Ken Friel

Started by Sandy, September-28-24 14:09

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It saddens me to report that, late last week, while in Arizona visiting with his family, Ken Friel suffered a heart attack and passed, one week short of his 64th birthday.  He died far too soon.

Ken's entire 40+ year career was spent working at North American Arms.  When I arrived in the early 90s, he was assistant general manager and was promoted to the top job after I was made responsible for the business.  It was during the year that I was still working for Teleflex that I became familiar with Ken, his skills and his leadership, and became convinced that, with his support, I could own and operate the business from afar.

Many will know that during my 30+ year ownership, I never lived within 1500 miles of the factory and was entirely dependent on Ken and his team to keep the lights on and product moving out the door.  Ken treated the business like his own, and I was pleased and lucky to have him do so.  I trusted him without reservation.

In so many respects, he was a far more successful manager than I was.  My biggest skill was to recognize his and, for the most part, to simply stay out of his way.  Ken is due the lion's share of the credit for the success that NAA enjoyed during his tenure.  His familiarity with the product, the manufacturing process and the market was far greater than my own; I was little more than a lucky and very appreciative beneficiary of Ken's diligence and hard work.

It goes without saying that I've lost a very close friend.


Yes indeed Sandy. he was way too young! My thoughts and prayers go out to your good friend and his family. Very sad to hear.  :'(
 Maybe the Lord took him home because He needed him there more than we did here.
you may not need it but you should have it


Sandy, sorry to hear that. My prayers go out for him and to all who loved him.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

Serious smoke being sent. Always sad to hear of yet another superb person passing.

                                  Top Dog


Sandy my condolences to you on the loss of your friend and to his family, friends and co workers. Rest In Peace 
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


GOD's speed Ken with your entrance thru those pearly gates . The world has lost another true tradesmen , not too many left looking at todays manufacturing and its lack of professionalism . GOD BLESS .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


RIP Ken .............. Our condolences and prayers Sandy and Ken's family.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

top dog

I did Church/security yesterday and during the service focused my prayers to Ken and the family.

And yes,a BW was part of the security system.

                                               Top Dog


I am very saddened to hear about Ken.

In 2005, I had recently retired from a 30 year LE career, and visited with Ken several times about a personal defense firearm that would be effective and easy to carry concealed. He steered me toward the Black Widow (which I bought), describing several documented instances of very effective use by LE officers. I've been using it since.

We also visited about the .22 short cartridge, finding that we shared a liking for it as well as for a particular model of pistol that we both had acquired over the years and previously modified in the same manner(converting from a 2" barrel to a 4"). He was considering threading the barrel on his to accept a suppressor.

When I learned of his retirement, I always planned to try to contact him again to just visit and to again let him know that I appreciated his friendly, open willingness to just visit. I never did... and really wish I had.
He was indeed a good guy.


Condolences and good thoughts from deep in the heart of Texas.
RIP Mr. Friel.