Ok now i'm sick

Started by cookieruffruff, August-03-10 13:08

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Australia says NO - Second  Time she has done this  !    

        AMAZING  You must read it !!!!  



           She's done it again..  


           She sure isn't backing down on  her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her  belief in the rights of her native countrymen..


           A breath of fresh air to see  someone lead. I wish some leaders would step up in   Canada & USA .  




            Australian Prime Minister does  it again!!  


           This woman  should be appointed Queen of the World.. Truer words have  never been spoken.  


           It took a lot of courage for  this woman to speak, what she had to say for the world to  hear.  The retribution could be phenomenal, but at  least she was willing to take a stand on her and Australia 's beliefs.


       The whole  world  needs a leader like  this!




       Prime  Minister Julia Gillard -  Australia  


       Muslims  who want to live under Islamic Sharia law, were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the  government targeted radicals in a bid to head off  potential terror attacks..  



       Separately, Gillard angered  some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she  supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.  Quote:  





       I  am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are  offending some individual or their culture. Since the  terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge  in patriotism by the majority of Australians. '  


       'This culture has been developed over two  centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions  of men and women who have sought freedom'  


       'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish,  Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any  other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of  our society . Learn the language!'  


       'Most  Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian,  right wing, political push, but a fact, because  Christian men and women, on Christian principles,  founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It  is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of  our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you  consider another part of the world as your new home,  because God is part of our culture.'  


       'We  will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and  peaceful enjoyment with us.'  


       'This is OUR  COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow  you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you  are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take  advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE  RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'  


        'If you  aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country  YOU accepted.'


We have law here in this country.  It is not against the law to practice a religion or to build a worship area to practice that religion, in fact it is protected by the law and a right under the constitution.


   Terrorists should be treated as criminals both nationally and internationally.  There is no "war on terror", there are only criminals who need to be punished.


The odd thing the Koran states, repeatedly, that those who beleive in Allah (and this translates to God), the Last Day (judgement day), and do good need not fear their Lord and will be rewarded.  


   I am amazed at how intolerant some of the faithful can be.  Then again, this goes towards a lot of the faithful of a lot of different religions that seem to have base teachings of tolerance and acceptance...
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Sometime back, I read that "Snopes" is run by very liberal folks.  While I have no proof, I do find that most any article against such as the President, is usually found not sustained or not true.  I no longer use "Snopes" when attempting to get the truth on various E-mails that I tend to mistrust.

cedarview kid

Check this out:




   This article suggests that the reason Kagan was nominated for SCOTUS was because she blocked every attempt made to force Obama to prove his natural-born citizenship. Snopes reported this claim as false, but the above article says it's easily provable by accessing government docs.


   Interesting indeed.


The Koran says the only sure way to get to paradise (and 72 virgins for eternal sex) is to die killing infidels. Can we say this is very intolerant of infidels?


   The Koran gets more to the point; "slay the infidel". No ambiguity there.


    There is also a Koranic list of 'unclean' things, which includes both feces and infidels. So, according to Islam,  infidels equal ****, a sentiment not exactly passing muster as 'tolerant', in my books at least.


   So, not tolerating Islam means not tolerating the extremely intolerant. That really boils down to  self-defense, if you're a non-Muslim. Most of us NAA mini owners are okay with self-defense, if I'm not mistaken.


   It's been interesting, these last few days, to observe the left's double-standard, or hypocrisy, in action. A white-skinned maniac uses a gun in AZ to murder 6 people, and the left immediately concludes it was Sarah Palin's fault, and we must have more gun control. Let's not waste any good crisis, huh? But when Muslim Major Nidal Hasan was screaming praises to Allah at the top of his lungs as he shot 13 GIs to death and wounded dozens more at Fort Hood, the left got all sanctimonious and preached that we must not be hasty, don't jump to any conclusions about the bloodthirsty nature of Islam, no. That wouldn't be politically correct. And didn't President Obama say the call to Muslim prayer was the most beautiful sound in the world?




   Good post!


Dwalk, I like your pointing out of the double standard, and I think all sides have to be very wary of applying them.  It really is a very good point.  


