BW and LCP .22

Started by camo, July-31-23 17:07

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It was hot, but shot a few rounds with the B/W this afternoon. First time in a long time shooting with the stock grips.  12'   5 yds.  I even decided to try 10 yds. The 10 yd is the bottom right.

top dog

Those groups are looking pretty good.

Glad to see that you are getting out for more shooting
                              Top Dog


I should have added that on the 10 yd shooting, I was resting my wrists on top of the steering wheel of utv. For me, 10 yds. is a long shot with B/W. I very seldom shoot past 7 yds.

top dog

Still,even from a rest,those are pretty good shots!!

As I have said (many) times before,actual SD ranges are way less than ten feet,not yards.

When you have a chance,just try a few quick SD shots at say 8 feet and see how you do.

Use a small paper plate for the target.

Jelly Bryce drills (look him up and you will see what I mean) consist of 5 or six shots at a playing card size target at 8 feet. I do them often.

                                                 Top Dog


Top Dog,
I will look him up. I used to use paper plates as targets, but these girls kept ordering stuff and had so many boxes to break down and throw away, I started cutting them up and using for targets. It's more fun for me shooting 10' 12' and 15'. But for me 10 yds, its work. Haven't asked you in a while and don't  mean to be to personal, but how you been doing?

top dog

I am doing well. The cardiologist said that I was not to shovel snow or climb any hills.

So.......after each snow storm I would shovel my walk and driveway and three of my neighbors as well. As for climbing hills,I do that each week on my squirrel (in season) or coyote (all year long) safaris.

In other words,I am doing quite well.

I go to the outdoor range about twice a week and try my hand at fishing often.

And yes,my BW is with me at all times.

                                              Top Dog


Top Dog,
Good to hear. Both health and getting to shoot. You shooting more and I'll probably be shooting less. It's done getting to hot to enjoy shooting here. I'll pick a spot in the shade all along, and shoot a few rounds. I'm still trying to decide I want another B/W or mini master. I even think about the Ranger ll some. But that price turns me away. Plus I'm used to the sights on my B/W.


Quote from: camo on May-10-24 18:055-10-24

I think I'd rather have the 2.5" model. For the price though, I might have to just get another B/W.
Just keep looking.
That's how I found mine at PSA on a one day sale last month for $299.99.


Have you got a chance to shoot it any yet? How you liking it?


Quote from: top dog on June-03-24 05:06Camo,
I am doing well. The cardiologist said that I was not to shovel snow or climb any hills.

So.......after each snow storm I would shovel my walk and driveway and three of my neighbors as well. As for climbing hills,I do that each week on my squirrel (in season) or coyote (all year long) safaris.

In other words,I am doing quite well.

I go to the outdoor range about twice a week and try my hand at fishing often.

And yes,my BW is with me at all times.

                                              Top Dog

i have observed that stubborness is a factor in longevity
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

top dog

My son's wife's grandmother sometime back had gone to the hospital for some minor eye surgery. It was the first time she was in a hospital in 105 years. She attributed her longevity to the lack of seeing doctors.

                                   Top Dog


Quote from: top dog on June-04-24 09:06Heyjoe,
My son's wife's grandmother sometime back had gone to the hospital for some minor eye surgery. It was the first time she was in a hospital in 105 years. She attributed her longevity to the lack of seeing doctors.

                                   Top Dog

the more you go to the doctor the more they find, the more drugs they give you. i think your way is the better way than laying around and giving up 
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: camo on June-04-24 05:06Armybrat,
Have you got a chance to shoot it any yet? How you liking it?
Not yet.
Fit & finish are flawless.

top dog


When you do get to fire it. Please let us know how it does.

If possible some photos of the test target so Uncle Lee can look and enjoy his coffee.

Hey Joe,
You are so right. Once in the clutches of the doctors/medical may as well go out back and pull the lawn over your head.

All they want is to have you keep coming back so they can pad the bill.

                                                             Top Dog


It was hot, but I shot a few rounds yesterday. Top two are from 12' and the bottom right is 15'. Not much difference. Actually took the LCP .22, but didn't shoot it. Still carrying the B/W.

top dog

The fact that you are getting in practice on a regular basis is good.

I know a number of folks who get their permits and the last time they fired that gun was for the permit process.

Shooting skills,like everything else,will deteriorate w/o frequent practice.

