22 LR - "Out Of Stock"

Started by WAC, February-03-13 12:02

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cedarview kid

We're in this stupid mess because too many people voted on emotions rather than logic. I wonder if Obama could get re-elected this month, if the vote were held again.


You know I was going to go practice with my Black Widow.

Now I think I will hold off until the ammo starts rolling again.

I am sitting on about 500 Rounds of .22 Mag.

Probably 1,000 .22 LR.

A handful of .357 and .38 plus some 12 gauge.

So I will sit tight and hoard for awhile then.

All my online and stores are OUT of Ammo!


Wolfar, I hate that situation, I have pretty good stocks of ammo for my personal needs, but as in the last panic buying period, I'm reluctant to use ammo at the range that I cannot replace on the way home, which is my normal procedure. Last time it really spoiled the pleasure of gun ownership for a long period until stocks rebounded and prices eased a little. I'm currently trying not to let it get to me, but it is very frustrating :(

Collector, it would be interesting to know how many that voted for Obama, or didn't vote are ruing day now that even the mainstream media is reporting things like gun control that they do not agree with. What % of voters own guns?
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Canada: Registration is Confiscation


PLEASE watch it.

This principle was predicted in Canada years ago, and the Canadian
government has not disappointed...


cedarview kid

Yup. History repeats itself.

Even if the current grabbers calling for registration aren't planning confiscation (who knows if they are? we sure don't, despite what they say), eventually someone will come along and say, "Hey, we already have a list of registered guns and owners. We can use this!" and away the guns go.

They can't take what they don't know about and we need to keep it that way.


Problem with that is that if you happen to use an 'unregistered' firearm to protect yourself, you go straight to prison. You also have your possessions confiscated to pay for the healthcare or burial of the crook that you shot plus all the fines that will be levied against you by the gubament and or the state where the 'crime' was committed. We should be really proud of what our country is about to do....'for the good of all.' We are already 'subjects' to this administration - especially if you happen to be white - and he said so in very plain and direct language a few days ago. Sorry gentlemen, we're screwed and it's moving at an increasing pace.

cedarview kid

No such thing in Utah. We have no gun registration of any sort. So, I guess I was speaking from my point of view, rather than some places around the country that DO have registration (which is a lot fewer places that TV and movies seem to imply.)

Once you have actual registration, you have a dilemma, for sure. I like buying guns in private sales because that prevents even the "sneaky" registration, if government agencies happen to keep the records of background checks.

Also, I'm not so sure you "go straight to prison" for using an unregistered firearm, even in jurisdictions that require it. It depends on the punishment included with the gun registration law.

For example, in Clark County, Nevada, which is where Las Vegas resides, they actually DO require gun registration, which is ironic, given that Nevada is generally a pretty gun-friendly state. But as far as I understand it, if you can legally own the firearm and you haven't registered it, the only thing you suffer from it being discovered is confiscation. That's the penalty for not registering. I'm not exactly sure if that same penalty is all you get if you've committed a crime with the gun, but I'm also pretty sure they confiscate the gun even if it IS registered, if you USE it in a crime (and you lose your rights to own any guns as well, since gun crimes are generally felonies).


This 'registration' currently being tossed around in DC is a National Registration of ANY and ALL firearms. This being forced on the states much like Obamacare was except that this registration will offer no 'opt out' for any state.

'Going straight to prison' is a basic over statement of the havoc the government would bestow on a person who violated their order to register the gun in the first place - not to mention the do-gooders on the jury who immediately take the side of the crook.

This is hypothetical but similar to science fiction - it was fiction but was based on knowledge that matured into fact.

We need to stop this madness in DC.

cedarview kid

Yes, you are right about that. They call it a "gun tracking database," but it's nothing less than national gun registration. They should call it what it is: a "gun owner database." It must be stopped at all costs. National gun registration should be an immediate call to arms, because it WILL lead to confiscation.

