
Started by Jayz, November-23-24 20:11

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Federal premium speer 22 wmr tnt 30 grain with muzzle vel of 2200fps stated on box. Out of what length barrel? Is it ok to use in my mini revolver 1 5/8  inch barrel in my NAA 22wmr? Manual says nothing over 1860 fps. Again barrel length? :-\


Is velocity in any gun related to barrel length? It is not stating varmint on box... Already bought a box of 50 before.I saw the warning about nothing over eighteen sixty and this stuff is twenty two hundred.


Jayz, all I've found different with longer barrels is an better sight radius. And that makes little or no difference with NAA's.  I think Velocity depends on the twist and powder charge.
you may not need it but you should have it