I am no longer a moderator here... :(

Started by MR_22, May-22-24 00:05

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Well, I guess the NAA board manager wasn't impressed with my offer to help moderate the group, as my moderator privileges--which I've had for years--have been revoked. I was one of the few who were defending NAA's changes here on the board, but apparently my efforts weren't much appreciated.



Quote from: MR_22 on May-22-24 00:05
Well, I guess the NAA board manager wasn't impressed with my offer to help moderate the group, as my moderator privileges--which I've had for years--have been revoked. I was one of the few who were defending NAA's changes here on the board, but apparently my efforts weren't much appreciated.


We are dust blowing in the wind.

We (our group) will be phased out and we will not be missed.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  Sign of the times "CHAPTER ELEVEN" is usually what follows after to many changes that were suppose to help out the bottom line but to "TO NO AVAIL" . It's all too obvious in all these foreclosures and they hide the facts to change anything . Good karma by its followers is their only recourse and NAA is losing that also . Oh well it is what it is .  8) 8) THIS FORUM HAS BECOME A HOME AWAY FROM HOME , FOR A GREAT MANY YEARS IF NOT DECADES SO TO CHANGE THATS BEEN ACCEPTED HURTS US OLD TIMERS ESPECIASLLY SO , WE ALSO FEEL WE ARE NOT LIKED OR EVEN WANTED FOR OUR FOLLOWINGS SUPPORTING NAA NO MATTER WHAT TOPICS DEVELOP . I other words the forum is a total lose in terms of promotion of NAA.s product lines of which we all disagree . With all the changed going on in this mixed up world we all have like minds to persuade the next generation of buyers whether its NAA.s or other weapons thats on the line to buy . Word of mouth it the best advertisements to date . Don't try new tricks on old guys it will be a great downfall and will take years and years to have anything of quality to redevelop again . AMEN  JUST TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THE MEMBER LIST OF POSTERS THAT IN ITSELF TELLS A LOMG STORY . EUOGH GOOD IDEA RANTES .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: MR_22 on May-22-24 00:05
Well, I guess the NAA board manager wasn't impressed with my offer to help moderate the group, as my moderator privileges--which I've had for years--have been revoked. I was one of the few who were defending NAA's changes here on the board, but apparently my efforts weren't much appreciated.


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: MR_22 on May-22-24 00:05
Well, I guess the NAA board manager wasn't impressed with my offer to help moderate the group, as my moderator privileges--which I've had for years--have been revoked. I was one of the few who were defending NAA's changes here on the board, but apparently my efforts weren't much appreciated.


Frankly, with the new management here, I'm surprised that your OP didn't get "disappeared"........

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Quote from: pietro on May-22-24 11:05
Frankly, with the new management here, I'm surprised that your OP didn't get "disappeared"........

I was actually thinking that very thought just before I refreshed the board now, wondering if it would still be there. At least it is, so good on them. I'm still rather disappointed, though.


Quote from: MR_22 on May-22-24 20:05
Quote from: pietro on May-22-24 11:05
Frankly, with the new management here, I'm surprised that your OP didn't get "disappeared"........

I was actually thinking that very thought just before I refreshed the board now, wondering if it would still be there. At least it is, so good on them. I'm still rather disappointed, though.

How did you find out that you went out with the trash,
Did they e-mail you?
Did you try to do something and fail?
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: Uncle_Lee on May-23-24 08:05
How did you find out that you went out with the trash,
Did they e-mail you?
Did you try to do something and fail?

There are different options when you're logged in. At the top menu bar that shows "Home Help Search Profile" etc., there's an option called "Moderate" that let you see all messages and photos that need approved before they can be seen on the board.

But the way I noticed it is that on each message, not just your own, there's an option to "Modify". You can edit other people's posts. That was gone. That's how i noticed it. No note from the board administrator, if that's what you're asking.




Quote from: MR_22 on May-22-24 00:05
Well, I guess the NAA board manager wasn't impressed with my offer to help moderate the group, as my moderator privileges--which I've had for years--have been revoked. I was one of the few who were defending NAA's changes here on the board, but apparently my efforts weren't much appreciated.

