Anyone Tried the New Federal Punch .22 LR Ammo?

Started by Gun1, January-11-22 10:01

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Has anyone tried the new Federal Punch .22 LR ammo? I'm curious how it compares with the CCI Mini Mags since ammo seems to perform quite differently in these small 1 1/8" minis. For example, the CCI Stinger, which is supposed to have more velocity, actually penetrates somewhat less that the CCI Mini Mag. I used to think that it was because the mini mags are heavier than the stinger, but the 40gr mini mag actually penetrates less than a 36gr mini mag. Hence, I'm curious how the new Federal punch ammo stacks up against a CCI Mini Mag.


"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


That's a good link, thanks. It appears as though the new Federal Punch should penetrate even more than the mini mags. The thing is that some rounds need the barrel length to accelerate, so it could be that the gun powder in the Federal Punch burns slower than the one in the Mini Mags, so out of a 1 1/8" Mini the Mini-Mag might come out on top still.



Should be superior to the CCI Mini Mag then. The CCI Mini Mag has a muzzle velocity of 1,260 from a rifle, and the Federal Punch has a 1,650 muzzle velocity from a rifle.


There's actually a video by the same guy (tools&targets) where he tests the Punch out of a mini I posted it here before I think the thread was "you gotta see this" or something close to that...I actually picked up a couple boxes of this myself but I haven't made it to the range yet. The guy from the video actually tested the Punch rounds in alot of different guns and literally nothing he put up against it could out penetrate the Punch. That dude literally sold me on those rounds. I still want to test em but I don't think I'll use any other round for defense in my mini now.


Quote from: Gun1 on January-13-22 01:01
Should be superior to the CCI Mini Mag then. The CCI Mini Mag has a muzzle velocity of 1,260 from a rifle, and the Federal Punch has a 1,650 muzzle velocity from a rifle.

   Thats a heck of a lot of difference in velocities , I know your correct but it sounds kinda impossible with the size of the casings . They must pack that powder in and even crush it with the bullet inserted . These mini's kick enough with lesser powder not alone being heightened and the "BANG" must be considerably more .Thanks for that info . :) :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

Wumbey Goomba

Maybe 29 grain opposed to 36 grain makes
a velocity difference.


Having read the open-source data and specs on FedPunch and the NAA ballistics data for the 1 1/8 and 1 5/8 barrel lengths, I decided crunching the math to my limited ability and checking things on my favorite ballistics tool (  Velocity measurements are okay, but foot-pounds (fp) of energy at impact are more important to me, especially when the target is something other than a piece of paper.   My limited science skills came up with the following:

1.  FedPunch advertises a 1070 feet-per-second (fps) velocity for a two-inch barrel.  That would make it approx (rough conservative estimate) 900 fps for the 1 1/8 and 980 fps for the 1 5/8.  Again, these are probably low-side estimates, but not by much.

2.  Based on the estimated velocity of 900 fps, the energy output for the NAA 1 1/8 22LR with FedPunch would be 52 foot-pounds (fp).  Using NAA's ballistic numbers (mean), CCI mini-mags come out as 40 fp for the 36-grain hollowpoint and 41 fp for 40-grain solid.

3. Based on the estimated velocity of 980 fps, the energy output for the NAA 1 5/8 22LR with FedPunch would be 62 fp.  Using NAA's ballistic numbers (mean), CCI mini-mags come out as 43 fp for 36-grain and 44 fp for 40-grain.

4.  For general interest, NAA 1 1/8 22WMR with CCI maxi-mag (40-grain solid) comes out as 55 fp and the 1 5/8 22 WMR at 64 fp.

So, this number-crunch seems to show the FedPunch in a NAA 22LR having comparable "punch" as a CCI maxi-mag in a NAA 22WMR. 

That then begs the question as to whether the NAA 22LR is structurally capable to normally use FedPunch. The NAA ballistics tables for the 22LR (both barrel lengths) also list the Remington Yellow Jacket (33 grain/834 fps) which has equal foot-pound output (51 fp & 61 fp) as the FedPunch.  It was good to see NAA had previously tested a similar round and felt comfortable to list it on its website.

" never need a gun until you need it badly" - from WEB Griffin's The Honor of Spies, and Victory and Honor.


Yesterday I chronographed 22LR Punch and some others with my 1 1/8 mini. Its the 22LR/WMR conversion model. It was only 4-5 rounds sample, my averages:
Interceptor 916fps (75 ft/lbs)
Punch 1022fps (67 ft/lbs)
Velocitors 841fps (63 fps)

Didn't chrono Mini-Mags yesterday, but I have in the past and Velocitors always did better (in ft/lbs). So by inference, Punch beats Mini-mag for me.


  Thanks Desertriver  , so there you go proof is in the numbers . Price dictates my round buying , cheap, dependable, cleaner ,cheap again . Now if they make a heat seeking 22 rounds I'm in or laser guided would be nice also . How about some outfit start making ballistic rounds in all calibers
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .