
Started by cookieruffruff, August-03-10 22:08

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I'll reconsider joining GPAA while I am out on this first trip,

   if I determine that such a membership is in my best interest  

   for what I am doing. But right now I'm on the fence.


   There are allot of tourist traps out there. The new 49'rs, Dave Mcracken,

   and so forth. I don't want to pay someone $100 per year before I  

   even get out to see what's what.


   Do you see where I'm coming from?

   If I get out in the field and find that it is indeed a good idea

   to have a membership with the GPAA...I'll sign up with them.  

   But not before. It just isn't wise.


   The reason I'm getting into prospecting in the first place is becasue

   I have emerged from a decade of industry layoffs with a hord of

   "do nothings" taking my income before I even get my share of my  

   hard earned bi-weekly paycheck.


   Taxes and Health Insurance just kept going up but if I ever got hurt or

   sick and actually needed my health insurance they would drop me becasue  

   I would get fired from my job for being sick or injured, and then if I applied

   for public aid I would not be elegible, becasue I made too much.


   I know...because it happened to me.

   The prospecting concept seems to work for me.

   Becoming my own bank, seems to work for me.

   Regaining control over my life and my finances,

   seems to work for me.


   Putting the money together to start my own shop

   and start my own small manufacturing company,

   seems to work for me.


   It might not be for everyone, but different folks

   have different strokes, and what might work for

   someone else might not work out very well for me.


   So I'm following my own instincts.

   It beats flipping burgers or working the register at a convenience  

   store and becoming a professional pee-on, or collecting Aluminum

   like everyone else seems to be doing today.


   This party gets started this coming spring.

   As soon as the weather warms up between March and April.  I'm planning

   to head out right after tax time, but if my situation erodes too much  

   financially I may have to get an early start in the month of March.


   It all just depends on my situation next spring and  

   when the weather warms up enough to head out.


   I'm a man with a plan and I'm gearing up to act on spades.






And Boom......There it was!!!!