Engraved mini

Started by 99belt, January-27-13 10:01

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Yesterday I received the first of two minis I had sent to Al Frisillo an engraver from Oklahoma.Am very pleased with the outcome.Would post pics to show it off if I was smart enough and didn't spend all my money on guns instead of cameras.


Have a cell phone? They work pretty good, especially for what is needed here.

You can't just say, "...first of two minis...". LR? Mag? 1 1/8? 1 5/8? Even with only 11 posts, you have been around long enough to know we want details!! Full engraving? A theme?

I (we) look forward to when you do get some pics to post.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Yeah , have a cell phone but not tech savvy enough to get a picture from the phone to the board.And sorry about the lack of info. It's a 1 5/8 long rifle and he did what I would call a mostly floral design with some other trim here and there.


once you take the picture on your cell phone, email it to yourself from your phone.
right click on the picture in the email
click on save picture as
click on my pictures or pictures library
you will see a line to name it, put in engraved mini
then click on  save

when you post a reply on this site you will see under the section for text attachments and other options
click on it
you will see a black line for attach with browse next to it.
click on browse
your pictures library should open
if not there is a list on the left click on pictures library
find the picture of the engraved mini
click on open
it will now be listed in the previously blank attach line on the post reply on naa forum
you have to put something in the blank text box  before it will post. even a period will do
click post and thats it. 

It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


A post about an engraved mini without pictures is like breakfast without orange juice. To misquote Louie, "pictures not words".


Don't have email access from nonsmart phone just text and I am posting from a kindle fire don't think I have a right click. sorry! But I will investigate some other options and see what I can do.