The Sleeper...

Started by Wolfar, December-22-12 05:12

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I posted the link in a different form. I think this article is great and needs to be brought out and enjoyed.

Original link >>>>

Closest I can figure this was posted back in March of 2009. I don't even think there were .22 Mag self defense rounds out back then.

Please post YOUR thoughts as well.

Thank you,

The Sleeper....

Growing & growing....

It's small for it's power in both handguns and rifles. It's not a POWERHOUSE for moose and bear...but it is surprising, the killing power it does have. Small game, vermin, pests and varmints by the pickup load are taken with it everyday.

I have shot thru steel 1/4" I beams, a number of feral dogs, coyotes, several deer....though it is definitely not a deer and varmints....and a goodly number of tough old turkey vultures..and one idiot human predator. It has never failed me when I do my part and use the right ammo for the job.

What is this mystery round....this small but nasty slayer??? It is the unloved, practically unknown, and unappreciated 22 Magnum Rimfire!

Most say that it is somewhere between the hyper 22 Rimfires and the 22 Hornet....but believe me it is much closer to the Hornet.....and today there is a goodly number of different loads available on the market for guns chamber in it. Quietly the 22 mag RF is growing in popularity...many handguns and rifles are chambered for it...that is always the bellwether of a cartridge's health. Last year's two new rifles....both autoloaders came out for the little round....a Remington and a Ruger.

For a number of years I had a Uberti 7/8ths in size S/A Colt clone handgun chambered for it. I had put a set of S&W adjustable back sights on the gun, they were from a J-Frame....and looked and worked very well. I had a number of Ruger S/As both blue and stainless, and two AMT autoloaders. A 4 ˝ inch slide and a 6 inch slide. The afore mentioned two legged predator had his knee cap removed with the AMT and RWS hollow point ammo. He was stupid enough to commit that old sin of taking a knife to a gun fight.

RWS is the best of the ammo for the 22 mag RF but it is very expensive and I keep it for defense loads only. I get 1650+fps from the AMT autoloader with it. And that is the best velocity from a handgun I get with any RF mag ammo. The bullet of the RWS is jacketed and it is a soft nose hollow point. It's a real jacket also, not a gilded bullet. From my Winchester 20 inch levergun 9422M it gives 2310 fps and from my Henry 20 inch levergun I get 2272 fps for 5 shot averages.

I have taken a number of Coyotes with this ammo, before it became so expensive and hard to get. The little 40 grain bullet always held together well and usually expanded to around 35 caliber in lung tissue.

The Henry Rifle by the way...see very well made for the price...a little over 250 dollars in my area. The wood is outstanding, black walnut with a good deal of curl and wave in the forearm and stock, also good checkering on the forearm.

Turkey buzzards have extremely heavy feathers and feather spines in their wings...which cover their bodies well when they are on the ground or in trees. Back a number of years ago I had a little bolt action Anchutz in 22 magRF. And the Winchester ammo of the time would penetrate those wings with ease...where the CCI hyper velocity RF ammo (non magnum) wouldn't always make it thru. Now before someone jumps up about shooting vultures...yes they were protected but that was the problem. They had grown in numbers where they had become pests. You get a goodly number of them roosting in your farm's trees and they make a terrible mess out of the trees and the ground around them. Besides state law at the time said any animal destroying property could be eliminated.

They protect themselves by vomiting on their enemy. And they do it to each other...and they are always squabbling. All you need is to have one of your bird dogs come home half blind one day because he walked under 'their tree'. Their stomach acid is very harsh and strong. And you too, would drive them off your property. We had two types in Virginia in the 70s...the Red heads and the Black heads. The black heads were on the top of the chain or so it seemed...they were generally bigger and had the highest perches in the trees. Regular 22 RFs just didn't do the job. Tough birds.

Winchester's ammo was first on the market, brought out in the late 1950s when they developed the cartridge and it was loaded for rifle length barrels, so the powder is a slow burning type...Ruger followed with their Single Six handguns being chambered for the new round. (I didn't wait I had a Colt 22 RF single action I opened for the new round in 1960). CCI a number of years later came out with their 22 magRF ammo and it was loaded for handgun length barrels with faster burning powder.

