Hornady .22 Mag 25gr NTX

Started by bleak_window, February-02-13 19:02

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Picked up a box of these today.  I had never seen such a light bullet on a .22 Mag.  Obviously made for a rifle, so of course I wanna try them in the Pug and Black Widow.  They should scream.

Looks like it's so new, they don't have any ballistic info listed, and the page is just copied from the 30gr V-MAX page:


Perhaps you should consider getting a lottery ticket. NO ONE in town has any ammo to speak of, and you have a box of a brand new product!

Like you, I suspect they will achieve an extremely high velocity. I just wonder about the penetration for anything but varmints/small game hunting.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"