An informal Poll

Started by zippovarga, January-03-13 10:01

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Which do you prefer with the Earlybird Offering

Retain the lottery but notify the pecking order
9 (45%)
First come First Served
11 (55%)

Total Members Voted: 20

Voting closed: January-10-13 10:01


Informal Poll on Early Bird Procedure Preference

Hey light of the December Soapbox, I propose an informal Poll, just to see which of two Early Bird programs we would rather see with the next offering from Sandy and his wonderful team.

Retain the lottery, but notify the pecking order


Go back to First Come First Served

Simple....but the results may help influence the way the next EB release is handled. Thanks for participating!!

Cheers!! Zip

cedarview kid

I'm definitely for going back to First ordered, First Received. At least then you know why you're low on the list.

Better than that, though--let's go with the total number of NAA board posts! ;)


Quote from: naa_collector on January-03-13 10:01
I'm definitely for going back to First ordered, First Received. At least then you know why you're low on the list.
Well, you have a point, but I didn't find out about it until a few days after it started. Then I quick put in my application.  And even so, I wound up at the very bottom of the barrel!  Not complaining about that - luck of the draw. 

At least the lottery approach gives everybody an even chance, regardless of when they hear about it or can get their paperwork in.  I imagine some folks who heard about it early-on may have had delays getting their FFL to cooperate, thru no fault of their own.

QuoteBetter than that, though--let's go with the total number of NAA board posts! ;)
Hey, gotta give us newbies at least a little break!  ;D

Tho I certainly appreciate all the contributions you old-hands make here on the board - it's great reading some of the "voices of experience"!
the (old) soldierboy


I like the lottery even though I got a fairly high number, I was given a equal chance and it was easy.


I guess I'm an "Early Bird gets the Worm" type. If I am first in line, I should be privy to a low serial number. But, that's just me, which is why I wanted to do this poll, to get a general idea of where the masses stand. I exchanged emails with Sandy on the subject, but was unsure how many others emailed him about the Early Bird Program, so this was my way of finding out what's what in the world of preference. Either way, I am just glad to be able to participate. It's a great honor to be considered the "elite" group of fortunate recipients of an early bird offering, and that alone is thanks enough for me. High or low number, at least I have my EB Sidewinder, where the production number is very limited. I'm guessing fewer EB prefix Sidewinders than total Rangers. Not that will increase their collectible factor like it did with the Ranger, but it is nice to have that EB on it.

Again, a HUGE Thanks to Sandy and his team for yet another stellar Mini offering!!  8)


I think the way they did it; lottery for all those within the first few days and then by order thereafter. That way all those placing orders early, within a reasonable time, have a chance at the extra special ones.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

cedarview kid

Well, honestly, I'm OK with whatever way Sandy wants to do it--as long as he KEEPS doing it. I don't want them to stop because we complain too much. I'm just happy to be in line--although I'd rather be at the front of that line, hehe!


The way they did it; lottery for all those within the first few days and then by order thereafter. 8)


i like option C.  NAA does it whichever way is easier for them to do.

It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


We are lucky NAA does this at all!!


Sheesh, this is something else, whilst I wait for availability.

On the other hand, a paid in advance SideWinder with a 4 inch barrel and conversion cylinder would be worth any length waiting period of reason.

Not gunna happen, was fun dreaming though.


One aspect that I feel needs changing is letting the customer know that the order has been received.
I think this would make it better for both NAA and customer.


I can't vote on either choice.

I would vote for "Keep the lottery" without the "notify the pecking order" if it were there.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


It's like buying a raffle ticket with a guaranteed win. In either case, we DO get to participate in a program that is very generous of Sandy and his team. Eliminating all the frustration is impossible simply on the premise of "you can't please all the people all the time" so perhaps this poll will help the NAA team to come to a more well suited means of how to regulate the Early Bird program, or, it may simply be considered a whining session by NAAs beloved grumpy old In any case, I hope it is clearly understood that I too am just glad to be able to participate. I have my preference, but that doesn't mean that I won't participate regardless of how it's handled.

Uncle...inquiring minds want to omit the pecking order idea? I would like to know how many people are ahead of me so that I'm not totally in the dark as to when I can expect to be notified (via others posts of receiving their notifications.)

Thanks again to everyone participating in the poll and for expressing their opinions on the EB program and our good fortune to HAVE the EB program available to us.