I know because back then Winchester ammo would give higher velocities in rifles then CCI, but CCI ammo would give better velocities in handguns then had to be the burning rate of the powder. Of course all things change, the powder in WW and CCI ammo today, seems to be the same....and today we have a wonderful selection of the rimfire mag ammo on the market. Companies like Federal and Eagle have also jumped in to the market.

Guinea Hens are the best watch dogs for noise you can have on a farm. They are nature's loud mouths. I mean they really squawk and almost scream when anyone goes near their coop. Much less dogs. And in the early 1970s that's exactly what happened. I had a pack of five dogs come into the chicken and guinea coops of a friend I was visiting. Using a long barrel S&W 22 magnum (mod.48) and Winchester hollow point ammo I killed all five with five shots...longest range couldn't have been over 5 to 6 yards. They ran from around 25 lbs to near 50 lbs in weight if I remember....the happening is outlined in the text of my old book. (The text of the old book will be added to the new book). The shock I saw transmitted that day was like an 9mm hit on small animals I have shot. Very visible and noteworthy.

In my days in Federal Service a number of our agents carried two shot derringers in 22 magnum during undercover operations where a gun couldn't be seen. Very small and easy to hide...but yet nasty if hit with a shot from one. I fired one in the air one dark night in New York City, to get the attention of my backup officers....they said it looked like the electric company lighting the night! During the 1980s several medical examiners told us to shoot for the guts with the 22 mag...that it would fold the biggest bad guy up...or at least slow him considerably. That advice was followed, and proved to be very true in several uncover shootings.....

And a few years ago I had a young adult male pull a knife on me during an arrest. I put the muzzle of the AMT to his knee and fired a warning shot. He folded up and lay on the floor waiting for the medicos to arrive, crying for his momma...big bad dude that he was. When he gets out of the facilities given to him by the state, I don't think he will be doing any long foot races.

The round is not a true self defense cartridge, but in the right place it will slow an attacker way...way 1983 we answered a call where a young military house wife with a baby, with her husband away at the Air Base, shot a burglar that broke into her home. She shot him at across-the-room range. She had a Ruger single six 22 RF magnum.  Her husband taught her to aim for the third button down on a man sized target. And she did, but being fearful she keep shooting till the gun was empty. All bullets exited in a three inch or so pattern from the perp's back and it looked like the exit of a .410 shotgun load. Needless to say she did it all exactly right, and he is no longer terrorizing young women.

Like I said much closer to the 22 Hornet in power then the 22 rimfire. Normally it is said that the handgun in this caliber carried the power of a hyper velocity 22 rimfire from a rifle. But I think it's striking power is even more than have to look closely at the bullets in the 22 magRF ammo to appreciate what I am trying to convey. And the bullet is the key to the success of using this ammo on even small game animals like coyotes. the last five years or so several companies have started loading true varmint bullets in this round. CCI as usual started it with their MAXI load in hollow point for vermin class targets. That ammo has gone thru several changes over the last few years, and today it is called the MAXI Mag with the TNT HP tip. A hollow point that is so hollow you can look deep into it, 30 grains in weight over a very fine brownish/grey ball powder of 7 and ˝ grains. It runs almost 1500 fps from my 6 inch AMT and 2121 fps from my Henry. It made a very large ball of feathers out of a pidgin that has been making my Ford Ranger a target for his bombing runs. This is a varmint bullet pure and simple. It's not for saving small eating game meat. Unless you like mixed grill of whole animal....

CCI's older MAX-V hollow pointed ammo is different in several ways. It is loaded in nickel cases where the TNT stuff is in copper/brass. The bullet in the old ammo has a belt at the shoulder that is .224 and the TNT is .223. So you need to try and see which is more accurate in your gun. Also the old bullet doesn't have as deep a hollow point, or as wide an opening. It was made to go deeper and not expand as fast as the new one. They both have the same powder and amount, they both have concaved bottoms. The older ammo in my guns gives slightly better accuracy. But that is nit picking...and besides 22s even of the mag persuasion are notorious for liking what ammo they like. Two of the same guns right off the line together might have completely different tastes in ammo for accuracy...very common with 22s.

