So I bought a Sentinel

Started by PeeShooter, November-27-24 15:11

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I sold my Wasp to a friend and felt neked.  Have some $$ in a credit card account so I decided to get an overpriced Sentinel with the 22 long rifle cylinder.

It should be coming in a week or so (I hope) and it will cover all the bases for size and convenience.  The flip out cylinder is what really hooked me in.  I got the one with the 1.5 inch barrel for super concealment and ease of carry as a backup.

Pictures and range report forthcoming.


Very nice Peeshooter! Enjoy and let us know how it preforms. ;)
you may not need it but you should have it

Mike In A Truck

I just picked up my NAA-SNT-C Sentinel last night! What a beautiful piece. This will replace my NAA 1.5" 22 magnum as my EDC. Whoo boy I don't know about anyone else but those cylinders are tight! I had to work both the 22lr and magnum cylinders in and out slathered in break free ( lapping?) To get them to open easily.  Now they snick open like oil on a babies arse. I ordered a Hammr Forge hook grip for it along with the pocket clip. They don't guarantee fit on swing cylinder NAA revolvers so I'll see how that goes. I test fired both cylinders in the dark last night with a target lit by flash ight. Will be carrying Gold Dots cause I have a case of it. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

top dog

That looks very nice. Range report when you have a chance.

                             Top Dog



Well here it is.  As others found, the cylinder is tricky to open, but after practicing a bit, I found the best way to get it open and closed.

The first shot with a Hornady Critical Defense magnum resulted in a no go with just a click.  I checked the round to see if it was hit and it was.  I had a few more failures to fire with the magnum rounds, but all the long rifles worked ok.

Without getting deep into it, I "altered" the hammer so the firing pin area protruded a few thousandths deeper into the cylinder causing a harder hit on the round.  So far it seems that did it.

While in there, I honed and polished the sear and slot it contacts on the hammer.  This made the trigger, still as safe as before, but considerably lighter than the very stiff factory version.



I'm not shocked to hear of issues with .22 Mag going click, I find it to be less reliable than .22 LR.

But since it costs more every numbskull on the internet thinks that automatically makes it better for reliability.

I'd like to hear more about that alteration to the hammer.


Quote from: TruthTellers on December-13-24 06:12I'm not shocked to hear of issues with .22 Mag going click, I find it to be less reliable than .22 LR.

But since it costs more every numbskull on the internet thinks that automatically makes it better for reliability.

I'd like to hear more about that alteration to the hammer.

It seemed like the problem was light strikes.  I had nothing to compare it to and when I looked at how far into the hammer protrusion from the frame, it appeared to come up short.

I took the parallel jaw machinist vise I have and super glued some 220 grit wet and dry sandpaper to the top of the jaws at the end of the jaws.  Then fit the hammer tip that contacts the round into the small gap between the jaws that I adjusted the vise to and sanded the leading sides of the hammer down so the tip effectively became longer thus allowing the tip to protrude deeper into the frame.

From what I could see, the hammer stops against the frame so that didn't change and the contact points are still parallel which distributes the stopping force equally, but now the business end of the hammer goes in deeper.

In looking at the dimple in fired shells, they appear more struck.  In searching this problem, it does seem that others had a 22 magnum problem.


Went to the range today and no misfires.  Looks like that was it


glad to hear,  enjoy !!   8)
"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"


If I see that an expelled casing doesn't have deformed , the tip of the casing should not be entirely round anymore , I figure the hammer is not hitting deep enough on any rimfire cartridge .I want to deform the brass edge after striking . I can't remember when I had a misfire , maybe early on before I started looking at my spent . ;)  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .