Just ordered boot grips for my mini

Started by dinooch, June-13-23 12:06

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Looking to you guys with more mini experience than me to give your opinions on the boot grip for the long rifle mini. I have the little rosewood birds head grips which are great but it looks much easier to cock and handle the revolver with those sweet rosewood boot grips. They are handsome.

Any feedback will be appreciated.

Can't go wrong with metal and wood!


  Both sets are sweet the plain and the engraved (wood) . Not too large to over size the gun frame either , much better handling . :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

Wumbey Goomba


The 22lr mini is night and day different with boot grips. The birdshead grips were almost unusable for me. The boot grips turned it into a shootable little jewel.


i never had a problem handling the birds head grips, even on the 22 short. maybe its because of decades of humping hoses
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Why are they called boot grips? Are there tennis shoe and fuzzy slipper grips? ..  ;D
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Do they call them boot grips because having them makes it's easier to get your criminal adversary into Boot Hill Cemetery?

Of course not but it sounded good to me.