Winchester has a fairly new ammo out...called VARMINT is. It's a 34 grain bullet over what appears to be exactly the same powder and weight of charge as the CCIs. The bullet is definitely jacketed, not gilded, with a small hollow point, flat based and .224 in size. At the nose for around a 1/16 " down are cuts to help expansion. This is a very finely made bullet and the accuracy from my test guns was always near an inch at 25 yards from the handguns...and surprisingly 1 and ˝" at 100 yards from the Winchester 9422M. It's marked varmint on the box...but I have taken coyotes with this ammo and the bullet on side shots always makes it into the opposite excellent damage and quick death to the yote with side shots. This not just a vermin will take big small game with placed shots.

Though the velocity is not as high as the CCI MAXI loads, the Winchester is a reliable all around load from a rifle for small game. I still wouldn't shoot a squirrel with it, because it would ruin any eating meat. Unless I had a dead head shot. I don't eat squirrel ears....

Federal is in the game also with a 50 grain and 32 grain offering. The 50 grain is for larger animals but the velocity is down. Back in the 1980s Dick Casull (the designed of the 454 Freedom Arms handgun) had developed a fully automatic 22 magnumRF machine gun and 50 grain ammo was developed for it. I have knocked over a few yotes and a several wild dogs with it. And it is plenty effective, and I can recommend it for larger animals. No, not deer. Though I have done it with set head shots.

Some of the much older ammo from these companies wasn't bad it's own self. Winchester loaded a advertised 40 grain hollow point that had a very small hollow and was a true jacketed bullet. It got 2000+fps from my daughter's 18 inch Ithaca leveraction and it was the ammo I cleaned house with on those five dogs. The solid counter part only reached 1800+ fps, and I never understood why they loaded it that way. If it was for small eating game, they missed was almost as destructive as the hollow pointed stuff on small game. As I mentioned I once fired several holes thru a 1/4 inch steel angle iron that was anchored into cement in the I could hang a gate on it. The solids would completely go thru some dogs of substantial weight. The soft lead nose of the hollow point, went down from the nose for about a 1/8 " I said I'm going to miss this bullet. The solids were good for turkey some tell me, but I never used one for that so I can't say for sure.

As you can see from my photo in the Paco photo gallery I used centerfire handguns and cast loads on turkey. I shot a few dogs with WW 22 magRF solids, but wasn't impressed...neither fish nor foul. Also I found in 22 magRF handguns...even more than standard 22 RF handguns...the barrel gap is vitally important to be tight. I cut one gap back over fifteen hundredths and the velocity jumped 177 fps!

Barrels of 22 magnum RFs on rifles and handguns vary from .223 to .224. Ruger handguns for example are .223 because they are convertible with standard 22 RFs and 22 MagRFs. So try different kinds of ammo in your guns for accuracy.

I had gone hunting with Jim Taylor one year but the deer just were not cooperating. I went home without. The Kelly's needed meat that year as I remember, and I was walking with my wife in some wood lots behind our house in Tucson's far east side. A large buck came out of the scrub trees and just looked back glancing at us. I had the Colt clone in 22 magnum with me, with Winchester's 40 grain hollow points. I put one round right behind his ear at 20 yards and the little bullet exited the other side of his head, taking a good section of skull with it. Elmer Keith said once... "sometimes you have to do with, what you have to do with."

The 22 magnumRF out of a long barrel is matter the ammo type. When you are pushing a 32 to 40 grain bullet at 2000 fps plus things are going to happen to the target when hit. With no real recoil you can see the animal when hit....on substantial animals for the round like coyotes, you will see a reaction...a jump, falter, jerk, something....and if it's a lung shot he will go down fairly fast, usually within 100 or less yards. Of course a head or spine shoot will put him down immediately. Smaller animals like vermin just blow up. Good sized southwestern jack rabbits are tough animals....I stopped shooting them with regular 22s. It just wasn't fair to the animals...they would run off and die...or a coyote would follow up and nail them. But the 22 magRF will knock them over very well, with good shooting of course.

Winchester's 9422M in the XTR leveraction is a class act. I love the little's accuracy is more than acceptable, and it has the lure of wood smoke and old times about it. The Henry Rifle company has put out a new series of 22s and 22 MagRFs. The ones I have seen are very nice, good looking and the wood for a 22 rifle is superb. The cost is reasonable and the accuracy is there also. Ruger, Remington, BRNO all make autoloaders in the chambering. I have not had the chance yet to try them...but I bet there are very good. For those that like autoloaders, you should give them a try. Marlin of course makes fine 22 magRFs in a number of rifles and has a deserved accuracy reputation.