   The Bible IIRC calls for you to stone your neighbor if they plant two different crops in the same field.  Literal translation is going to cause issues with most religions I think.  Is there no place in "your America" for those who would peacefully practice Islam?   I beleive there is a lot of wisdom found in a lot of different religions... I also think they all contain parts best left in history.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


I just heard on T.V. that the Westboro Baptist Church is having their usually rally in honor of the deaths in Tucson Arizona. I heard the signs were so bad about the little 9 year old girls death that they wouldn't even tell what they said. They hope the Congresswomen dies, and are happy about the ones that did die.


   They are the same ones that go and disrupt the funerals of soldiers that are killed in war.


Bud tell me your joking please??  Disrupt funerals of are soldiers that are killed in the war really?  I have not heard about this and I really hope your kidding....


He's not.  Its a group that calls themselves a Baptist church (I beleive the Baptist church has disavowwed any ties with them) that preaches that all the "evils" that happens to America and Americans are a result of our acceptance of what they consider evilness.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


"The Bible IIRC calls for you to stone your neighbor if they plant two different crops in the same field. Literal translation is going to cause issues with most religions I think. Is there no place in "your America" for those who would peacefully practice Islam? I beleive there is a lot of wisdom found in a lot of different religions... I also think they all contain parts best left in history."


   You must be Muslim.  


   you need to quote chapter and verse for that interpretation of the bible to be believed.  Of course the New Testament as it replaces the strictures of the Old testament so it really is a moot point for a Christian anyway.  


   Defend the part in the Koran where it specifically says that a non-believer is to be given three chances to convert or he is to be killed.

cedarview kid

Yes, this group was threatening to picket the funerals of two recent solders from Utah who were killed in war. Sickening. Fortunately, they never arrived, but they HAVE for other military funerals, apparently.


Westerly 1965,


   I would not kid about something like that!!


   Key in Westboro Baptist Church and see what you get.


Bud I did that and it revolts me.  Guess it goes to show that zealots come in all different forms and beliefs....


They were threatening to picket Elizabeth Edwards funeral, never heard if they did.


   They are certainly some sick and crazy folk, mainly from one family, I believe.


   How adding more pain to those at a funeral, by disrespecting their dead, equates to Christian values is truly beyond me. Perhaps they should stop and try the old adage of "what would Jesus do?" - I'm certain it wouldn't be what they do.


   I hope the Father who won a big law suit against them, gets his settlement reinstated and then they'll be too busy wondering where their next meal is coming from, to bother decent folk.


   If I were God, and people were acting like this in my name, I'd be resorting to the odd Thunderbolt to make things right.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


LOL Redhawk I think he will need more then one thunderbolt.....  But yes it looks like it is mostly one family like 70 some members of the church but still.  Sheesh....


The whole problems is mostly likely caused by inbreeding.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Wildtim might you reference where the Koran states this.  Not the footnotes thoughts of the translator but the actual statement.  You seem to be well versed in it.  As to your argument that I may disregard the laws of Leviticus does that mean I may disregard the ten commandments ad well?  No I am not Muslim nor do I follow Islam.  Yes there is a Koran on my shelf but that is because I do not blindly accept what others claim its.teachings are.  There is a Bible as well as various other teachings there too.  The fact of the matter is accepting only the negative of something without even bothering to read the rest of it will leave you a very negative impression of it, just as some people could take a negative impression from the Bible if someone wanted to take select quotes from it.  Oh, we could play that game with any religious text I bet.  Should I start with the Dhammapada?

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama

cedarview kid


Christianity may have some warts, but no other religion compares with Islam for outrageous atrocities. The Hindu Holocaust saw at least 80 million Hindus slaughtered during the Muslim conquest of India. It is ongoing. Pakistan still launches massacres against India -remember Mumbai a year or so ago? The Armenian Genocide saw 1.5 million Christians murdered by Muslim in 1915. And Muslims are still slaughtering Christians -just read the news on many days.




   All of those nit-picky dietary laws and laws about not having two crops in the same field and laws about animal sacrifices in Leviticus were only for Hebrews under the leadership of Moses thousands of years ago. Nobody, Jews or Christians, practice them anymore, and haven't for thousands of years. The Ten Commandments on the other hand were classic and still apply. One of them says, "Thou shalt do no murder". That isn't restricted to just not murdering fellow Christians, it applies to any humans.


   In contrast, the Koran's evil commandments are open-ended and ongoing. "Slay the infidel" means what it says. If not all Muslims do this at all times, it is because circumstances don't allow it. They felt too weak against western weapons since the Industrial Revolution. But now, with their oil wealth, and the apparent moral confusion and decay that the west now shows, and with the success of the Afghan mujahideen against the Soviets, and with the failure of the US in Vietnam, they are emboldened. There is growing talk of rebirthing the Caliphate. They are acquiring nuclear weapons. And today's total of deadly Muslim attacks since 9/11 has reached 16,638.