I always appreciated your posts, long before you switched names or became a moderator. It has been a fun time here. Think of it like this: instead of losing your position, you won less work!


Quote from: Dinadan on May-23-24 15:05I always appreciated your posts, long before you switched names or became a moderator. It has been a fun time here. Think of it like this: instead of losing your position, you won less work!

Thanks, my friend. It's always good to be among frieds.

To Old To Run

Your posts have always been a stabilizing factor on this forum, Mr. 22.
I've always known you for your great input on this forum, not for the position you held.


  Heck MR_22 it wasn't a union pay scale job anyhow . Your still here thats whats counts . By the way I think they (NAA) didn't do too bad a job so far I don't believe I've been sanctioned . Who cares if they do it will be just another cross for them to bare, after three we'll see if we will continue on here . I  haven't been posting much lately tripped and broke my upper right arm in three places  a couple of weeks ago (feel like an old man for sure now) so that really slowed down my one finger typing . broke the upper ball across and splintered forward and aft sides also at the top . I think I broke or cracked a rib the hospital missed just started acting up this past week . I  need everyones prayers around the world to get this fixed QUICK AND QUICK IS NOT QUICK ENOUGH . HA, HA OUCH , MOAN . If anyone has direct line to the POPE PLEASE ASK FOR HEALING ME AND GET THOSE WINNING LOTTO NUMBERS WHILE ON THE LINE . HAVE A EXTRA GREAT DAY FOLKS .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Sorry OV, us old, old men have to take it easy. Old bones break/shatter easily and heal slower. :(

I think that those in charge now have only the best at heart for us on the forum.
We will be as happy as we were after admin and members get used to how each other does things.
Just like a bird hunter gets a new dog. It takes time and effort on both sides in order to make a wonderful team.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Hate to hear about your arm OV. Hoping the best for you and a fast recovery. These old bones just don't seem to heal as fast nowadays.


Sorry to hear of your trauma OV .............. wishing you a quick and uneventful recovery.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: OV-1D on June-06-24 05:06Heck MR_22 it wasn't a union pay scale job anyhow . Your still here thats whats counts . By the way I think they (NAA) didn't do too bad a job so far I don't believe I've been sanctioned . Who cares if they do it will be just another cross for them to bare, after three we'll see if we will continue on here . I  haven't been posting much lately tripped and broke my upper right arm in three places  a couple of weeks ago (feel like an old man for sure now) so that really slowed down my one finger typing . broke the upper ball across and splintered forward and aft sides also at the top . I think I broke or cracked a rib the hospital missed just started acting up this past week . I  need everyones prayers around the world to get this fixed QUICK AND QUICK IS NOT QUICK ENOUGH . HA, HA OUCH , MOAN . If anyone has direct line to the POPE PLEASE ASK FOR HEALING ME AND GET THOSE WINNING LOTTO NUMBERS WHILE ON THE LINE . HAVE A EXTRA GREAT DAY FOLKS .

sorry to hear that OV. i hope you heal quickly and completely. coincidentally 2 weeks ago i tripped on a sidewalk crack, tried to regain my balance with my left foot couldnt, went down face first barely got my hands in front of me and bounced my head and face off the concrete. my right knee broke the fall a little bit. just stayed still laying there a couple of minutes to take a mental survey of how badly i was hurt. people came over to help me. i got up looked in a store window reflection and looked like chuck wepner when he fought ali. i had an egg sized on my forehead, but luckily didnt break anything. A lady said i am going to call an ambulance for you, i said no please, this isnt the first time ive gotten hit hard in the head. ive fallen downstairs, through a floor, off a fire escape. gotten in many fights as a kid etc i went home and self monitored for a concussion or a brain bleed. I know what to look for.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


  Almost identical Joe tripped on a separation in my pavers , picked up these livetraps I have for rats and squirrels one under each arm . No sooner I turned I was on my way down . Landed on one steel cage under right arm a pretty much crushed it with my body after bouncing my head off the corner of the cage cut me like a stick pig ended up with a golf ball size gash bleeding real well . T hats when I  realized I  couldn't move  my right arm very far. Black and blue from the elbow to the shoulder . Wasn't going ambulance till I figured I couldn't get in the car so 911 later . Dam hospital didn't even find the rib cracked or broken that will be determined next week at the doc's office . And here I talk about the luck of the Irish , not that day HA,HA . Seems JOE we are BOTH going to need handlers before too long ,HA,HA . Here I have COPD and coughing is a battle with sharp sticks . I'm into my third week of eight week recovery . ..........................."SLOWLY WE TURN STEP BY STEP" AS THE SAYING GOES . Better days ahead I HOPE ,HA .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


OUUUUUCCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!!! For both of you.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


wow ! you did a number on yourself!
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Hurry up and mend. Get back to normal.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I second what uncle Lee said. Take it easy and get back up and going.



Thanks guys went to the doc yesterday and he was scratching his head how fast I'm healing almost 100% after only three and a half weeks .,I called it Divine Intervention ,"IT WORKS FOR ME ANYHOW"
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Well, if 100% is as good as you can do, be happy with it. :)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  Oh NO I think I've been erased on one of my posts . Rachel tell me it isn't so I know I have a bad habit of dragging some subjects out but I do apologize for my rantings . I forgot just where I posted it by the way . ;)  ;)        I FEEL VIOLATED IN SOME WAY but I took the Biden stance at the podium . HA ,HA .  Do you feel that cold stare moderator ?   I was really asleep ,Ha .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


If the "woke generation" infiltrates our forum successfully we are doomed!
We are a spceial society of gun owners here and there is no place for anyone that disagrees with our values,
interests or convictions.
I smoked a pipe for 50 years and was on a pipe forum for a long time until anti-smoke activists were able to join and infiltrated the site and took over to ruin the site. Sadly now it no longer exits.
Don't let that happen here!

You may not need it but should have it.


QuoteIf the "woke generation" infiltrates our forum successfully we are doomed!

Don't let that happen here!

We are afraid it is too late Anvi!  Confident it has already happened.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Thanks for all the well wishes you guys . I'm pretty much 90% now with some restrictions in places I can't reach as I use to . Still aches like a son of a gun but all in all I didn't kill myself falling ..................... Besides I did fall BUT I COULD GET UP , HA .  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: RogueTS1 on July-25-24 07:07
QuoteIf the "woke generation" infiltrates our forum successfully we are doomed!

Don't let that happen here!

We are afraid it is too late Anvi!  Confident it has already happened.

They removed 2 of the most used sections.
Seems as though if we are not "woke", we are going in that direction. I don't see most of the "family" here when I read through the posts each morning.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Oops .............. we were incorrect. We found the supposedly missing post. It was in another section. Sorry about that.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I posted about how hot it is twice. One I started and another on one of  OV-1ds posts. Both are gone.  :o
Death before Decaf !!!!!


Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on July-26-24 09:07I posted about how hot it is twice. One I started and another on one of  OV-1ds posts. Both are gone.  :o

Might have been "thread drift".
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  OH MY the dreaded "Thread Drift" . The curse of the internet social sites . Imagination MUCH BE QUELLED by all means . PPLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE ......................... Thread drift is what keeps the world turning and keeps us old folks young . Believe it . :)  :)  :) 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on July-27-24 08:07OH MY the dreaded "Thread Drift" . The curse of the internet social sites . Imagination MUCH BE QUELLED by all means . PPLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE ......................... Thread drift is what keeps the world turning and keeps us old folks young . Believe it . :)  :)  :) 

Ra, Ra, Ra !!!!!!
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on July-26-24 09:07I posted about how hot it is twice. One I started and another on one of  OV-1ds posts. Both are gone.  :o

i don't know how you guys live with the temperature over 100 for long periods of time, when it hits 90 here its too hot for my tastes, especially as i get older.florida, the gulf states, and now the southwest is just too hot for me.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today