Drawbar Spring Replacement

Started by richardb, September-14-12 17:09

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Hi Guys, I have not posted in a while but I need some advice.    

   A while back while firing my Guardian 380 at the range my drawbar (part #27)  broke into 2+ pieces.  No problem, I ordered a new one from NAA and it arrived promptly.    

   Now the problem: How do I get the drawbar spring (part# 28) to fit back into the mechanism?  Is there a specific order of parts placement?  Do I need some special tool?  Any assistance appreciated.    

   Today on impulse I purchased a Ruger LCP in 380 and decided I want my steel pocket gun to work also.




Sorry, I haven't had a Guardian apart.

I posted this to let you know your posts are being seen.

I think noone knows the answer to your question so they are all being quiet.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Take the left grip off, and then remove  the little side cover, and I think you will see how to do it. Pretty simple once you see it.



i replaced that spring myself on both of my guardians at two different times.

i did it with the help of the spec sheet from naa to see how the intact piece went into the gun.

here is the pic:


You want to be the ant or the grasshopper?