Yeah,I still pack the BW. Seems that no matter what,I always return to that for EDC..

                                                    Top Dog


Yep,I know a few folks like that also. Buy a gun and a box of ammo, bring it home, take out to back yard and fire a few rounds, put back in box and don't see it again for a long time. Sometimes years.

top dog, I really like my B/W. I may be getting close to buying another NAA. I like the 2.5" Ranger II, but not the price. Plus I haven't seen one with both cylinders. I've found the 1 5/8" one with both cylinders, but just don't want to go less than 2". I can buy another B/W for whole lot less. What do you think? Plus I don't know about longer than the 2.5" for carrying. Anybody else have suggestions? Just trying to make up my mind.


Well, I already have 5 NAA's but the local Cabela's has a Mini Master in a display case and it's very tempting.
I love the look and weight of it but wish it had the push release for the cylinder instead of the pull down.

you may not need it but you should have it


I was actually thinking about the mini master earlier. But what I get, I'll be carrying. The 4" barrel would be nice for shooting but carrying may be a little harder. If I walked in a store and that's all they had, it would be tempting.


I still think the best EDC is the Pug. It's concealable, balanced and potent with .22 mag hollow points and accurate at close range.

you may not need it but you should have it


I like the looks of the pug. I had a 1-1/8" mini mag until last year. Let one of the grandkids have it. Course I like looks of B/W to.


Quote from: camo on June-22-24 19:06I like the looks of the pug. I had a 1-1/8" mini mag until last year. Let one of the grandkids have it. Course I like looks of B/W to.
The Black Widow has a very daunting look in the black finish with the unfluted cylinder.
A Mini Master in black finish would scare me into buying one for sure! ;) 
you may not need it but you should have it

top dog

Anvil & Camo,

Nice thoughts for sure.  Some years ago,I showed my friend my BW while I was at a knife show in NJ. (I have a national carry permit). He liked it so much,when he went back to Miami,he went looking for an NAA at the local gun shops.

He could not make up his mine whether it be a Sidewinder or Ranger and asked me what to do.

Typical NAA forum answer???  Buy both!  He did.

About a week or so later,he was walking his dog in a park that had a swamp area nearby. A 12 foot Burmese Python showed up and he dispatched it with one 22 mag HP round.  (head shot,12 feet or so).

KInd of hard to make up your mind when there are so many superb choices. PUG,BW,22lr mini,they are all good.

Sorry I can't give you an answer on choice but I am sure that no matter what you pick out,it will be great.

                                                  Top Dog


I suppose having so many choices to choose from is a good problem to have. I just think over 2.5" barrel length will be pushing it for comfortable EDC, and I don't really want less than a 2" barrel. That should make it easy to decide. But it don't seem to. Since the Ranger ll with 1-5/8" barrel seems easier to find, I'm kinda looking at it more. Decisions, Decisions. Let me know your thoughts on the 1-5/8" barrel.

top dog

Again,it is really what you are comfortable with.

Nothing at all wrong with the shorter bbl. For a number of years the 1 5/8 inch bbl magnum was my "palm pistol" when I was on the job.

At true work distances,the 1 5/8 inch is plenty accurate.

Sit back,think over your choices and I am sure that you will find the right one.

                                                      Top Dog


The one thing I'm sure on is, which ever one I decide on, I'm gonna get both cylinders.

top dog

That is a very good idea to get both the 22lr and magnum cylinders.

For my extra cylinders I have each one in a separate 35mm film canister with the serial number listed on the outside. If no canisters are now available,a small prescription bottle will work.

This way it eliminates any mix ups.

                               Top Dog


If you do decide to use the prescription bottles, make sure your name is on them or the cops will take you in. :)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


That wouldn't be good. I'm to old for them blue lights to be coming after me.


  Above all make sure all the good meds are taken out also . Besides some meds are so small they will not load properly and roll out the barrel .  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I don't have two cylinder revolvers other than my old Ruger Single Six. From what I've read here my life with my NAA's is much simpler without them! ;) 
You go guys! I reckon I'm not that organized. :-[ 
you may not need it but you should have it

top dog

OK,best idea is to use the 35mm film canisters to avoid getting the small pills in the chambers.

And.............make certan that there is no film in the container..............

                                                                   Top Dog


TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .