NAA values going forward

Started by Anvil, December-01-24 19:12

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Do you think our NAA firearms will increase or decrease in value over time? Does used or new really  matter that much in resale? I have 6 now and wonder if they were a good investment or just novelties collected for my grandkids to inherit. 
The reason I ask is so far the grandkids are not really interested shooting or firearms.  :(
you may not need it but you should have it


In 20 years, if the anti-gunners don't get their way, they will be worth considerably more. Whether they will outrun the inflation rate-I don't know.


Anvil rarity will dictate prices no matter how old or used , I too have bunches of grandchildren but their closeness to me is kinda distant with no interests in what I collect which will be a big BIG loss to them . I feel I want to leave everything to the ASPCA , maybe some to church, for my dogs give me more attention and actual love than this generation of kids . All dogs are pretty much the same if you take care of them even the wife kinda agrees . Sounds rather callous but its the truth . >:(  :( 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on December-02-24 07:12Anvil rarity will dictate prices no matter how old or used , I too have bunches of grandchildren but their closeness to me is kinda distant with no interests in what I collect which will be a big BIG loss to them . I feel I want to leave everything to the ASPCA , maybe some to church, for my dogs give me more attention and actual love than this generation of kids . All dogs are pretty much the same if you take care of them even the wife kinda agrees . Sounds rather callous but its the truth . >:(  :( 
Yeah we have had several dogs over the years and their love devoted to us was very special. The hard part is deciding to put them down when they can't function properly anymore. It's sad that they can't live as long as we do.
Back to the subject at hand, I really don't care about gun values going forward unless I someday [color=var(--body_text_color)]need to sell them to survive in my old age. Yes my mom is 102 and still sharp as a whip.[/color]
you may not need it but you should have it