
Started by cookieruffruff, August-03-10 22:08

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Barky,    Where do you get those pictures?  


   I like them. They seem to tell a story about your post!





   You have a dream, persue it. You only get

   one life to fulfill those dreams. Fulfilled

    dreams are what memories are made off.

   Books are written about people who spent  

   their life fulfilling their dreams, so there  

   must be something to it. Never give it up...




   Here and there, and saved for when they contribute to the thread or discussion to illustrate.............. and hopefully to make the reader smile............




i was thinking of retiring around the southern new mexico, las cruces area, which is not far south of where you were at Tor C formerly known as Hot Springs. Interesting geology in that area with extinct volcanos visible here and there and the tremendous geologic upheavel that resulted in the organ mountains. White Sands is also a beautiful spot. Lots of beach but no water.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Thanks guys...thanks to you too Barky.


   RJTravels...eventually I hope to upgrade to a small motorhome like

   the Rialta with an enclosed utility trailer behind it to carry a

   small dredge and a small ATV vehicle like a 4-wheeler, an enclosed

   trailer would allow me to carry a number of 5 gallon buckets  

   containing my finds while on the road, it's the ideal setup for this

   kind of treasure hunting venture.




   It's like a motel room on wheels that I can take

   with me to the many sites where I will be working.


   But starting out, I need to hone my skills as a prospector, and in

   order to do that I need a vehicle that gets extrememly good gas

   mileage and can carry at least an extra 100 pounds of extra  

   weight in addition to me and my gear.


   The motorcycle is perfect for this.

   But it's allot like being on a horse that runs 65-75 mph down the

   highway, with no shelter from the weather, such as rain, storms,  

   or extreme's definately roughing it.


   But this last trip I just took proves that it can be done...if I

   need to do it, in the absence of decent employment  

   opportunities in my area.


   I'm going to give my bike a full tune-up before I head out this next  

   spring right after Tax Time. And if I have to make this trip next

   spring I won't be messing around out there, I'm going to be  

   collecting as much of the stuff as I can find legally without  

   trespassing or claim jumping.


   I will be working under a small business name and my accountant tells  

   me that my income will be based off of the amount I sell to cover my  

   operating expenses while on the road, and that is how my income tax  

   will be determined.


   Raw Material is just that "Raw Material".

   It's not considered income until it is sold for money...and once  

   said Raw Material is found I can basically become my own bank.


   I knew there was a reason I liked the idea of Treasure Hunting and Prospecting,

   and why it was so popular back in the early 1800's. Has anyone checked the  

   price of Gold lately?


   And HeyJoe...the attributes you described about the area in New Mexico  

   in addition to it's odd mining history are some of the things that attracted

   me to the area I visited on this last trip. It was briefly mined for Lode

   Gold as 49'rs made their way West to California. It was the stragglers that  

   panned for Gold and bought up the land for farms and ranches and became  

   successful in their own right. As a result mining claims are not as pevelent

   in New Mexico as they are out in California...even though ranchers,

   farmers, and the indians alike all collect the stuff.


   They don't seem to fight over it like people do in other parts of the country,  

   it's kind of weird. But I'm not complaining, or asking any questions.


   In New Mexico water seems to be more valuable than Gold, especially throughout

   the summer months when things tend to dry up during the dry season.


   I have heard from several sources that Arizona is extremely under mined for  

   placer Gold, but the primary reason for this is lack of clean drinking  

   water and extreme temperatures during the summer months that can reach  

   close to or even above 200 degrees...not ideal conditions for doing  

   any kind of outdoor work, prospecting or otherwise.


   But Spring and Fall seem to be ideal times in Arizona for the type of  

   work I will be doing. If my trip lasts longer than expected, I might

   hang for next Winter in Southern California before moving Northward

   toward Idaho, where I will begin the return leg of my trip.


   It would be nice if I found more than I could carry on my motorcycle,  

   but I am enough of a realist to know that it is not wise to get my hopes

   up about such things.


   Prepare for the worst, expect mediocraty at best, and if you wind up with

   far more than you ever expected going into such a venture, so be it.


   That's the way I'm looking at things right now.


   As NAA is concerned?

   I was looking for a small durable and dependable pistol with respectable  

   accuracy for a level of personal protection from "Critters" that I might

   encounter while out and about doing my thing.  

   And to shoot dinner from time to time.


   The Black Widow Conversion I bought seems to fill the bill, I just wish  

   it had a higher capacity than 5 rounds. This has got me looking at some

   of the semi-auto models such as the Browning Contour, Ruger,  

   and S&W models.


   My use is strickly self-defense and ocassionally I might shoot something  

   for dinner if I run low on pack-food while out in the field.


   I have no intension of using my guns in a criminal manner, but there are

   times when I will be on my guard when returning to my bike after panning  

   or metal detecting when there are other people around that have observed

   me panning, or metal detecting and look like they may try to jump me.


   If I have found something at that point, I'm not going to be in the mood  

   for small talk, I'm going to be on my way out of the area.


   Also...when visiting Gold Dealers or Coin Shops that deal in Raw Gold,  

   vulture types watch for people leaving these types of businesses.

   This is another time that I will be on guard.


   On the road, if you look homeless and destitute people don't usually  

   give you a second thought. But it's always a good idea to keep at least  

   one good change of decent casual clothes on hand. And a toiletry bag for

   all your shower and grooming essentials.


   For when one needs to appear presentable.

   (Like when he walks into a RV or Motorcycle dealership to buy a new ride.)

   I will be looking forward to the day when I am able to do this.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


This is a little off topic, but it's not like I

   haven't drifted off topic before or anything.

   I find it extremely interesting none the less.


   For years I have always wondered if real Giants

   actually could have existed here on earth as  

   depicted in the Bible with David and Goliath

   and many old father told me these

   were just stories and if they did actually exist

   there would be archeological proof or evidence

   in the form of skeletons, much like the dinosaurs.

   This made sense to me even as a child.


   But new discoveries in the Middle East being

   dug by Cornelle University's Archeology Team

   and a recent skeleton put on public display by

   the Government of Milan...changes my previously

   held conception on this subject.
















   Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.

   Now it makes me wonder.


   Someone would really have to go to great lengths

   to fake some of these photos, and a University

   such as Cornelle would not have a team of

   Archeologists assigned overseas if it were

   even an elaborate hoax, there must be something

   to it. My next question is, if Giants really did

   exist at one time in our past, what about fire

   breathing dragons?


   I'm just saying...


   Don't blast me for being a nut, I didn't take

   the pictures shown above, I'm just asking a  

   perfectly logical question in response to them.

   How long will it be before we start to find giant

   Bat like Dinosaur remains in a cave or mountain

   side, that are younger than that and resemble

   the fire breathing dragons of European Lore?


   It makes one think...and I know it stirs  

   my curiosity about just how much of these

   old legends are actually based on fact  

   rather than fiction.


   We now return you to your regularly scheduled

   NAA thread discussing the fine workmanship of

   this extrordinary company and it's craftspeople.


   I wonder if they have any .22lr versions of the

   Guardian in the would sell like hot

   cakes...if they made such a firearm.


   I'm just saying...





And Boom......There it was!!!!


Photoshop and not very good either......


You mean you don't think all those photos on the internet are REAL?!?!?!?!




mde, cookie and i wish you all the luck,becareful, take spare inner tubes ,and a small packable battery operated compressor found at most any auto parts stores some are really small, or at least a coupla patches an 1 tube ya never will have to install a ciggerrette lighter on the bike, might come in handy.  good luck  woof woof ruff


Now thats what I've missed about MDE.  MDE, if you make it out to So. CA., you can pan in any of the rural areas in both southern and northern CA. and come up with gold.  I've done it many times over that last 40+ years, and it is a good idea to be armed.  Keep us posted if you do get out this way.       Stainless


MDE, if the stories and plans you have about prospecting are real I wish you all the best. If I was single and unemployed I would definitely want to travel and dig for gold. I know that in Arkansas or somewhere around there that there are state or national parks where you can pay a few dollars to look for diamonds. Some people have been lucky and come away with some real gems.  


   I suppose it's better to do it while you can than to wait until you're older and WISH you had.  


