New gun, first post and a question!

Started by Stache, February-15-13 19:02

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Hi to all.  Picked up my Mini-mag today with the 1 1/8 inch barrel.  Very solid feeling.   Bought from Bud's.  Took a little over a month for it to come. Looking forward to shooting it and carrying it.  It was very funny today while I was waiting to pick it up.  There were four of us in the store picking up guns.  The owner kept getting a busy signal when calling for the background check, so we had all of us on cell phones speed dialing the number until someone got a connection.

Now my question.  Based on what I read on the forum I had gone ahead and bought the oversize mini-master grips.  The grips fit fine on the frame but the screw that was holding on the rosewood grips doesn't fit. On the rosewood grips the screw goes through the hole on one grip and then screws into the other one.  With the new grips the screw doesn't fit through the hole on either grip.  Did they screw up and put the wrong insert into one of the grips (the insert looks the same in both grips) or do I need to get a different screw from them?

Great forum...great little gun!


Stache - I had the same problem on a set of mini-master grips. The problem on mine was simply that the hole in the rubber on the right grip was bored to minimal size, and had contracted after the drill was withdrawn, I think. I just took a drill bit the same size (approximately) as the screw and redrilled the screw hole. That worked for me. If you try this, only enlarge the rubber part of the screw hole, not the metal insert, and only a tiny amount. I have wondered why NAA has the screw go into the Black Widow and Minimaster grip from the right, and all the others that I have seen go in from the left.


Thanks for the help.  I also had to tap the inserts a little farther into the grips.  They weren't seated deep enough to allow the screw to grab the other grip.


First, Welcome! And, congratulations on your first NAA. There will be more in your future! I have changed out grips on my NAA's and other manufacturer's firearms and all had some small quirk that needed minor adjustment. It just goes with the territory. Just enjoy.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson


Welcome Stache.
I am glad you got your screw in your grip.
I missed your post yesterday.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Thanks for the welcome.  I've been carrying it around the house with snap caps to get used to operating it.  Even though it's not loaded...yet...there's something comforting about having some firepower in your pocket.  You have to be careful though, you can forget you have it with you.