Goodbye, my friends! I am LEAVING the NAA Board today.

Started by MR_22, June-18-24 12:06

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 >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(

Goodbye, my friends! It's been a good run. I joined the NAA board in 1998, over a quarter century ago, and I've had some good times and met some great people.

Today, that time has come to an end.

NAA deleted my post where I mentioned the Supreme Court stopping the ban on bump stocks. This is unacceptable. I have been one of NAA's biggest defenders during the recent board changes, but they have crossed the line.

No private message explaining what they are doing, nothing. No mention of any sort. They are deleting messages they don't like. That is not acceptable moderator behavior from a gun manufacturer. What else are they deleting?!?

I've known Sandy for over 20 years. I never expected anything like this to occur at NAA, especially in my own neighborhood (I live some 10 or 12 miles from the factory).

Bye, my friends. I shall miss you greatly.  (Read this fast, they may delete this message as well.)

-- Darvell

 >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(



I'm sure there will be an excuse for the inexcusable - at least (happily) they're shooting themselves in the foot by offending loyalists like us.

I'm pretty much done here, also - Via 'Con Dios !

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


The ship has been hit and it looks like it is sinking.
Members of the crew are going overboard and are swimming away.
I think I will tread water until it goes down. It is the only place that I feel contact with the real world.

Good Bye to those that I feel deeply for and respect.
You have given me what I have needed most. Fellowship.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Seems they are joining the other social media crowds in making new rules . Comply or be gone . Why would bump stocks have any reason to be deleted ?
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: pietro on June-18-24 18:06.

I'm sure there will be an excuse for the inexcusable - at least (happily) they're shooting themselves in the foot by offending loyalists like us.

I'm pretty much done here, also - Via 'Con Dios !

yet when i said the same thing a few months ago you crucified me. hypocrite. you i wont miss

It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


HeyJoe please let me pull those nails out for you .  Pietro back then was eating too large a meals accordingly to his (not so good looking pictures by the way) Ha ,Ha pictures . Indigestion problems caused that outburst by Pietro . ;)  ;)  ;) ........................ I'm sure NAA will see the error of their ways pretty soon ., maybe give us a little more leeway or line so to say . PLEASE WE BEG OF YOU UP THERE !!!!!!!!!   Besides how many more years ,heck moments , do the best of us have left anyways to put up with ????  Old dogs and new tricks you know that saying .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


OR, I can give them my credit card number and my dealer's FFL and they could ship 2-22mag/22LR Sentinels with consecutive serial numbers to him for me.
NOW, that would make me happy. Something like "Early Bird" times again.

Hey NAA admin.
If you will do that, send me an e-mail. I'll keep it a secret.   
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


This is why years ago they added "Off topic" and "Politics and Religion" as topics. It gave us one place to talk. Kept it contained. We are old. Don't give a  :) what the others think. You want to kiss P C A**? Count me out also. I will cry. My Shrinks DR's Walker ,Smirnoff ,Quervo    and Beam say i am right.  Give us back "off topic" and "P&R"!! What do you have to loose? The forum is your best face.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


There was a very good steakhouse just down the road from me. Amazing salad bar, great steaks. Was very successful for 20 + years. The owner decided to retire. He sold it to a "chef". The chef eliminated the salad bar, and changed the menu. 6 months later he went bankrupt. He shouldn't have messed with a sure thing. Alienated the core customer. Wanted to improve things. He cooks for the school system now.
 I will never buy another NAA product again, unless there's a management change. Too bad. It used to be a good company.

  Good luck to you all. I will not be back.


Unbelievable Mr. 22 .................... and inexcusable. They do not like bumpstocks? Wonder what they think about the real things then. Let us see:
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: 5_shooter on June-20-24 07:06There was a very good steakhouse just down the road from me. Amazing salad bar, great steaks. Was very successful for 20 + years. The owner decided to retire. He sold it to a "chef". The chef eliminated the salad bar, and changed the menu. 6 months later he went bankrupt. He shouldn't have messed with a sure thing. Alienated the core customer. Wanted to improve things. He cooks for the school system now.
 I will never buy another NAA product again, unless there's a management change. Too bad. It used to be a good company.

  Good luck to you all. I will not be back.

  We see this happening all the time over and over again . Mental midgets think they can make a better mouse trap even thought the trap can't hold anymore .That same thing happened at least five times in my area this past six months, its as if they need the tax deduction for IRS . These were perfectly great restaurants before the belly up started to show .   ]
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I reckon I"m just an old codger and don't see the advantage of multi shot firearms or bumpstock rifles.
I was tought at an early age that one shot, one kill was the way of hunting.
However I do see the need for civlian response if the need arises. I.E. the movie Red Dawn rings true.
The fact that our enemies are aware that most civilans here are armed has to be a definate deterant!
You may not need it but should have it.


Pretty much the same with me. No telling how many times I heard,  You better make that first shot count.Thing is, growing up, I only had a single shot.


You still with us Darvell ??? I need a picture of an ugly , fugly gun to start my day today . Be a good sport and come on back my friend .
  You know MR_22 we will think of you as a Karmela Harris cheerleader if you don't respond just like Harry (whats his name).
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Yea, I think I'm out too. I'd stick around to check in once in a while, but this Gods awful font they INSIST on using is basically unreadable for any length of time. Good luck and Goddess Bless to all!