Drone problums

Started by OLD and GRUMPY, September-08-22 09:09

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On another forum they were  talking about drones in there yards and how to warn them off.  I posted this.---  If drones are flying through your yard under 10? ish feet there is a way to deal with them. Get thin almost Invisible bird netting from the garden center. It is probably not legal to set a trap BUT you can grow long vine peas/beans. Hang the net across the flight path the drone takes and plant peas or pole beans under it. The net is a trellis for them to climb. OPPS! Caught a drone! This should not damage it. Most good ones have GPS and the owner will come looking for it. Have a POLITE chat with them. Report it to the cops before they show up and let them know you did. You find out who it is. Ask them if they are a perv looking in your kids window with it. That should put the fear of God in them. If you do this PLEASE post it!------Also this.---Almost shot one down. ---- I shoot at one of the ranges Pawn Stars tapes at. I got there early. The drone operator for the show was the only one there in the next bay.The little CowBoy shooting town. He was playing with the drone before the crew showed up. All good. I am shooting my pistol when he drops the drone 10 feet in front of my face. Startled me. See threat track threat --- He bugged out fast. Had time to fire but knew better. He might still have the tape.

Death before Decaf !!!!!


I've heard that a BB gun or even a garden hose works good, with a tight stream..just be careful where they end up if you miss... :D
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Remember reading some time ago. back about the time drones were becoming popular, about a case, I believe in Kentucky.   Springtime, two 16-year-old girls sunbathing in a privacy fenced back yard, when a drone showed up, hovers, drops below the fence line, checks out the girls, and buzzes off, into yard next door, where there is another sunbather, who gets up and moves under a porch, with the drone following her, then drone returns to first yard, where irate father shoots it down with shotgun.   The two adult males who were flying the drone were in a park a block away, and call the police, who arrest the father for shooting a firearm inside the city, and destruction of private property, return the damaged drone to the owner, and the owner announces he is suing for destroying his drone, and the police will not even listen to the complaints about the drone from the girl next door.
When I read about this, my first thought was why didn't the police look at the memory card in the drone, and what about the child pornography charges, if there was footage of the underage girls sunbathing.


Made me remember one day when I went into a fenced yard to deliver the mail. There were three naked young women, two on their stomachs & one on her back sunbathing. The one on her back opened her eyes & said "It's just the mailman" & they all ignored me. I was the relief carrier on that route & the regular was really unhappy to hear about it when I told him the next day. Sad to think those gals would probably be around 70 by now.


Quote from: theysayimnotme on September-09-22 01:09
Made me remember one day when I went into a fenced yard to deliver the mail. There were three naked young women, two on their stomachs & one on her back sunbathing. The one on her back opened her eyes & said "It's just the mailman" & they all ignored me. I was the relief carrier on that route & the regular was really unhappy to hear about it when I told him the next day. Sad to think those gals would probably be around 70 by now.

That is what the memory is for.
They are not 70 in your mind.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

Wouldn't that be called  "Special Delivery"???

                                Top Dog


I'm never that lucky.


 18 U.S.C. 32, a law that in part expands ?United States jurisdiction over aircraft sabotage to include destruction.  The fAA includes drones in its thinking.  Once again an unelected bureaucrat shows their contempt for hard working, or taxpaying, or land owning, citizens. >:(