New Member/ Problem

Started by trotline, June-25-15 20:06

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I purchased a mini mag with the 22lr cylinder included this last monday. I`ve been practicing with it after work every day since. Probably fired 50 to 60 rounds through it. Today, on the third cylinder, it mis fired. On closer inspection, i found it double tapped the round. Now the cylinder will not advance empty or loaded when the hammer is pulled back. Just stays in the same place. i tried the magnum cylinder and it wont advance either. The cylinders are not binding and i am seating the pin properly. Am i missing something?


Sounds like a warranty claim!

Your pawl is likely at fault. (This moves up out of frame to advance cylinder.



Welcome trotline,
Sorry you had trouble so soon.
Looks like a trip back to NAA unless you work on watches (that is what a mini is like inside).
Sounds like your hand spring came off the hand (pawl).
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I appreciate the responses. I`ll give them a call this morning. This makes me a little nervous. I weighed the options for a CC gun and a BUG in a pocket gun for weeks. The naa just fits the bill for me. BUT it has to go off every time. We`ll see what the factory says.


I called it in. They were great on the phone and said they would take care of it. Here's hoping its reliable when i get it back.


A handgun is a piece of mechanical equipment.
All and I mean ALL mechanical equipment WILL fail at some point in time.
That is why I never carry just one handgun, no matter what make or model.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


NAA's customer service is one of the best out there. Problems happen and luckily for NAA they don't happen often but when they do, they make it right.

Good luck and enjoy the new pistol when it gets back.

top dog

First welcome to the forum,great bunch of folks here.

You will find that the warranty/repair service offered by NAA is pretty much second to non. You will have your gun back in no time.

One problem that you will experience though is that your NAA Mini collection will expand. I cannot explain it,just seems to happen.

And yes,I agree with Uncle Lee,best to have two on you.

                                                                                                      Top Dog


Funny you guys should mention getting another. I've been thinking about a Guardian.


Quote from: trotline on June-27-15 12:06
Funny you guys should mention getting another. I've been thinking about a Guardian.

Yeah, that always happen. We understand. It's best to just give in to the urge. Resistence is futile!

top dog

Don't fight the urge!!!  Don't worry we will help you through this!!!!!

As far as the Guardians go,I prefer the 32acp one,seems to fit just right in a pocket holster. I had a 380 Guadian but it seemed to be a bit big being that there are many more lighter 380s out there.
Cor-Bon makes some nice rounds for the 32acp. I had NAA trick out my 32 Guadian with the Guttersnipe sights and scalloped slide. They did a really nice job.

Let us know if you get the Guardian. And also a range report when you get your other gun back from NAA.

                                                                                                    Top Dog


I will give a range report when I get the gun back. As for the Guardian, I was thinking the 32 as well. The only problem I'm having is that my local store doesn't have one right now. I'm pretty rural and will have to drive a bit to get to hold one.

top dog

The 32acp Guardian is well worth the wait. Hope that your LGS gets one in soon.
In the meantime,when you get your new gun back from NAA,get in lots of practice with it at true SD distances (8-10 feet).

                                                                               Top Dog


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Thanks for the link. I may just do that. I was hoping that they might just get one in that I could look at and hold before I bought it.


You can get them cheaper via GunBroker, if you do your homework (and luck has something to do with it, too). I recently got a minty .32 for less than $300 there.


At Bud's, they are new and the shipping (most of the time) is free.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Just got the gun back today. Haven't had the chance to shoot it yet, but it feels like it was really worked over. The pawl spring was replaced and i also got a new hammer. The action ismuch smoother than it was when i sent it off.