Question Marks

Started by Rimfire, May-10-22 10:05

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Why is it when I type a period or apostrophe it shows on the post as a question mark? That can get kind of confusing. Should I be using a special font or something or does it just become part of the language after a while? Can?t understand it?
Deplorable before deplorable was cool.


I've noticed other people's posts having that happen, but mine seem okay. Question marks - ? ? ? ?. Periods - . . . . Apostrophes - ' ' ' '.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


  All good here also .I have no answers because I'm pretty computer illiterate . ??? ???
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

Wumbey Goomba

It started a few months ago, it seems to be
related to Apple products.


I use an iPad and it?s the same with me. Gets kinda annoying after awhile.
"Let the gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."- Thomas Jefferson


I use an Apple iPad and iPhone - looks like Apple products are somehow the culprit here. Whatever, it?s annoying and confusing?
Deplorable before deplorable was cool.


It's the virtual keyboard on iPhones, iPods and iPads.  If you type a period with a quick touch, you get a period.  If you pause and drag your finger on the same key, it enters a question mark. 


Fo me it only happens on this forum, not anyplace else.


  The fish at the bottom of the Indian River Lagoon are having a grand time with my electronics . Tossed my junk years back and I bet the battery still works . Nothing quite like getting rid of all these pains in the derriere and live without all the useless trash that comes with such atrocities especially this texting bullsh** . How lame will mankind get till they say NO MORE .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I think texting came in because you can't understand the other person or their voicemail on cell phones, even my flip phone. I can remember wired phones being clear as a bell. I did like cordless phones, they worked fine up to maybe 100 feet. Answer machines were okay, the ones that had a chip instead of a tape.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


On this and most forums I am on I am using a HP laptop running windows 10 with a 21 in. monitor. No such problems here , and when I walk away from the laptop I am done, no reminders beeps, bings, whatever. My phone is a flip phone and my message states "I do not read texts, or answer voicemails on this phone. I you need to get in touch call the house." I do not leave you the house number... ;)
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


I?m on OS (Apple) and I?m seeing it on all forums. Must be something in the OS.  Frustrating.
Retired lawdog and wildland  firefighter.


I had the same problem on my iPad so I went into the settings and turned off some of the defaults on the keyboard (smart punctuation, split keyboard, enable key flicks, slide on floating keyboard to type). I don't know which one did the trick, but since I didn't miss any one of them, my problem was cured!

Ain't it grand!
I can't, so I won't.
Should've tried this sooner!
(Those last three lines were typed to "show the difference")
"Let the gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."- Thomas Jefferson


Your postal guys need help. I'm waiting on a package from FL. Half hour from Titusville to Orlando. It spent 28 hours in Orlando, next tracking was 11 hours in Maryland ( should have been Jacksonville and Greensboro). I don't know where it was after that, but it went another 35 hours. It finally got to our hub here 2 hours ago. So I''ll get it tomorrow, Monday. 76 hours from Titusville to our hub. Since it's Sunday, I wait another 20 hours to delivery.

I got the same size package from the same shipper last week, through Jacksonville and Greensboro, to hub in 34 hours. Five more to delivery. Both were First Class.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


When my customers complained about slow mail delivery, I would give them my rationale." If it cost $0.50 to mail a letter and it takes two days to arrive, that works out to $0.25 a day. Now if the same letter takes five days to get to you, that would only be $0.10 a day. Now what's the better deal?" I'd usually run while their head was still swimming.
"Let the gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."- Thomas Jefferson


I just don't get having two identical trips, but one takes over twice as long as the other ?   28 hours in Orlando? Maybe there was a hot poker game in the break room.

I look at them in terms of mph. The slow trip averaged 10 mph. The faster one was was 21 mph. 
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


It's character encoding causing an issue. Try going to Settings / General / Keyboard and turn off the "Smart Punctuation" toggle.

I won't carry a laser device... unless it has stun, kill, and disintegrate settings.


Cool! Thanks for the tips! Turned off the recommended settings.  Hopefully it works.  I'll try some apostrophes and other words. I can't wait to see the results, either way I won't be disappointed.  Now if I can figure out the spell better setting on my finger...
Retired lawdog and wildland  firefighter.