   I also don't judge you in regards to your employment and family life. Both issues, especially family, can be very complicated and have a lot of "baggage". It's easy to pass judgement from the outside without really understanding all the circumstances and history of some situations. I wish you all the best on both of those subjects also.  


   With all that said, I really wonder sometimes if you're genuine. I find myself speculating that you're a bored ATF agent sitting at his desk and for fun or assignment you're tasked with acting kinda "off" and getting people riled up. I'll confess to not reading all of your posts but the first one I remember was when you implied that our current President should be shot. Did the secret service ever contact you about that? And now it seems like you're talking about CCW illegally, possibly trespassing, and maybe hiding your weapon if approached by law officers?


   Then you actually think that those above pictures "could" be real? The Bible does describe "giants" and gives some specific details about their size. If I remember correctly the one that David killed was something like 7 or 9 feet tall. The "giant" gene seemed to run in his family or lineage. He also was polydactyl--meaning that he had 12 fingers/12 toes instead of the usual 10/10. All of this is logical and believable but to assume the above pictures MUST be real seems kind of strange and/or naive.


   I'm seriously not trying to be offensive here. I've certainly made mistakes many times; and life has taught me many lessons the hard way. It's also not easy to admit when you're wrong. I just hope that you'll maybe examine some of your thought process and be flexible enough to make adjustments toward mature reality when/where necessary.


   That's not to say you should quench you fire or enthusiasm for life or adventure. Keep that, but be smart and careful.  


   If I'm way off here I apologize. It's just that you've put yourself and your thoughts out here for us to examine and comment on so that's where I'm at. Good luck to you man.


   Oh, and if you really are a bored ATF or CIA desk agent you would tell us right?


MDE , You crack me up


   200 degrees, did I read that right ,

   UFO`s , BB guns shooting 1000`s of fps and now giants.  




Being gullible isn't a crime. So said...neither is claiming he didn't inhale.


"Being gullible isn't a crime."


   Neither is being a complete idiot..........but it is only amusing for a very short time!


By the way, the fourth photo down is a chalk drawing done on a sidewalk,,,,,,,  that guy does amazine art of all kinds of things in the sidewalk.........  He is working on the drawing in the photo.......


   But that is obvious, right????


I got some, o-cean-front property in A-ri-zo-na, from my front porch you can see-tha-sea....


You are correct Barky......but pointing out the obvious would be OH so I'd rather entertain MDE and his delusional way of thinking, just to see what else he comes up


IF you went for a walk every night and the  

   path went through a patch of sand burrs and  

   everytime you did that you would have to  

   pull all the burrs off your cloths, wouldn't  

   you skip that path after a while.


   Think MDE whose posts are not required reading.


   Just my thoughts....


I think I discovered what killed off the Giants..................





   Too much Soda to drink.......






   Willie Nelson for President.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


Sorry about that...I had a brain fart.

   Kind of like when Thomas Edison invented

   the Rubber Stamp.


   It worked but was only marginally successful.


   If and when I do get the capital together to  

   outfit my own shop, it will most likely start

   out small and versitile like this one.




   Allot can be done in a small shop such as this.




   Small lathes like this one are highly prized by

   retired engineers and machinists who often do

   work out of their garages to suppliment their

   retirement incomes, and ideal for someone like

   myself just starting out who is putting together

   a small shop as a small business.




   I have experience working on this type of machine

   and it is ideal for making one off custom parts or

   prototype pieces if you will...ideal for what I am

   wanting to do.  


   I will get one, when I can afford it.

   The property for the shop will most likely

   come first though. Need a place to put it.

   And for the rest of the equipment and tools

   that I will be assembling for the venture.


   But it takes money to make money.

   That is where the prospecting comes in.

   This helps put things into perspective.


   At least it does for me anyway.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


I may step up to some used CNC equipment later

   down the road as the business grows and I come

   up with product ideas that actually warrant

   larger production runs.


   But it's best to start out small.


   Having worked as a production machinist in medium

   and large job shops in the past I have become

   familiar with problems larger shops face.


   Larger shops require larger jobs and production

   runs to cover their overhead expenses and their

   bottom line. Without these, they are forced to

   lay people off, sell older equipment, and other

   assets to lower their costs.