As for so many. But the ones I like best are the AMTs in 6" and 4 ˝ ", S&W's mod 48 is the top of the line and hard to beat. Ruger's single actions come in a number of models and types....Colt made a number of 22 mags on their large frame 357 mag handguns...but has dropped all the models. I once opened a Colt double action 22 RF Diamondback to 22 magRF....what a shooter that was. S&W has kit guns in the chambering....Ruger's double action 22/101 I think was offered in the chambering at one time...if you can't find one, the little 22 would be easy to rechamber. I have a 22 magRF rechambering tool and it is often used for me and friends on all kinds of guns. I looked up Clymer's cost for a 22 magRF reamer a while was around 30 to 40 bucks.

It may be a sleeper cartridge, but it is awakening, folks are learning it isn't some over active 22 RF but a real small game round....the ammo is a little expensive but not bad when you realize the true potential of the round. And all of us needs one really accurate firearm that we can't keep changing the loads on, by reloading. Something we know is going to hit right where we aim it, every time.....we do our part. They are nice to have around.......


This article reminds my I need a .22 mag. autoloader rifle . Thanks I'm going looking . Been so wrapped up on this mini I forgot this was my purpose six months ago before I ran across this forum. Any suggestions out there .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on December-22-12 06:12
This article reminds my I need a .22 mag. autoloader rifle . Thanks I'm going looking . Been so wrapped up on this mini I forgot this was my purpose six months ago before I ran across this forum. Any suggestions out there .

I REALLY got my eye on a Henry lever action .22 mag.


Thats a beautiful piece those henrys , can't go wrong . It's a toss up between lever henry and semi auto ruger .Those Henrys especially those brass ones I'm a sucker for that shiny brass . Was looking at a mares leg .45 colt with that Steve McQueen holster , oh buddy !!!!!!!!!!!
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on December-22-12 06:12
Thats a beautiful piece those henrys , can't go wrong . It's a toss up between lever henry and semi auto ruger .Those Henrys especially those brass ones I'm a sucker for that shiny brass . Was looking at a mares leg .45 colt with that Steve McQueen holster , oh buddy !!!!!!!!!!!

Well I looked it up. The Ruger Semi Auto only comes in 22LR. You see that is where I stop. I already have a .22LR Remington 597 with a 30 round clip and a scope.

I want a .22 magnum Rifle. The Henry Lever is about as close as one gets a new gun for fast fire. Seems the .22 Mag has been overlooked for the Semi Auto Rifle market. Not to say that it will not come back in the future. I seem to remember reading that the longer casing makes it hard to auto eject.

Magnum Research makes a few but *** those things are expensive!


If (if) they hit the market.
I have read a lot of positives on them.
With the new laws, who knows.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Uncle Lee,
That is not a bad find at all. About $600 with a 9 round mag hmmm...

After doing some more research I did find a Remington 597 in the .22 Mag Semi Auto. This has 8 round clip but no 25 or 30 rounds out there and the gun goes for almost $500.

That Henry Lever action goes for about $430. Also it is 11 + 1 rounds held but of course you have to jack the lever for the next shot. So not sure on which way I am leaning. I do like my Remington 597 .22LR great after I got an after market clip for it. So in a .22 Mag I already know out of the box it will be a keeper at least.


Liberalism is a Mental Disorder


IMPO It's hard to beat a lever action, but that's just the cowboy in me! :)


Quote from: agrizzlyman on December-22-12 08:12
This one caught my eye. Looks like fun.

Yea that Circuit Judge looks to be expensive too! LMAO

I am leaning more and more toward the lever action Henry but it will be next year before I do anything about it.


Circuit judge is cool I did not know that they made it for  22 I have the 45long colt 410  love it but then  the cowboy in me loves lever guns I have the 357 leaver  marlin moc 1894c 


Whatever it's going to be it's got to be WOOD dang it . Plastic guns just don't have any class as far as I'm concerned . They feel like holding a bunch of grocery bags  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .



I sure do agree on the wood guns!


Quote from: bud on December-22-12 08:12

IMPO It's hard to beat a lever action, but that's just the cowboy in me! :)

Don't forget pump action as a choice for cowboy shootin', ala Colt Lightning Magazine Rifle:

I think one of those in .22 Mag would go nicely with my Beretta Gold Rush Rifle and Remington 121.
"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler


My contribution:  A Browning BL-22 lr., model 2, 15 round, lever action with Bushnell 3x by 9x scope.  Laser sighted and VERY accurate. Loads of fun to shoot.  Looks very similar to the Henry.
Not here for a long time, here for a good time!


