Anybody live in New Jersey???

Started by westerly1965, November-16-10 11:11

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And hear about this??">

   Seriously??!?!?!  And people think Cali is bad?  Our gun laws are nothing compared to this!!  I have to wonder what has failed in our system to allow this to happen.....


And this is in the USA.


   Somebody need to buy that judge a can of gas to pour on the hot embers in his woodburning stove...




It's not just the laws, it's the attitude.  We need serious relief in this state.  


   If this poor guy had shipped his guns to himself via common carrier he would not have faced charges.  Also without evidence/probable cause of a crime being committed I'm not sure the police had any right to search his vehicle.  Although Nappen would have dealt a harsh blow with any such obvious error, so it can't be that simple.


   If the guy was driving his car with guns locked properly in the trunk, but deviated from moving to his new home to stop for any reason other than gas or car repair, he's hosed.  This insane state has criminalized constitutionally protected activities and we get no help from NRA, etc.  As a moving to NJ person you are legally allowed to move your guns here (so long as both you and they are not prohibited).  But if you do that, you can't have a copy of a handgun purchase permit, but maybe at least a NJ Firearms purchaser ID or receipt for gun from home state.  When a LEO finds guns in your car, you'd be better off having something that offers proof of legal ownership.  Without any, you can and most likely will get ground up.  Which is why I keep a ziplock with copies of my purchase permits in my range bag.  And extra sets at home.


   In a few years (hopefully sooner)  I will move to Florida.  I'll probably ship my gear to myself there, and maybe take with me one handgun as I permanently leave the state, locked up in the trunk according to local, state and federal laws.  Once I get to the free part of the country, it will ride my hip where legal.


   I'd move now if I could.  The thought of Americans treating Americans this way sickens me.


If part of the goal of the New Jersey law makers is to keep me and my family and our money OUT of their state, they have brilliantly succeeded.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I am a former resident of New Jersey, and this is insane even by the standards I was used to there.  


   I am glad the judge lost his job - it appears that he kept out evidence based not on relevance but weight - an issue that he should have let the jury decide.


   It might be worth trying an appeal to federal court based on the recent Supreme Court second amendment rulings.


   Having a NJ firearms ID card with you any time you are transporting firearms in NJ is a very good idea, although I cannot guarantee that it will prevent all problems.


   On another note, this case shows a very good reason not to consent to any searches (I do not know if the individual in question consented).  You may very well believe in good faith that you have nothing to hide, but unknowingly be in violation of some state or local law - or an unreasonable interpretation of that law applied by local authorities.  If you have made your refusal to consent known, then at least you have the ability to dispute the legality of the search later in court.

cedarview kid

New Jersey sounds like a bad place for gun owners. Glad I won't be visiting soon. :-/


   Sorry guys, but NJ gets put on the list of "States that Suck." Sorry about that.


NAA Collector AGREED!  New Jersey has officially been moved to my States that Suck list.  And coming from Cali that's saying something.  I also agree with Gray if they are trying to keep my business out of their state they have officially succeeded myself and or my family will never visit or spend a dime there.  I can't believe that they allowed something like this to happen at all....


Well, having moved in my early days from NYC to NJ, I'd say the suckage level went down a notch for me.  Compared to the free states though, the Suck-O-Meter reads about 9.5.


   If jersey could fix the taxes and the  unconstitutional gun laws, it's be a nice state.


   One thing NYS does that rises to the top of the suck list.  Must have an ownership permit for a handgun there.  Can't get one if you are non-resident.  If you transport a handgun through the state under fopa they'll arrest you and sort it out later (the process is the punishment).  If you transport 5 or more handguns you are presumed by the state to be an illegal arms dealer.


   I don't wanna think about the NYC area and it's hoplophobia anymore.  It Just Sucks.

cedarview kid

Sounds like s suckfest. But I would have to agree, moving from NYC to NJ is a positive--in that you are going from a greater negative to a lesser negative, so I guess that's a positive.


   Now I'm getting confused.

cedarview kid

> I am glad the judge lost his job


   Did the judge lose his job? Where did it say that?


It seems the Judge had an anti gun agenda he wanted to pursue. The laws are crazy, but even if he did break them, as claimed the punishment is totally out of line, there are people who get less time than that for rape


   I have a feeling his appeal may go a little better.  


   Never been to New Jersey, the liklihood I ever will is now even less.


   There is a serious problem when travelling between states in the USA with the different laws. I took a trip in the summer and went through 4 different states. Towing a travel trailer makes it obvious you are on vacation and a target for criminals. When you're in a strange place, you can easily end up in the wrong part of town. I could tell you about a ride I once took through part of Buffalo NY, being white and wearing a suit, I got some strange looks. The laws in some states mean you can suddenly be a criminal, when you cross the state line and invite you to break the law if you want to stay safe or don't want to have to ditch your gun(s) halfway through your trip. It's time there was a National carry permit.


