2.78 million background checks last month new record

Started by 45flint, January-03-13 13:01

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100 were Sidewinders?  Though NAA revolvers are probably not on the legislative cross hairs, I bet they can't keep up with demand right now for any firearm.  Probably lucky these early birds were in the pipeline.

cedarview kid

My Sidewinder purchase may not have been counted in that number. Utah doesn't use the same background check service apparently, according to my local radio station. That's what I heard during my lunch break today, anyway. They said that this reported background count is LOW, because it doesn't include ALL of the background checks made across the country.


I checked with Gallery of Guns and man they are like ALL SOLD OUT! I mean of like everything, try and find a pistol of any caliber is TOUGH!

All the NAA .22 Mags are GONE!  ::)

cedarview kid

Everything everywhere is gone. Guns are flying out to new homes all across free America--even homes that don't have guns, or don't already have many of them. It's a wonderful thing brought on by terrible events (I don't mean just the shooting, but the re-activation of the gun grabbers because of it).

(This all kind of makes you wonder if the shooting right at the beginning of Obama's second term was a coincidence. I don't see how it could be anything else but a coincidence, but even so, it was perfect timing for the anti-gunners. It seems almost TOO perfect.)


There was one day in December I tried 3 different times, and was on HOLD for over 4 hours before getting approval to transfer one gun.

Yesterday, prior to leaving for the day, I checked one of my distributors to see what was available. I started with a search for pistols (semi automatic handguns). I got a list of over 968 models. I then narrowed it down to just the models in stock: 30. The majority were Khar, but none of the CM versions (less expensive of the Khar line).

All of my suppliers are in very similar situations. They have nothing to sell.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


NOW . . . . . PROTECT . . . YOUR . . . RIGHT . . . TO . . . KEEP . . . AND . . . BEAR . . . ARMS

USATODAY , " Big Push in Congress for Gun Control "

Gun grabbers and anti-Americans were busy the 1st day of the new Congress pushing new gun control bills.


Is there irony here that if they ban automatic weapons, it could actually benefit NAA revolver business?   Not that they need more sales right now.  Interesting my collection is entirely revolvers now?  Doubt they will come for my Colt Dragoon?


My son went to a gun show last week in Columbus, Ohio to sell his Glock 17 and was almost mobbed.  Very unpleasant experience for him. 


Quote from: 45flint on January-04-13 05:01
Is there irony here that if they ban automatic weapons, it could actually benefit NAA revolver business?   Not that they need more sales right now.  Interesting my collection is entirely revolvers now?  Doubt they will come for my Colt Dragoon?

i wouldnt be so sure of that flint. They really want them all. Read what Feinstein , Cuomo, Emmanuel, McCarthy ad nauseum have said in their own words. This isnt something im making up this is what they are saying. The republicans on capitol hill are in complete disarray at this point in time and i dont see them getting it together anytime soon. The masses are being whipped up into a frenzy by the media and politicians. Read Sandy's Soapbox first paragraph. He's in the business and that is what he is seeing. Will they come for your Dragoon now? probably not. will they be coming for it soon if they are successful with their current bills?  you betcha!
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


There is no way in my lifetime that guns will be banned.

But in saying that there is a distinct possibility that certain types may be banned.

Now this is not to say that somewhere down the road after my lifetime that guns will be banned.

But then it comes back to the old argument that then only criminals will have guns.



You stole my quote cfsharry. I was saying that as I scrolled down to the next post and getting ready to type it saw you had already spoken.... LOL.... I second cfsharry; I will then become a criminal for I will not give up what I have and if they are illegal I will just resort to making mine, full auto etc. The ability to own them legally is the only thing that keeps me from doing so now.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I honestly don't think guns will be banned in the next 200 years.

But maybe you 2 will live that long. LOL!  :D


I am making an attempt and think I have a pretty good chance at succeeding at it............. LOL..............
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: roguets1 on January-04-13 09:01
I am making an attempt and think I have a pretty good chance at succeeding at it............. LOL..............

Just out of curiosity what are you thinking Cryogenics?  8)


No; more along the lines of DNA dabbling and increasing my "Wolverine Healing Powers."
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I agree that it is unlikely all guns will be banned any time soon. But that is the end game for the anti gun folks. They are starting with what they deem 'assault' weapons. They will, if successful, move on from there. If all gun owners do not stand united, we will all, eventually, loose. I, for one, will not give up one type of firearm in the hope I will be allowed to keep another.


Need to take this discussion to the political area.   I will start the post and you can all flame me!

cedarview kid

Joe, why do you think the DC Republicans are in disarray right now? Because the liberal media is reporting it?

When Obama got re-elected, some of my Obama friends (yah, I have some--they ain't too bright!) were shocked when I suggested that the Republicans were going to try to block Obama's liberal agenda. They said, basically: "WE WON!" so why would the Republicans not just roll over and let the Demoncrats have what they wanted? Uh-huh. Right.

I think we can see that the Republicans aren't doing that--rolling over, I mean. The Demoncrats are claiming victory in the latest rounds (fiscal cliff, etc), but they did NOT get what they wanted. The Republicans are still proving to be an obstacle to their communistic endeavors.

So, it's my perception that the Republicans may be hurt and regrouping now, but it's only the liberal media that's portraying them as being in disarray.


you think the republicans won this last round about the fiscal cliff? really? the democrats got almost everything they were after. republicans are openly fighting with each other. votes are called for in the house then not taken because they dont have the votes. Its not only the liberal media portraying them as being in disarray, they are reporting themselves as being in disarray to the media in interviews and to their own constituents in their communications to them. Chris Christie has been slamming house republicans all week.   
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

cedarview kid

No, I DON'T think we won. I think we caved, just like Obama said we would, and that pisses me off.

I think the Republicans voted for it because it was the last day of the session and they felt they had to. I think the boneheads should have let us REALLY go off the stupid so-called cliff.

But I don't think all is lost.

The Democrats DIDN'T get everything they wanted. I'm not terribly impressed with Boehner, either--I never have been. I sort of wish they had voted him out. But having a wimpy leader and having the Republicans think they might should replace him--I don't think that means they are in disarray. It does mean they are frustrated. We all are.


My fear is some kind of registration getting through, ala California. Then all is needed is to declare the registered variety "contraband" and call for a "turn-in" without compensation.

I've often wondered why the "Instant Background Check" requires the firearm identity? Isn't it MY background being checked? The argument that it screens for stolen weapons doesn't hold... that should be the dealer's responsibility when the piece goes on their books. It would not be good for customer relations to have the new purchase collected by police after putting down hundreds for it.  >:(
"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler

cedarview kid

That's a good point, CavScout. Why DO they want to know what gun it is? I suspect they've been keeping records since the program started, against what the law originally said.

I guess the background checks are good. Maybe. They say the Sandy Hook shooter tried to get a gun prior to the shooting. But I don't think he failed the background check. He just didn't have time to wait out the waiting period in Connecticut. We don't have that here in Utah.


Quote from: naa_collector on January-04-13 14:01
That's a good point, CavScout. Why DO they want to know what gun it is? I suspect they've been keeping records since the program started, against what the law originally said.

I guess the background checks are good. Maybe. They say the Sandy Hook shooter tried to get a gun prior to the shooting. But I don't think he failed the background check. He just didn't have time to wait out the waiting period in Connecticut. We don't have that here in Utah.

Look at this little sick SH*T.... I wish someone would have pulled the switch on him!

Now we need targets for the range with this AssH88es face on it!  >:(

Better yet I am sure you have all seen the Zombie skulls that get shot on You Tube. Now we have a new Zombie skull his face looks like a *** Zombie anyway!


Gotta let the ugliness go there Wolfar . It's better to not reflect on this sicko , better for all of us sane people . I know how you feel though .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

cedarview kid

All public shooters should become "he who should not be named." Deifying these crazies only prompts the next crazy idiot to contemplate what fame he might earn for himself.

Ever see the movie _Heathers_?



     OUCH !!!!! NOW THATS GOING TO LEAVE A SCAR .  :) :) :) :) :) :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I've been joking that if they require me to turn in my assault rifle or hi-cap pistol, they are going to have to compensate me to the tune of paying for armed security guards for me 24x7 for the remainder of my life.

Lately, I have been giving the near future a lot of thought. I'm wondering (and really hoping I don't have to find out) if I would have the same courage as our Founding Fathers and be willing to risk life, limb, and liberty the way the colonists did at Lexington and Concord. When you set aside the political posturing and armchair commando talk, it is a sobering question to contemplate.

"Concord Hymn" by Ralph Waldo Emerson

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.

The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept
Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.

On this green bank, by this soft stream,
We set to-day a votive stone;
That memory may their deed redeem,
When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.


It's a very sobering thought there Kevin , will we , can we , should we but we won't have time to hesitate if and when the time comes . We should make up our minds now for sure . Beautiful poem by Emerson . I often reflect back to how life was back then , it's amazing how far we've come and to the likes of whats around us now , dang . We have to get it back , all of it . Thats just how I'd like to face them in full 1776 military garb . Atleast I'll go out looking sharp .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

cedarview kid

Imagine a class action suit for reimbursement against the federal government from 50 million or more Americans.


Quote from: Kevin on January-04-13 22:01
I've been joking that if they require me to turn in my assault rifle or hi-cap pistol, they are going to have to compensate me to the tune of paying for armed security guards for me 24x7 for the remainder of my life.

Succeeding a suit against the Government for monetary loss is next to impossible. I know... I'm out about $350,000 in legal expenses and real estate property value loss through regulation changes for property use. Oregon voters passed two ballot measures (Measures 9 & 39) to provide a path for reimbursement. Oregon politicos blocked them. Oregon legislators submitted a third ballot measure to replace Measure 39 that allowed you to build "family" homes on your property within two years of approval... sold it to voters claiming only big corporations were going to benefit from reimbursement programs. By the time most property owners got approval, legal fees had consumed any construction capitol!  >:(

Anyway, I think a more effective "Passive Protest" would be:

If the ability to protect your home with the "arms" you legally chose has been taken away... Call 911 every time there is a bump in the night you would normally investigate on your own. Demand a minimum 5 minute response time from the time you pick up the phone (instead of your normal defense). Of course actions of this sort can only have effect if the number of participants is high enough to have an impact.

Want to assure a quick response? Tell the 911 operator not to bother... you have the culprit cornered and are about to finish him off with your Louisville Slugger!  ;D
"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler


Quote from: Wolfar on January-03-13 14:01
I checked with Gallery of Guns and man they are like ALL SOLD OUT! I mean of like everything, try and find a pistol of any caliber is TOUGH!

All the NAA .22 Mags are GONE!  ::)

I don't know where you live but Florida not only has guns but I just bought
my .22 mag two days ago.
Love my little mini almost as much as I love my hubby!


  I agree there teagal theres no problem here in the Sunshine State . Some of you fellas should think about your dealers where ever you are but stay there where ever there is it's crowded enough down here .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on January-05-13 13:01
  I agree there teagal theres no problem here in the Sunshine State . Some of you fellas should think about your dealers where ever you are but stay there where ever there is it's crowded enough down here .

I got NO intention of going somewhere humid! I spent 2 tours in Guam and have 2 kids born there as well.

In Arizona it gets *** humid for about 2.5 months a year and that is about all I can handle. Heck I like the 115 Degrees DRY better than the 104 and 50% humidity. SUCK THAT!