Why does the BW 2" weigh so much more than the pug?

Started by kurth83, July-10-22 21:07

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It's a 1" barrel difference, hard to believe that 1" weighs 3 oz.  Is it the bull cylinder maybe?  Could I have a Pug cylinder fitted to one perhaps?

If I could get on of of those near 7 oz it would be a lot more appealing to me as a carry weapon.


It's probably that big, honkin, rubber grip.


Good theory, I own both grips and a postal scale.

The larger grip is exactly 1 oz more than the smaller grip.  For fun I also weighed the holster grip:

small grip = 0.75 oz.
holster grip = 1.5 oz.
large MM grip = 1.75 oz.

So I am guessing the barrel and the cylinder account for the rest.  Would be interesting to know how much.


why don't you weight them you did the others? ???