Holster for Mag with laser?

Started by AZsnipe, December-06-12 20:12

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This might have been covered before, but here goes.
Has anyone found a really good holster for a 22Mag Mini with an attached laser (LaserLyte)?
I built a small neck holster, but I'm looking around for a better idea.  There are lots of good carry options without the laser, but that little light complicates things a bit.

Thanks for listening,



That tiny Galco pocket holster works with the laser, marginally.  I've wondered about buying an Uncle Mikes holster and sewing in a wood or plastic spacer for the "void" in front of the laser.  Next, I'd sew a sheet of velcro on so I could attached small pockets for ammo or papers.  Some of my pants have bigger pockets than others, so maybe I'd velcro a large hard leather backing plate to fill the large pocket, and velcro in different spots to suit the pocket width.