Unfortunately, it seems the Obama administration is expecting just that--and planning for it, too.


Obama very apparently HATES this country and its inhabitants. Too much of this 'in your face' type of attitude from an elected official. He seems to think that because he was elected president that he is king....and seems to be setting himself up to actually run again - ignoring the 22nd amendment. He must be stopped and held accountable for what he has done to this country. The next couple of years are going to wake some folks up who are asleep at the wheel. Welfare checks will stop and leave about half the population wondering what happened.

A company like NAA and many others will be devastated by what Obama and the rest are planning. Sequestration WILL happen as he wishes. He also wishes for rioting in the streets.....the $20.00 loaf of bread.

I hope I'm wrong....

cedarview kid

A man is shaped by his early years. Obama is just ruling as he thinks rulers should. That's what he was used to from when he lived in Indonesia and that's what he's familiar with from his family in Kenya.

He just wants to third-worldize the United States. He probably feels it is his destiny. He hopes he can do it in 8 years, but if not, that probably doesn't bother him much; he'll get it done.


The local Wal-Mart up until now has always had a good stock of ammo.
I was in there yesterday and was stunned at what was not there.
It is easier to say what was there.
Two boxes of 270.
Two boxes of 22-250
Two boxes of 243.
Four boxes of 45 Long Colt.
A few boxes of 12, 20, and 410 shot shells.
The long asile of glass fronted cases empty.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I was in Bass Pro yesterday, and ammo was very scarce there as well. In 22 ammo, only snake shot and shorts available. In popular ammo like 9mm, 40 cal. 45 etc. were all behind the counter because people were stealing it. On the shelves were shotgun ammo, slugs, and some rifle ammo, but that was it, rest behind the shelves! :(


I checked my local Walmart this week and it is the same as Uncle Lee's - a few boxes of odd types - plenty of .17 HMR.  I never noticed that that store even carried .17 HMR until now. It is easy to spot now because of the several feet of empty shelves on each side of the little stack.


An inevitable consequence to any national registration plan is that there will be a severe penalty for not doing so. How else will you make people comply? As a law abiding citizen the thought of a mandatory jail sentence would have you thinking hard about hiding your guns. This penalty would then no doubt apply to you at any point you ever used the gun in defending your home. Remember in the eyes of the left, you are the bad guy for owning a gun, not the criminals who break into your home to steal and rape etc. - they all had deprived childhoods, were spanked a few times, don't know who their fathers are, were racially discriminated against or whatever. They have excuses, you don't and you will be punished to the full extent of the law. Have you seen the vitriol the left have for the likes of us, while at the same time making excuses and pleading for mercy for real criminals and despising us further because we advocate the punishment fitting the crime?

Ammo supplies here in UT are just about none existent in every store I've been in this week. Only rifle hunting ammunition seems to still be sitting on the shelves.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Jackpot! Gun range had case of CCI Standard Velocity 40 grain LRN. I was able to pick up 400 rounds at $7.82/100.
That is enough for six weeks of light practise for me. Hopefully by then supplies will have recovered.
"TANSTAAFL ['There ain't no such thing as a free lunch']- Robert Heinlein   
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."- Albert Einstein


  Don't know what the heck is holding up Wal-Marts for our ammo . Shelves still almost entirely empty except for 12 gauge , 7mm remington ( seems thats everystore down here and federal 45 acp which I bought two 100 round boxes for 33.00 each without tax which I thought was a good price really, oh and 410 loads also still available but nothing else yet .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: oldguy on February-09-13 15:02
Jackpot! Gun range had case of CCI Standard Velocity 40 grain LRN. I was able to pick up 400 rounds at $7.82/100.
That is enough for six weeks of light practise for me. Hopefully by then supplies will have recovered.

oldguy, exactly how old ARE you?  I bet you don't buy green bananas, either.