   As for "peaceful" Muslims in America, well, I wouldn't want to see very many of them because I don't trust them. To be genuinely peaceful, they would have be takfir, to go against Islam. Islam is all about jihad warfare against non-Muslims. Takfir Muslims area at risk of being killed by other Muslims who are more observant of what the Koran demands. And Muslims who fake being peaceful are doing so with the express okay of the Koran; it's called takiyaa. Deceiving infidels to gain advantage for Islam is perfectly fine in Islam. No other major religion has this evil treacherous doctrine. Do you say we should trust them? In our up-to-now-relatively-peaceful homeland, around our families?


   When Muslims are few, they tend to be peaceful. As their numbers grow (and they have baby booms while westerners, with their liberated career women, their environmentalists who have no or only one child for the good of the planet, and with the growth of 'gay rights', are having zero or negative population growth), they get more demanding. They are taught to not accept rule by infidels for any longer than necessary. Look at Europe's "no-go" zones now, where Muslims effectively have taken over.


   Islam is incompatible with freedom. It is also a religion of war, founded by a prophet of war, and guided by the Koran, a book of war. It teaches subjugation of women, and okays pedophilia, including pederasty with boys (adult homosexuality is forbidden, but with a "bacha bereesh", a beardless boy, it is acceptable to Muslims, especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan). We don't want this for our children and grandchildren, do we?


I don't know Dwalk well I respect your opinion it sounds a lot like the opinions of the anti-gun nuts about gun ownership.  


   I have read the Koran and without someone telling me how evil it is (or the examples I see) I would not have called the entire religion evil.  


   I would argue that the dangers you see in present day societies such as Iran are the result of a population unable to offer any resistance to the ruling elite.  The same ruling elite uses religion as a convenient method to oppress those that they do not agree with.  


   I would point out that the Koran does teach respect of the other Abrahamic religions and those who practice them, I know that from reading it.  


   Now, understand that the form of Islam I would defend is not the form of Islam practiced in much of the Middle East.  As you noted it can be very destructive.  


   I chose what I "lift" from the Koran, and the Bible, and varios other sources as valid wisdom.  You chose what parts of the Bible you accept.


   Edit:  oddly enough I know that the "Islamic socieites" of today would execute me for the above.  I just don't accept that they represent Islam as it is meant to be.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Qur'an 5:51    "Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends. They are but friends and protectors to each other."


   Qur'an 9:29    "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or the Last Day, who do not forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, or acknowledge the Religion of Truth (Islam), (even if they are) People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizyah tribute tax in submission, feeling themselves subdued and brought low." [Another translation says:] "pay the tax in acknowledgment of our superiority and their state of subjection."



   There's your respect for the other Abrahmaic religions


Surely the believers and the Jews, Nazareans and the Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day, and whosoever does right, shall have his reward with his Lord and will neither have fear nor regret.  (2:62)


   My translation of 9:29 uses the word fight back against those... its probably a bit gentler  



   "O you who believe! do not take for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery and a joke, from among those who were given the Book before you and the unbelievers; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah if you are believers. And when you call to prayer they make it a mockery and a joke; this is because they are a people who do not understand." 5:57-58  


   Of course those preaching hate (on both sides) tend to fail to take any verse in context.  Again, I think this could be done with most any religion.  Yes, there are a lot of people in the Islamic world that use the religion to inspire hate.  I wonder if part of what allows this is a seemingly uneducated mass that is not as capable of questioning that which they are told.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Dwalk wrote:"with the success of the Afghan mujahideen against the Soviets, and with the failure of the US in Vietnam, they are emboldened."


   absolutely especially with the mujahideen in Afghanistan. The arming and support of Osama Bin Laden and other radical Islamic "freedom fighters" with advanced weaponry and tactics in Afghanistan to fight the Russians was a  monumental security blunder for our nation by Ronald Reagan. Both the weapons and the lessons learned by radical Islamic terrorists have been used against us innumerable times since. It also as Dwalk said emboldened them and led them along with some of our own inaction to terrorism over the years to believing we were a paper tiger like the Soviet Union had been in Afghanistan and attacking us at home.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Fred phelps never read the New Testament


All things come to pass.

