I'm not sure why

Started by Anvil, January-11-25 21:01

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I'm not sure why there's so much interest in the (sidewinder) swing out cylinders and top break NAA revolvers and now the Sentinel.
I mean for shooting at paper targets there is no hurry to reload.
I mean in defense 5 rounds should deture most intruders.(I'd shoot for the knees)[color=var(--body_text_color)]Espsially in .22 Mag.[/color]
I mean you should be able to kill an envasive varmint at close range within 5 tries on your patio.
I mean if you are a true collector then they are indeed a must to have.  :)

you may not need it but you should have it


Because I know of people that had major disasters with take apart revolvers (H&Rs) OUT IN THE FIELD back in the day, I like the idea of a revolver staying in one piece while reloading.   On a range with a bench it is not an issue, but in the field, it can become a major issue when you drop the pin.
Back in the day, in training as a combat cameraman, using Nikon F cameras, we were told that we had to be very careful while reloading the camera.   On the F model, the back came completely off, so you ended up dealing with the camera body, the camera back, your exposed roll of film, and your new roll of film, and if you were standing in a rice paddy at the time, it was guaranteed that you were going to drop one of them.

top dog

You are right there for sure!!

In the heat of battle,when the popcorn is really hitting the fan,all your fine and gross motor skills pretty well go to heck.

With that camera,you probably needed a third or fourth hand!!!

                                             Top Dog