NAA Revision CV Grips

Started by coppertop, June-16-23 17:06

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Curious. I seen Revision CV is still only making the G-10 black grips (wish they would start making wood again) and Thing Miester is still around.
But are there any other options out there for a CV style grip for NAA mini's?
I almost hate that I sold a pair of my NAA revolvers and didn't keep the CV grips. I think that style matches up best with these pocket revolvers.


Decided to trim the G10 Revision CV grips I have so they can be used on the Sidewinder.
Still prefer the looks and feel of the wood, but pleased with the results.


You did a nice job - looks good
Deplorable before deplorable was cool.


Coppertop; that is the way the CV grips should look from the beginning. They look most excellent the way you have trimmed those black ones up.  :)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.