22lr for EDC???

Started by shanep0017, October-21-21 13:10

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Quote from: Canoeal on January-11-22 17:01
Have you had that BW since new? Must be more than a few years old with that pin.

Yep - a looooong time (It came new with both cylinders).

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent

top dog

After reading the many,great replies,I decided to weigh in on the subject.

Is the 22 magnum or LR good SD rounds?  Basically no........however............the beauty of these NAA minis is that they can be always with you and not back in the safe like the larger pieces.

The late Bill Jordan in his excellent book  No Second Place Winner considers the 22 Magnum "a wicked little cartridge" and extolls on the virtues of it in a lightweight S&W snubby. The book was first published in 1965 before the NAA minis came on the scene and also better performing ammo.

Rich Davis,later of Second Chance body armor fame,in 1969 used an inexpensive 22 revolver to defend himself from three attackers. He had owned a pizza shop and there were many hold ups of pizza delivery drivers in Detroit.

Then,in 1981,John Hinkley came on the stage and in less than 3 seconds time had Pres. Reagan and several others down. He used a POS 22 revolver allegedly loaded with exploding head bullets (they don't exist).

I have no problems with going about my daily activities with one of the NAA minis on me.  Like I had said before,it can always be with you.

                                                                                                                                    Top Dog


Any gun is better than no gun! If you have a .22 short mini, it’s better than a prayer…
Retired lawdog and wildland  firefighter.

top dog

We are both from the same boat and I agree with you.

Also...awareness and avoidance is the best way to go.

                                                                                        Top Dog


  Agree with all you fellas , it beats a sharp stick .  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


What the .22 WMR does best from a handgun is "loud."

While I have carried a .22 short mini, I prefer a larger caliber. The magnum mini revolvers are as large as a Keltec P32 or P3AT, and they are single action, 5 shot guns.

And yes, there were exploding .22 LR bullets. Reagan was shot with a round called the "Devastator." They didn't work very well.

top dog

From what I understand,and I could be wrong,the "Devastator" rounds were originally thought to be designed for use by the US Air Marshalls but were quickly dismissed for their use.

The agent that pushed Pres.Reagan into the vehicle also took a round but did not realize that he had been hit until a bit later.

                                                                                                                     Top Dog