After about a year or so looking for a .22 Magnum Rifle, the Henry seemed to be the best offering. There is not many options out there right now. Almost every .22 Magnum semi-auto blowback design has failed and it looks like the recent Kel-Tec PMR-30 and RMR-30 will fail to. Reliable 22 Magnum semi-auto rifles are just not out there.

The Henry is smooth as silk, slim and perfectly balanced. Also need to mention that with the micro groove rifling it is very accurate. Do yourself a favor and just handle any Henry .22 rimfire Lever rifle, it will not be regretted. Then continue looking.

Again, I looked, looked and looked some more then ordered the Henry H001M without ever handling a Henry. I got it and immediately ordered a Henry H001L (carbine) .22 S/L/LR for the large lever loop and because the magazine capacity of .22 Long Rifle rounds matched the H001M. The large loop is for ease of use when wearing gloves, the magnum got a large loop too. The matching magazine capacity is for that habit thing, .22lr are cheaper to warm up with, then pickup the magnum to end a practice session or 100 yard plus practice.


Quote from: bud on December-22-12 08:12

IMPO It's hard to beat a lever action, but that's just the cowboy in me! :)

Yep, the cowboy rules in me also.
The only long gun I have left is a Puma 92 in .454 Casull.
I just shoot .45 Long Colt Cowboy loads out of it.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Now were talkin guns , nothing like shooting 45 long colts , pricy but worth the bang .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I have very old winchester pump its 22 but it will only shoot longs   
It was my wifes uncles   he still had the cleaning rod :)


What model is your Winchester pump rifle, a 61 or a 62A, or some other model?
I used to have a Winchester model 62A, but like a dumb ass, I sold it.   >:(


I have my grandfathers Winchester pump 22 built in 1908. Possibly the most accurate little rifle I've ever shot. 


It is a model90 There is pat. Dates of jun e 26 88. , dec 6  92, nov  27, 06  , may 30  1911 the first time i took it out to shot i hit a bottle cap at 10 yards first shot. I do not clam to be a very good shot but that was dam good in my book.  I love this gun very much.  It has a broken stock that they taped up early on and i will never take it of as it is what it is a family piece


Hers a photo


Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


For those of you wanting a semi auto .22 mag, Ruger has discontinued theirs. IF you can find one for sale, and the owner has a clue as to what he has, you will pay $550-$650 for it. Currently, The Remington is the most cost effective .22 mag rifle on the market. The next best fast firing rifle will likely be one of the pumps. Someone mentioned Marlins bolt action rifles. While they are nice, The Ruger 77-22 is worth the money. It will cost about 2 1/2 or 3 Mini revolvers to get one, but they are very well made and a scaled down version of the Ruger center fire rifles. I have a couple of the 77-22s, and love them.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Quote from: tocsn40 on December-23-12 21:12
Hers a photo

I have that same gun.... At least it looks just like it.

Winchester Model 1890 pump .22. I stopped shooting it because the rounds today do not feed right. I think the LR has evolved just enough to cause this old gun issues. At least in mine that is.

It was my Dads and before that it was my Grandfathers.

They go for about $700 now....


Wolf next time your looking for  22shells  lo for  22 long   not long rifle  you may be surprized
Some don't know that there is a long 


Bet ya Wolfar your rifle was designed for long shells . They (long rifle) didn't come into play till the late 1800's I believe 1887-89 . So your wonderful piece will load just fine with longs maybe even shorts . Good luck Merry Christmas as well .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: tocsn40 on December-24-12 08:12
Wolf next time your looking for  22shells  lo for  22 long   not long rifle  you may be surprized
Some don't know that there is a long

I will check that out thanks for the tip!

I miss shooting the old gun it was my favorite tromping through the back hills of central Nevada by myself almost every weekend. Man that thing was DEAD on!


The Henrys are nice.  I have the 20" Octagon barrel in .22 LR.  Been wanting one in .22 Mag.  I think if I was lost in the Southern piney woods or swamps I would do okay with a lever action .22 Magnum and a box of Maxi Mags.