
Started by naaadmin, April-01-24 12:04

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Hi all!

We are brainstorming some new ideas for accessories and we figured that you all would be the best people to ask!

Is there anything that you wish we had in the NAA accessory shop? Whether it is a new material grip, different style of holster, or something else, we are all ears! No idea is a bad idea. We are always aiming to improve to meet YOUR needs.

Thanks as always!


Yes, absolutely. I am looking for high end grips - even if those grips cost more than the firearm itself. I'm looking for jade grips in particular, but would also like grips made of silver, ebony wood, mother of pearl.


Thanks for asking. For the minis, I'd love to see grips made of a synthetic material like G-10 that are compact for concealability, yet contoured for a firm hold. The aftermarket options are bulky, in my opinion, and even block the lettering on the frame. I think NAA has the knowhow to design something that is functional and looks classy.



Did somebody mention Jade ?   ;)

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Quote from: pietro on April-02-24 05:04

Did somebody mention Jade ?   ;)

:D  :D

! ! !

Pietro: Where did you find these grips? Do you know what kind of jade this is?


  Checkered magnum boot grips . ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: PocketMagnum on April-02-24 05:04

Pietro: Where did you find these grips? Do you know what kind of jade this is?

I didn't find them, I made/shaped them from a pile of various polished jade ovals originally shaped to make slides for bolo ties -they were given to me after the polisher passed away.


There were no matched pairs of ovals in the lot, so I used other pieces for the reverse side of both guns.

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent



Some kind of rubber textured and palm swelled grips for the Guardians. Similar to the Ruger LCP Beavertail grips from Hogue.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


How about pocket holsters that resist moisture? Leather is classic, but for going out in rain or hot weather, it would be nice to have an option that won't get damp. One of my pug "holsters" is a wallet made from recycled fire hose, which just happens to fit the gun perfectly and is rigid enough to protect the gun during tough jobs like landscaping. Something purpose built would be even better.


Custom grips.
Laminated abalone


  The best grips are the ones you make for yourself . Relatively easy to do and very rewarding in the end . Antler ,mammoth ivory ,antler and last legal elephant ivory . Made a set out of petrified wood but that was a work out ,very hard material . Just as hard as Pietro beauties .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on April-21-24 09:04
  The best grips are the ones you make for yourself . Relatively easy to do and very rewarding in the end . Antler ,mammoth ivory ,antler and last legal elephant ivory . Made a set out of petrified wood but that was a work out ,very hard material . Just as hard as Pietro beauties .
Right why buy from NAA when they just want to control us make your own stuff or buy from a member here who can make you what you want


I make my own grips, but my leather work is not good. That comes from DGL.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


A nice kydex neck holster might be a good item.


A Kydex neck holster could do double duty as a tough pocket holster if it's shaped right. Or a convertible pocket/neck holster might work.


I would like to see unfluted cylinders available to purchase without sending in revolvers to fit to the NAA factory. Is that possible?
Plus the Mini revolver needs to be a standard purchase with rosewood boot grips. The one finger grip doesn't work well.
Also for my wife and her purse, she would like to see a NAA in a two shot top or side break break derringer in the same quality you offer in 380 and 32 auto. I would add the .22 Mag for sure.

you may not need it but you should have it


I very much like the pocket holster and exotic grip suggestions. I would also like to see NAA offer companion lock blade, assisted opening, USA manufacture, pocket knives in a 3" to 4" blade. My mini goes with me everywhere, but so does a good lock blade 4" knife. Mine has a nub on the rear of the blade that quickly pivots the blade into a locked position. NAA could offer companion knives matched to the Short, LR, and Magnum frame sizes. The knife scales could match various NAA pistol grip offerings. A fellow can't have too many good guns and good knives.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


What I would most like to see is some other great grip options for the revolvers. The design and the fact that they are all use rimfire rounds allows for innovations.

For example, I have only found one option which uses a ring in the grip design, the Billy Trident.

The big advantage of a ring for me is that it lets you get a secure grip easily because, properly designed, it serves both as an index to establish a consistent grip and, because there is relatively little recoil, it also allows for a much more secure grip on a relatively smaller, flatter grip profile.

Already mentioned by others, a neck holster seems like a good idea.

So does a kydex pocket holster with a thumb release created by a slightly flattened space you gently press down on over the hammer so the revolver stays secure but can be brought out smoothly and easily.