In an historic ammo shortage, you hit the jackpot and spent all of $31?   What if those were the last boxes of .22lr you ever see again? 

At gun shows I have noted the highest price listed for bricks of .22 and it has risen from $50, which I thought was outrageous 3 weeks ago, to $75 last week and $90 this week.  I don't know if anyone is BUYING at these prices, but the prices asked are rising rapidly.


Bought six boxes of Federal 9mm at Walmart today.  Store limit
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Bleak... I am a member at the range, do you think it would be cool to hog the ammo? I assure you my fellow members would not forget if I hogged the ammo.
Range management is holding prices down as service to members. What we can get we share as best we can.

I do buy green bananas so I can stay out of the store as long as I can. I aslo buy cans of soup by the case for same reason. Ammo I tend to buy as I go because I enjoy shopping at the gun store. I do maintain base line of +P for .38 sp & .357 & 9mm but I don't use that for normal range outtings.

How old? Well I was too young for Korean Police Action.

"TANSTAAFL ['There ain't no such thing as a free lunch']- Robert Heinlein   
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."- Albert Einstein


This whole situation has become surreal. Yesterday I shot fifty rounds of LR and Shorts. Today I went ahead and ordered a couple of hundred rounds of CCI 22 Long for a very inflated price of $15 per hundred.  FUD,  Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. No other reason for me to pay so much for that ammo. I hope that in a month I feel stupid for paying that: I fear that in a month I will wish I had bought ten times as much.


Dinadan, I read you. My feeling is no matter what rule- laws get enacted the process will take months years even end up in the courts. FUD is creating a winfall for some retailors and allowing others to make political points. Just like oil juryrigged shortage
Increases profits. Highest prices for all firearms and ammo, markets will adjust.
We get the goverment we (collectively) elect. We need to remember Hitler was elected.
we need to pay attention and make certain washington knows we are watching.
"TANSTAAFL ['There ain't no such thing as a free lunch']- Robert Heinlein   
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."- Albert Einstein


Now then....Remember Janet Reno? She had such a good idea that it was hushed up for a number of years until it could be initiated. She said that the quickest and most effective way of gun control was to limit or completely eliminate ammunition for all guns available to the US public. So you see, this has been in the works for quite some time. We are suckers for blaming each-other for being either greedy or newcomers buying massive amounts of ammo.

We, my dear friends, have been had. We have had our 2nd Amendment taken away.....by the government. You folks get it yet?



Quote from: naa_collector on February-06-13 11:02
We're in this stupid mess because too many people everyone voted on emotions rather than logic.

dang sure wish i had a political cartoon of romney holding a woman hostage and obama hiding a gun being held hostage. i suppose that's the problem with being the only one in the world who can actually see things for what they are. or maybe it's just that i'm one of very few who don't drink other people's rhetoric kool aid.

"a black cat isn't a black cat unless it knows the tail of a thousand cats." - black_cat


Quote from: WAC on February-10-13 17:02
Now then....Remember Janet Reno? She had such a good idea that it was hushed up for a number of years until it could be initiated. She said that the quickest and most effective way of gun control was to limit or completely eliminate ammunition for all guns available to the US public. So you see, this has been in the works for quite some time. We are suckers for blaming each-other for being either greedy or newcomers buying massive amounts of ammo.

We, my dear friends, have been had. We have had our 2nd Amendment taken away.....by the government. You folks get it yet?

wutcha talkin bout. i been saying that the whole time i been here.
Quote from: black_cat on January-20-13 00:01

i'm thinkin that a lot of these ammo shortages are caused by the government stockpiling them also. i'm figuring they're about 2-3 days ahead of the second civil war types. next time there's a big ol panic buy, just imagine there's a suit there right along with ya, only, he was there 2-3 days ago (: ghost suits (:

i figure most folks will join which ever side has the ammo (:
"a black cat isn't a black cat unless it knows the tail of a thousand cats." - black_cat



i suppose that's the problem with being the only one in the world who can actually see things for what they are. or maybe it's just that i'm one of very few who don't drink other people's rhetoric kool aid.

you realize of course that this belief is a classic trait of the narcissist? its a mental illness by the way.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Heyjoe - glad to see you still have internet and electricity. The photos you posted (in another thread) make it look like a lot of fun having two feet of snow and three dogs! Here on the Gulf Coast it is just rain and wind this week.