   By starting out small with a diversified shop

   I will be more flexible, allowing me to take on

   smaller jobs with repeat business, and if I come

   up with a new idea for a product that isn't

   currently on the market and I want to see how

   it will sell...I simply whip up 50-100 of them  

   and test market them on the internet or at a  

   local Flea Market or two.


   Something like that could get pretty interesting.

   And I'm looking forward to actually doing it.


   That is why I seem so fired up and enthusiastic.

   But it takes money to make money and people like

   me tend to scare the heck out of Bankers.


   I could lie to them, and tell them I'm starting

   up a shop to make high dollar kitchen and bath  

   fixtures and I can pay them back in 10 years.


   But that would be dishonest, and morally wrong.

   That is not the way I want to start a business.


   If I put my own start-up capital together I don't

   have to worry about the bankers, I'll be going

   around them, this takes allot of the stress out

   of starting and running any kind of business.


   The capital acquisition will just be another

   division of the same business enterprise.


   Capital Acquisition

   Design and Engineering

   Manufacturing and Fabrication

   Sales and Marketing

   Then back to Capital Acquisition.

   If everything goes as planned.


   Sure there are always hick-ups and problems

   that arise, but I am looking forward to getting

   back to making money again, and lots of it.


   Without doing anything dishonest or illegal.

   That's not easy in this day and age.

   But I'm willing to give it a try.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


mde, are you a member of the gpaa?


   i've been into prospecting for around 12 years now, hope to retire out west someday to look for gold full time.


A kindred spirit!!!!!!


   Send MDE your address...........  he can come move in with you............  You guys can sit about and talk about your prospecting plans for the balance of your earthly duration......


   You will be Sooooo happy together......


   Just don't throw him out when you get tired of him sitting on your couch drinking your beer, or he will call you a "gold digger", which of course you just admitted to being.  THAT should be an interesting story.....


   Of course if you are not retired yet, you can work while he sits on your couch and drinks your beer and it won't bother you as much.......  



   It is amazing how Karma has a way of making things work out...........


   It is a wonderful world we live in..........






I don't drink anymore man.

   I stopped drinking right after my divorce

   back in 1999. No longer felt the need to.


   I have considered becoming a member of GPAA  

   but in all kind of seems like a racket

   to me...they want $100.00 a year from each one  

   of their members whether they find anything or

   not...for what?


   The right to prospect on their many Gold Claims

   that have been panned over a thousand times by

   who knows how many people?


   Updates and Reminders in the form of Junk Mail?

   That's what they want $100.00 for?


   I've already done my homework on where the stuff

   is found...I know how to use a Gold Pan, a Metal

   Detector, a Rocker Box, and a Sluice. And I won't

   be out there looking for Gold alone, there's also

   certain raw Gem materials to be found.


   Sure I'll primarily be looking for Gold, but I'm

   not going to pass up Saphires, Rubies, Turquois,

   or Sun Stones while I'm at it.


   I look at it like this...I'll take this first maiden trip

   across the country doing my own thing as I see  

   fit...then if I determine that a GPAA membership

   is in order based on my experience out in the

   field...I'll sign up with them.


   But not before...mainly because I feel it's

   important to get out and about and see what's

   what and who's who out in the field across the

   country, where most of the commercial mining

   operations are and aren't working, what areas

   are all claimed up and which areas are open but

   not really worked that much and so on.


   If your out there in it, and working at it, your

   considered by the BLM and the government to be a

   "Prudent Individual" and by all other definisions

   to be an active "Prostector" and granted basic

   squaters rights granted by the law as long as you

   do not jump an existing mineral mining claim or

   trespass on private property without the owner's

   prior permission or authorization to work the  

   land or property in the capacity as a prospector.


   In other's bound to get interesting.


   Once you file a mineral mining claim, you go

   from being a prospector to being a miner.


   There are those that prescribe to methods such

   as Map Dowsing and arbitrarily file Gold Claims

   with the BLM based on these methods without  

   actually visiting the site in person to mark

   the claim site on the ground.


   Simply having a claim on the books does not make

   it legally binding until the claim site has been

   properly marked according to the regulations set

   forth by the Beureu of Land Management(BLM).


