampa) in '76 so I have been to FL in the past.


   My last MV stop was in Feb'08 when I stopped a woman for using a cell phone. As I approached the car,I saw that she was VERY pregnant and she told me that she was on the phone with her OB/GYN as the contractions were about 2 minutes apart and this was her third child.


   I had her pull into the nearby lumber yard,called for EMS and yup,right there by the 2X4s/4X4s she delivered.


   And no,she did not get a ticket/warning or anything for using the cell phone.


                             Top Dog


Treasure Island is right across the intracoastal waterway from St.Petersburg in Pinellas County.


   Tampa is to the east, on the mainland (as opposed to the peninsula that is Pinellas County) on the other side of Tampa Bay, in Hillsborough County about 40 miles away.


   I guess that is "close" from the perspective of 1200 miles away.....  LOL!


   Treasure Island is a nice small town right on the beach, and has the least used public beach remaining in the area on the south end of the island, Sunset beach.


   All those beach communities are on the barrier islands off the coast of St. Petersburg.



   You can get cited in your state for using a cell phone?  What state is that so if I am there I can be careful.


"Deeds; Not Words"

top dog


   Right now,more and more states are passing cell phone/texting laws so I would be safe to say not to do it it any state.

   Even if it is not against the law,I would say that it is unsafe,at least in my opinion.

   I have enough to do just to make sure my car is safely on the road!

   There is even one state now (I forget which one) that is proposing a law prohibiting cell phone use while walking!!


                                Top Dog


More laws by the Ogre above that knows what is best for us. While I agree there can be some safety issues in regards to some of these things it seems to me like everybody is ok with Big Brother passing another law to direct its minions.  


   Just a note; I rarely pass a squad car that I do not see the officer talking on his cell.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


We had a news report of a local LEO (I am withholding further identification to protect the reputation of innocents) who was filmed by a news crew talking on his cell phone, passing every car on the road, who then rear ended one vehicle and turned into the side of another...


   One bad apple I am certain


I am not sure using a cell phone makes a bad apple, but whatever.


   Scenario:  you are in cruiser, with computer terminal next to you that constantly beeps with calls, and questions and responses you have been waiting for, you have a radio on your belt with a shoulder mike clipped next to your ear, and then the Sgt calls on the cell phone to say he is going to be tied up on the major crash he is supervising and he wants you to take over the shift while he is busy and so YOU can answer the questions from the dispatch center about who and how many to send on the call they just got, and from the 3 new officers on the shift that always have questions about things they are unsure of.  While this is going on, YOU get a call to respond as back up on yet another domestic that sounds real noisy to the dispatcher and may be violent.  You are hurrying to get to it as the primary is one of those new officers just out of field training a month ago and is very inexperienced.  (it takes 2 years to even figure out what is going on out there and 5 years to get good at it)  While all this is going on someone swerves into your lane and you have the accident mentioned above.  



   You screwed up.  You should have been more careful and been going a little slower.  


   You could have let the former trainee of yours wing it alone on the domestic until you got there, or ordered him to wait for you and let them fight it out until both of you are there and hope the guy does not kill the woman while the officer is sitting outside waiting on backup on YOUR orders, you could have refused to take that cell phone call from the other officer asking a question about a burglary she is working, but you tried to do it all in service to your community.


   You messed up, will probably be sued, and never made it to the domestic where you were trying to get there to HELP,





   But that is just me, speaking from the position of BEING there lots of times, as opposed to an observer on the outside just waiting to be critical and pass judgement on their local and lowest level representative of government; the police officer.




   Walk a mile in the other guy's shoes once in awhile and THEN pass your harsh judgement of what you are "certain" about.
"Deeds; Not Words"


I agree with Louie as long as that officer is not in a jurisdiction that is writing tickets for driving while texting/using cell phone and most of all is an officer that is writing tickets for doing so.


   I think texting using the cell excessively while driving can be distracting but I do not believe it is up to the government to pass another law in these concerns.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


ahh, never considered that side of it.  


   Still to be filmed, and then reported in an accident with a vehicle going the same direction on a four lane...


   Bad PR at a minimum


FOR SURE!  And I am not saying it is not his fault.  His agency will pay and he will get disciplined.  My only point was not making a mistake does not make him a bad apple.



   Been there; done that!!!  LOL!


   Also not defending the use of cell phones while driving.



   To me a bad apple officer is one that beats people without cause, uses drugs, lies in reports, etc.  for them:  FIRE THEM ALL!
"Deeds; Not Words"


Automobiles are potentially deadly weapons which must be handled with care. Looking at the nba update on sports center from the center console tough book or smartphone can wait until the vehicle is parked. Although surfing and texting greatly Impare ones ability to drive safely,,,verbal cell use is less distracting with proper attention and multitasking abilities although lack of full attention to road hazards remain while engaged thus.

   Everybody messes up and makes mistakes imo. The deliberate, prolonged, and/or unrepentant disregard for others safety is far less excusable in my book than the bad behavior that one rethinks and strives to learn from and adjust according to God centered values of respect and appropriate and measured judgement. Most things come on a case by case basis with innumerable variables. Thank God for His providence that keeps us from hurting and being hurt in those times when we mess up. When we do make mistakes, the choice of acknowledgement  and restitution may be more difficult but surpasses lies and excuses in the matters of the soul.

top dog


   I was just informing the gentleman that more states are passing cell phone laws. Not that I agree with passing yet another law.

   But seeing folks driving each day while texting/driving,cops included,I can only imagine that there is bound to be an accident in the pretty near future.

