Mini Grip Porn Thread

Started by pietro, December-08-22 13:12

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Let's see 'em, folks !   8)

Self-made Jade

NAA aged stags

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


JADE grips?! Those are awesome!

Nothing too fancy at my house. Either wood or black plastic, with a couple pearl sets on stainless revolvers. Kinda fascinated by those silver (pewter maybe?) grips I saw on Ballad of Buster Scruggs.


I make these.


That is a very beautiful pair of little ones.
Thanks for sharing.

Sip, sip, aaaaaaah
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: tinhorn on December-08-22 19:12
JADE grips?! Those are awesome!

Thank you !   :)

After shaping/polishing, I actually epoxied the panels to the grip frames ! !   8)

If they ever need access to the insides, a little heat will melt the epoxy w/o effecting either the jade (stone) or the gunmetal.

(BTW, I sold the cased set to a fellow forum member several years ago - off to a good home, as it were :) )

Bill - Those grip panels rock !  Nice work. :)

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Rick Jorgenson


Quote from: Rick_Jorgenson on December-09-22 09:12
Quote from: bill_deshivs on December-09-22 00:12
I make these.
Those are beautiful Bill!  :)

Yes, to the above. Simply wonderful looking Bill.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Banjos and guitars back in the day had what was officially "Pearloid" trim, a poor celluloid imitation mother-of-pearl. It came in different tints. Banjos especially were sometimes practically covered with it. The colloquial name was "mother of toilet seat" as Pearloid seats were popular then. I've wondered if old "pearl" gun grips are the same material.

This is a 30's Gibson with inlaid Pearloid resonator and fingerboard.

"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Mine have stayed the same for some tiime...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Pistol grips were made of real mother of pearl (some still are.)
They are also made of imitation pearl.


Here's some more. Cow horn, stag, and abalone.



Spectacular, Bill !   :)
Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Bill.... Your work in absolutely incredible!

Thank you for posting!
Rick Jorgenson


Man, those are some gorgeous grips. I feel like such a slacker.