   Indian Reservations are considered as private is possible to get permission to

   pan and metal detect known as surface mining on

   an Indian Reservation, but it's a pretty deep

   and involved process that involves a meeting

   with the tribal elders to discuss it, then a

   meeting with their community directors, and  

   finally a community consensus on whether such

   permission should be granted or not.


   Expect to stay at least a month or longer,

   have wild bombfire parties, and wake up

   one morning married to the chief's daughter.


   (This is how Thomas Alva Edison met his 2nd wife.)

   (I'm not positive but I think President Teddy)

   (Roosevelt was his best man at the wedding.)


   I plan to avoid Indian Reservations,  

   at least for the time being, anyways.  


   There are certain places in Arizona and certain  

   mountain ranges that I have an interest in and

   would like to explore to satisfy my curiosity.


   I won't be be parked on any couch drinking beer.

   I can tell you that much.







And Boom......There it was!!!!









   I can see myself realistically upgrading

   to one of the cycle or VW based options

   as illustrated above before stepping up

   to a small RV like the Rialta that I have

   pictured above in an earlier post.


   Mainly because of fuel mileage.

   The RV would offer more protection from the

   weather and the elements outdoors but it would

   cost more to maintain and to drive because of

   the reduced gas mileage. The teardrop camper

   option does appeal to me for several reasons.


   Shelter from the weather and increased carrying

   capacity for what is found, it makes sense.


   But a VW Trike / Teardrop Camper combo will

   cost some money, and I have to find it first.


   So starting out this is what I have to work with.




   I sure hope things "Pan Out" on this first trip.

   We'll just have to wait and see I guess.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


I realize that a sport touring bike is probably

   not the best bike to be loading down with gear

   because of the rear suspension being a single

   mono-shock spring combo unit directly infront

   of the rear tire behind the transmission running

   from the swingarm to the frame under the seat

   where the seat and the gastank meet.


   But I'm going to have to start out with what

   I currently have, it's paid for and the insurance

   is paid up on it.  I will be fabricating a new

   Sissy Bar to carry my expedition style backpack

   and side mount brackets to carry a 5 gallon bucket

   on each side in place of saddle bags that will be

   removable when I get to each site.


   Or I might just install a set of pannier boxes

   with locks on them, I'm not exactly sure yet.

   I like the idea of carrying a bucket on each side

   of the bike painted black just like the bike.


   But that might make the bike too wide.

   I'll try it first and see how it works.

   If that's the case I will go with a set

   of Military Ammo Boxes of the appropriate

   size and width instead, and install master

   padlocks on them.


   I have my work cut out for me this Winter.

   I am also looking for grants or other types

   of funding to help out with this venture.


   I'm talking with a few magazines about putting

   up some funds if I write articles for them about

   certain aspects of my travels while on the road.

   This sounds interesting, but there are allot of

   details that need to be hashed out and I'm not

   sure if it will get done before next Spring.


   Maybe on one of my future trips.

   If this first one works out. We'll just have to

   see how things "Pan Out" this time around.






And Boom......There it was!!!!


if it wasn't for george massie, you wouldn't even be able to look for gold these days legally. he is the founder of the gpaa. i do agree its a money making group, but they do offer good services if you are into prospecting. and with gold prices reaching 1300 oz, it only takes a small amount to pay for the membership...


small amount is the key word here......


   small amount of a lot of things....




I see a reality tv show in your future mde; ever seen "pawn stars"? On history or tlc channel? You could film "pan stars" about your adventures. I'd watch that...chased by mountain lions, shot at by farmers and ranchers, wild campfire parties with native americans, weathering lightning storms and tornados, interactions with secret military agencies at area 51 or the new site in Colorado, finding the golden motherload  

   followed by the mad-dash to cash in before cops and thieves  

   catch up to you...there's enough material for at least 2  

   successful seasons. It's Mad Max meets Indiana Jones.



Looking at that overloaded contraption I expect MDE will appeal to the NAA board community to bail him out when he is apprehended and jailed  for public nuisance and vagrancy.


cookie says happy halloween wroofwroof ruffruff


sleeping in one of those teardrop trailers would be good practice for laying in your coffin.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today