   I just hope that no one gets injured by a driver who is texting/driving.


                                Top Dog


Louie, that description is right on the money!! Thats what it is like on duty on an average day let alone a seriously bad day. As far as use of phones while driving, no texting, answering the phone for an LEO, I can't see that changing until technology gives us something safer, perhaps built into the vehicles etc... I get a kick out of these rookies when they come to you and say "I can't make an arrest or write a report, ticket or whatever because the computer is down". Believe it or not there were cops before computers and we did it all hand written.


LOL can't do job "X" cause computer is down!!


   I hear that all the time in manufacturing but never thought the day would come when a policeman could be stopped from performing his duties cause a computer was down!!  Records search, sure, but a ticket??  Let's all pray that they  never computerize sidearms!


Top dog; I understand. I was not aiming at you; only commenting on how once again our Gov. Overlords think us sheep are not capable of taking care of ourselves and decide to yet once again pass another nanny law.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

top dog


   Yes,I agree,the Gov't wants to protect us from everything...except them!!!!


                               Top Dog


You need to remember one very important thing, all it takes is one bad LEO to make all the good ones look bad.  You all wear the same uniform, that makes you all look alike to Joe Sixpack.  I know that there are way more good cops than bad ones, but I think it is the job of the LEO's to get rid of the bad ones, because us regular folks can't do it.


I have read through all of the random thoughts about LEO's. Quite interesting.  I see several of those here are or were LEO's. I have a question I'd like answered.  If a person is stopped for a minor traffic infraction and is armed, is it better to inform the officer of this fact or say nothing?
Not here for a long time, here for a good time!


Depends on where you are and the laws of your state. Some states' law say you have to inform the officer; others don't. My personal opinion is if he does not ask don't tell him. Let him get his business done and both of you can go on your way the quicker. If he is running your tag he should know you have a permit.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


In Missouri when a LEO runs your driver's license through the system, he is informed that you have a concealed carry permit.  I have heard a LEO say that he wants to be informed ASAP if you are carrying, but it is not a law that you must (at least in Missouri).


This is an interesting site



   OpenCarry.org | "A Right Unexercised is a Right Lost"



I have never had a bad encounter with a LEO.  I talk to them at Gun stores and work all the time.  I talk to them about guns mostly.  However when I am encountered for official law enforcement purposes, I say as little as possible and never answer any question that could server to incriminate me.  For example, "Is there a reason you don't have you seat belt on?"  I just say I sorry I can't answer that question officer.  If they pat me down, I immediately say "I am not resisting in any way but I never consent to searches" same if they want to look in my vehicle.  After a couple of questions that I won't answer, I normally ask "Am I being detained, am I free to go?"

There is never a good reason to talk to police, unless your the victim.  Police can lie to you.  Police will testify against you, but cannot testify for you.  Police are trained to trip people up while they are nervous and get answers out of them and fish for things.  Talking to police will never help you and can hurt you.  And for God Sakes if he cuffs go on shut your mouth till you have legal council present.

I respect them and what they go though, but when they are stopping me, I exercise all of my rights possible to protect myself.


Lovemynaa; you have hit the nail on the head with that post. Do not say anything if being questioned. It will never turn out good if it ever goes legal.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I don't know guys, you have a good point, but with nothing to hide, and having never done anything worse than speeding I find some friendly banter seems to calm everyone down.  Even when I am getting a ticket, or stopped at a drunk check.

Now if questioned outside of what would be normal, yes shut up and get a lawyer.


Well yes; banter does not count towards saying anything. I meant as to the answering to any non social questions. Conversation is a totally different subject as long as it is only conversation.

You may have nothing to hide but anything you say could and will be used against you even if you are an innocent person. These days prosecutors, for the most part, are not greatly interested in justice. To them it is simply a career score. How many cases/convictions they win vs how many they lose. Maybe not all of them but a lot if not most of them are politicians looking to work their way up the ladder at any cost. To them if you get a trial and are found guilty by a jury of your "Peers" (laughable statement these days) you are rightfully guilty whether you actually committed the crime or not. It is not their fault if you did not commit the crime. They merely present the case and the jury is responsible for your fate. They have little to nothing to do with it.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


ahh, I see your point. Yes you are correct.  I mistook the previous post to mean short kurt answers to questions and say nothing else.


Knock on wood I have been able to just get warnings in the half of dozen times I've been pulled . One good pull over years back I was driving my dads car but didn't have any paper work on it because he hadn't driven for a couple of years so he gave it to me . so here I was going about 15 miles over the speed limit with no papers on me and the plate belonged to my inlaws junk car , I was going to and from houses moving stuff , didn't have my wallet either . So here I was no license no insurance no title no registration wrong plate but I was able to talk him into following me back to my house to get everything squared away accept the plate on the car . Needless to say I offered him a cup of coffee and he said not to do something like that again , hurrah , and he went about his business . I guess my story was so outragious he just had to find out and laugh . Haven't met a sheriffs deputy I didn't like just a bunch of good old boys . Always give them some kind gesture like giving them patches (12 inch  9/11 embroidered lately) or leave a six-pack or gift card for food . You just gotta be nice thats all there is to it afterall its their job and they are working . Got all sorts of stories working with and around these guys and gals. Funny stuff .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Don't like police? Then Somalia is the place for you.  A Ron Paul/Libertarian's dream.

It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: heyjoe on November-26-12 08:11
Don't like police? Then Somalia is the place for you.  A Ron Paul/Libertarian's dream.
