My motto

Started by Anvil, December-23-24 19:12

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Years ago my best defense gun was the beloved Ruger Bearcat. Not the best to carry daily. No I'm not a semi-auto guy and yes I have a Colt Anaconda, a S&W 66 and model 27 .357 Mag but how troublesome are they on a simple walk in the park? I'm sure most members have seen my Motto,  "you may not need it but you should have it."
So I'm here now to expand on it.
Since retiring, my wife and I enjoy daily walks in the parks and along the city lake.
Yes, even in small town Kansas we have transients and homeless people sticking around or passing through.
Now, when I wear jeans I carry my new "small of the back" holster with the Mini Master.
In the past I've always had my Pug handy in wearing sweat pants and even shorts in the summer!
Just imagine being assulted out in the open or a tree cove by a stranger with no source of defense!
Thank you NAA for suppliying us with light weight formidable weapans for personal daily protection! ;D
I think NAA has found the diference and balance between kill and defend!
Classify me as a defender! ::)
you may not need it but you should have it

top dog

Sounds to me like you pretty much got all bases covered.

The 22 magnum,according to the late Bill Jordan is a "wicked little cartridge".

Not only are you prepared,but obviously aware of any potential threats.

                                                          Top Dog