Started by tomhawes2002, February-10-13 14:02

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I have been thinking about adding a  LASERLYTE MINI LASER SIGHT to my Mini. However I have a few concerns.

A) I purchased the Mini because it is so small and compact. If I add the Laserlyte sight is it going to add significantly to the profile (from pics does not appear to, but still not certain)?

B) Does it add significantly to the accuracy and or range range?

C) I have read several reviews that indicated it was very delicate and prone to move or go out of alignment is this a major problem with it?

I appreciate any and all opinions regarding the Laserlyte Sites, especially form those of you that have first hand experience with them.




I put one on my mini master. It is very small and doesn't add very much bulk to it. I didn't experience
any movement. It is not good for outdoor use though, you can not see the red laser out in the sunlight. The laser also blocks the factory iron sites. So shooting outdoors with it installed is basically shooting blind.


To me, it seems to be the perfect solution to a non-existent problem. I carry my minis for emergency, up close and personal, excuse me while I go get my gun, the stuff has hit the fan, weapon. What use is a laser in that situation? For me, none.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Finally took mine off all it is is a flashy gadget nonsense piece , quite useless . Save it for chasing the dogs around the house .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I am probably the wrong guy to respond to this thread, but I will weigh in anyway.  I have tried shooting with lasers... On big guns, small guns, slingshots, pee shooters, straws with spit wads... EVERYTHING, and have never gotten use to them.  I know tons of folks who love 'em and shoot great with 'em... But for me I just can't get the hang of it.  Even if I could shoot with a laser, I wouldn't put one on a mini.  In my opinion, it's a point blank type of weapon, a last resort, a get the heck off of me gun.  With that said, put the laser on your primary carry piece and carry the mini as is.