some questions before purchase

Started by boomer92266, April-06-22 15:04

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I am gonna get a new NAA mini and have a few questions. Is the plastic clip grip better than the wood grip? How accurate are these at around 5-7 yards? Has anyone had trouble with the flat main spring breaking or any other parts needing replaced? Can I load all cyliders and rest hammer down without fear of discharge? What is the price I should expect to pay for the wood grip compared the the plastic clip grip or if they have it the rubber grip? My local shop has a few models and I called right before closing so I wasn't told for sure how many. They know they have the plastic grip model and the wood grip model but may have more. Prices start at $229.00 but they said they would work with me so that means they will take a little less. Thanks for any help.


I'm new here, but I'll share a little of what I've learned and observed. As far as which model, I believe only you can answer that based on your likes, dislikes, needs, requirements..etc. I would recommend going down to your dealer and getting some in your hands. That will help a lot.

As far as pricing is concerned, that can be found with an easy internet search. I would say that these mini revolvers have what I call practical accuracy. That is, they are accurate for the intended distances they are used. For me, 5 to 7 yards would be max. The mainspring should be good for many thousands of rounds. Of course, any part could break at any time with any manufacturer. The good news is, it looks like you can order new mainsprings fairly cheap from NAA.

Hope that helps a little. Good luck in your search and let us know what you end up with.


top dog

Welcome to the forum.

Gunz offers some very good advise.  See what "fits you best" and what you like.

Now I have to warn you,once you purchase the Mini of your now have the Mini covid virus variant to which the only cure is to purchase more.

Don't worry..we are here to help you.

                                                                                      Top Dog


  Welcome to the places of places Boomer , buy two more mini's and call us back in the morning.  With pictures when you can .  ;) ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: top dog on April-10-22 05:04
Welcome to the forum.

Gunz offers some very good advise.  See what "fits you best" and what you like.

Now I have to warn you,once you purchase the Mini of your now have the Mini covid virus variant to which the only cure is to purchase more.

Don't worry..we are here to help you.

                                                                                      Top Dog

buying another mini is not a cure only a palliative treatment. continued treatments are needed!
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Hey boomer,
Welcome to the NAA family.
Good advice has already been given on choice.
If you like the way it feels, buy it.
Watch out,, they all feel good.
If we can, we will help you out on getting your first and second and third and forth, and etc, etc, etc...
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I don't think they make the plastic grips anymore. You wouldn't want one anyway. If you overtighten the screw you break the grip.


For that price I'd be buying them even if I didn't like how they felt. Practically speaking, though, the larger magnum frames, especially with plow handle grips, will be easier to handle. Birdshead grips seem to hide easier.

The longer the barrel, the more accurately you'll aim. (I'm still waiting for an NAA revolving carbine.)


Accuracy at 5 and 7 yards may just surprise you. These little pistols are plenty accurate. One can carry with a full cylinder if they use the safety notches properly.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.