   Dar, it says he lost his job at the end of the article due to something in an unrelated case. Makes me wonder if he knew he was finished so thought he'd make a personal and political point before leaving office.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


The mother is a moron,the judge is a liberal A-hole.These so called laws are a violation of the 2nd ammendment.


I'm in NJ this week and this place does suck.

   I want to go home.

   The highways suck, the traffic sucks and it's illegal to turn left from most major roadways, and cross traffic to get onto a side street. You have to turn right, make a u-turn and cross over the roadway you were just on to get to that side street. How ridiculous.




Ain't liberal land wonderful - where common sense is just the stupidity of old and life is just so much better without it.


   I guess there must be people who think it's OK, I pray they keep living there, I don't want them moving and voting in my state. We have people move to UT from CA because the quality of life is so much better and then they want to turn us into CA with their liberal views
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


The dumb-a.. laws of other states is why most "thinking" Texans don't want folks moving to our state from other states.  With enough votes, they could turn Texas into the People's Republck Of Kalifornia. I have had folks from there tell me we needed to get more in line with that state's laws.  I always explain that IH 10 runs West as well as east.  Same with the Yankee carpet baggers.  IH35 runs back North as well as South.  Just as this last election shows, those states have only their voters to thank for the backward living style. BTW, our governor packs a Ruger .380 and some of our lawmakers pack a NAA mini among other guns.  We have a special line at the State Capitol for CHL holders to pass thru, the other have to be scanned.


Many times people move to a state because its

   much better than the one they came from, but  

   the problem is they bring the crap with them

   they were running away from. I had 3 run ins  

   with a D.A. that moved to the Black Hills from  

   ILL. over a period of time. Thought he was in charge.

    I asked him if I was breaking any laws

   dirtbiking there. He didn't seem to know.

   In the end I told him> You came here from ILL.

    because it is so neat here, and you brought  

   Ill. with you. Go back to your house, get in  

   bed, pull the covers over your head and forget

   we are here.

   I was on a county maintained road that time.

   I dirtbiked out there for over 30 years, and  

   I don't think I ever broke any laws doing it.

   Then there was the people from Ohio. Another



   Always had a NAA mini on every ride.


Seems sheeple are the same across the country. Our county was consistently in the top 5 fastest growing in the country in the 80's. All the sheeple moving in commented on how nice Cobb County was (and I mean w a s!). They proceeded to gather votes to make it just like home. You know, the dirty, crowded, crime infested, unfriendly place they came from. Well it worked. More than one time while listening to some of them complain about how it's "not like this back home. Why don't you change things and make it better." My response was usually to the effect,

   "You mean like back home?"


   "Delta is ready when you are. Go back there if it's that much better."

   The Chief finally told me the next time would cost me a day off. I started telling them I-75 would take them back north where they came from. Chief didn't care for that either. Like they say, "A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work."


   My family goes back 5 generations here. My wife and I have considered moving, but to where? By the time enough family dies off so we would not mind leaving, we will be too old to start over somewhere else.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


well, i live in exeter pa. about 60 miles west from phlly. not very far from jersey and we always have welcomed good jersey folk here. pa. laws are not too bad plus we have concealed carry permits issued here. i have had one for over 35yrs. oops, kinda showin my age again, come on up.


I guess there definition of shall not be infringed is different than the rest of us huh?
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama

cedarview kid

Sounds like somebody in NJ needs to file suit like in Chicago and DC.


Funny you mention filing suit Collector.  As we have a case going in So Cal right now that has the potential to have sweeping effects on CA gun laws lets all hope for the best..


Federal suit filed against NJ officials in US district court 11-22-2010.  The battle is joined, finally.  


   To those in states with attainable carry, take a quick look at the complaint filed in US district court, and see what we have to deal with here.  


   If it doesn't anger you, well, actually, I can't imagine it *not* angering you.


   I am now a newly minted life member of the second amendment foundation">


   Gun Rights Legal Action


   SAF Sues N.J. Officials For 'Deprivation of Civil Rights' On Permit Denials


   The Second Amendment Foundation today filed suit in U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey against several New Jersey officials for deprivation of civil rights under color of law.


   Read the release announcing the lawsuit.">

   Read more and download case filings">">


   I have one handgun permit left to expend from my latest batch.  I think I'll celebrate by buying a new gun.


Seems SAF is fighting on behalf of all gun owners. I was unaware of their organization. thanks for the info.


   Here is hoping the NJ laws get changed to something reasonable.


   I also read on one of the links they have filed a suit against Maryland and or the FBI. Seems what is commonly accepted as a misdemeanor was not defined in 1968 and has caused at least one person to lose their gun rights, as defined by the FBI. Again, and arbitrary act. I wonder how many others have that problem and do not realize it?!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Hope suits in california and NJ are successful
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today