   Those who are corrupt will eventually  

   hang themselves. Literally or through

   their ill deeds.


   "...and the meek shall inherit the earth."


   As the crabs, the fish, and the lobster

   survive the waves on the reaf at low tide,

   so shall we survive the turmoil to come.


   My dogs have been acting strange with worried

   looks on their faces, birds have been mysteriously

   dropping dead from the sky, the bees have  

   disappeared in recent years from the fields,

   the cats have resorted to getting into the garbage

   instead of hunting for mice. The job market is in

   severe sputter mode, with no real improvement in

   sight for 2011. The politicians are uneasy.


   These are all subtle signs or omens for something

   yet to come...like the calm before a storm.


   But I am not sure yet what that may be.

   Tidal Shift and Tidal Waves, Huricanes,

   Earth Quake, or a major meteor perhaps.


   2012 is nearing closer and closer, and I

   am seeing strange things happening that

   all seem to be adding up to something.

   But what that may be is not yet clear.


   It is not business as usual for anyone.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


> Pray if you want to!


   > CBS and Katie Couric et al must be in a panic and rushing to reassure

   > the White House that this is not network policy--re: Andy Rooney's

   > commentary on prayer.

   > Folks, this is the year that we RE-TAKE AMERICA & CANADA

   > ********* Get Ready *********

   > Keep this going around the globe. Read it and forward every time you

   > receive it.. We can't give up on this issue.

   > Andy Rooney and Prayer

   > Andy Rooney says:

   > I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue somebody for

   > singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December. I don't agree with Darwin , but I

   > didn't go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his

   > Theory of Evolution.

   > Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered

   > because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game. So

   > what's the big deal? It's not like somebody is up there reading the

   > entire Book of Acts. They're just talking to a God they believe in and

   > asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and the fans

   > going home from the game.

   > But it's a Christian prayer, ! some will argue.

   > Yes, and this is the United States of America and Canada , countries

   > founded on Christian principles. According to our very own phone book,

   > Christian churches outnumber all others better than 200-to-1. So what

   > would you expect -- somebody chanting Hare Krishna?

   > If I went to a football game in Jerusalem , I would expect to hear a

   > Jewish prayer.

   > If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad , I would expect to hear a Muslim

   > prayer.

   > If I went to a ping pong match in China , I would expect to hear

   > someone pray to Buddha.

   > And I wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't bother me one bit.

   > When in Rome .....

   > But what about the atheists? Is another argument.

   > What about them? Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going

   > to pass the collection plate. Just humor us for 30 seconds. If that's

   > asking too much, bring a Walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the

   > bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer!

   > Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two will tell

   > thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't think a short prayer at a

   > football game is going to shake the world's foundations.

   > Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while

   > our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and grandparents

   > taught us to pray before eating, to pray before we go to sleep. Our

   > Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Now a handful of people and

   > their lawyers are telling us to cease praying.

   > God, help us. And if that last sentence offends you, well, just sue me.


   > The silent majority has been silent too long. It's time we tell that

   > one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority

   > doesn't care what they want. It is time that the majority rules! It's

   > time we tell them, "You don't have to pray; you don't have to say the

   > Pledge of Allegiance; you don't have to believe in God or attend

   > services that honor Him. That is your right, and we will honor your

   > right; but by golly, you are no longer going to take our rights away.

   > We are fighting back, and we WILL WIN!"

   > God bless us one and all. God bless America and Canada , despite all our

   > faults, We are still the greatest nations of all. God bless our service

   > men who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.

   > Let's make 2011 the year the silent majority is heard and we put God

   > back as the foundation of our families and institutions. And our

   > military forces come home from all the wars.

   > Keep looking up.


I hate to be a wet blanket, but I hate internet hoaxes even more... and unfortunately, the message above is an old internet hoax that's been circulating for many years.  It's often attributed to Andy Rooney or Paul Harvey, but it came from neither.  (Can you imagine that old hemorrhoid Rooney saying something this logical?)


   [Source:  http://urbanlegends.about.com/b/2010/12/31/attributed-to-andy-rooney.htm">Urbanlegends.about.com]


Regardless, the source may be untrue but the words are true.

   Thanks for the correction, I usually check things out, but I agree with the thought and the words!!  

   If I can't give Andy Rooney the credit, than I take the credit.    



I'd definitely rather give it to you than that DB!


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today