Checked my Walmart today - still no ammo. I have learned that on the morning after our Academy Sports ammo truck delivers, a line is waiting outside for the door to open, and all ammo is gone in a short time. Crazy days, it seems. I wonder how many folks out there are like me; I have never kept more that a thousand or two rounds on hand, but when or if 22 LR becomes available again, I will buy a few thousand rounds. If a lot of other people have the same idea, that will really extend the time before stocks a fully normal again.


you realize of course you still dont have a clue how to use quote tags.
"a black cat isn't a black cat unless it knows the tail of a thousand cats." - black_cat


heres a photo of my back yard today

It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


That's a lot of snow. Doesn't look like the pups have been out in it, but I imagine it's well over their heads. Where my sister is in Ct., got 3 foot. I think 18 inches is the most I've had to deal with from one storm in a while, and that's been a couple of years.


it rained today and melted all the snow.  ;D
"a black cat isn't a black cat unless it knows the tail of a thousand cats." - black_cat


I guess I don't spend enough time here to know who comes up with all the original thoughts....anyhow there are many , many people in this area that think and say the same things that I do. I'm probably one of very few who visits this board so it looks like Black_Cat thinks the same as we do - a universal inductive thought. So, I'm not going to call anyone crazy for thinking out loud..

Everyone can tie their shoe laces, but I've watched some tie theirs that I wonder how they succeeded in doing so, but they do....


Quote from: black_cat on February-10-13 17:02
i suppose that's the problem with being the only one in the world who can actually see things for what they are. or maybe it's just that i'm one of very few who don't drink other people's rhetoric kool aid.

The more I read them more I support effective mental health background checks for gun ownership.  I'm not sure if this is incredibly narcisistic or delusional.  I am guessing its a bit from column A and a bit from column B 

Edit:  inductive reasoning is not free from the rules of logic.  It is simply noted that inductive reasoning, vs deductive reasoning, cannot be proven.  Math, for instance, is deductive.  Philosophy is inductive.   Stating that you perceive the world differently then everyone else and that they are mistaken and you are not is not a cogent argument without strong supporting propositions.  If that is the base for your arguments its a poor one. 
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


QuoteI'm probably one of very few who visits this board so it looks like Black_Cat thinks the same as we do - a universal inductive thought. So, I'm not going to call anyone crazy for thinking out loud..

Everyone can tie their shoe laces, but I've watched some tie theirs that I wonder how they succeeded in doing so, but they do....

I wear slip on boots or slippers myself!

I am not sure what you mean by universal inductive thought, but if Black Cat is your exemplar, then I will stick to my provincial plodding thought. Regarding original thoughts: do you expect to find someone like Pascal or Descartes posting his new ideas here? Have you even studied philosophy enough to tell the difference between original thought and recycled Berkley or Locke?


Quote from: Dinadan on February-11-13 07:02
I wear slip on boots or slippers myself!

I am not sure what you mean by universal inductive thought, but if Black Cat is your exemplar, then I will stick to my provincial plodding thought. Regarding original thoughts: do you expect to find someone like Pascal or Descartes posting his new ideas here? Have you even studied philosophy enough to tell the difference between original thought and recycled Berkley or Locke?

I am as lost as you are.  I hear about "universal" inductive thought whatever that is and then reference to the person who notes that he is "the only one in the who can actually see things for what they are".  It would seem to be that universal thought and unique perception would be pretty mutually exclusive to me. 

let me know if you figure it out.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama