Sidewinders in stock!!!!

Started by Bluelitenin, February-15-13 09:02

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cedarview kid


Well I went to my dealer to pick up my Black Widow That I ordered 3 weeks ago and when I walked in there were 2 early bird sidewinders sitting in his showcase that someone brought in to have him sell well there mine now. Both mags with conversion cyl. ye ha :) ;) :D ;D
Well I think I'm done buying for a while I don't want to get ahead of NAAcol  LOL

cedarview kid

Nah, that wouldd be bad, BB! (Or would it?! ;D)


Bad to get ahead of you or bad to stop acquiring mini's  LOL ??? :-*


I hope everybody is going to their states Day Of Resistance Rally Tomorrow. Its really important to get as many people out to their rally's as possible. We can't let the government deny us of our constitutional Rights. If we don't voice our opinion they will take our guns our ammo our magazines and our MINIS, Now we must fight to keep what our for fathers granted us in the constitution  and the men and women in our armed forces have been fighting for over a hundred years to keep. Don't let them control us, we have a right to protect ourselves and our  families, do let them infringe on them. Please be a voter and Please go tomorrow to your States Rally.
God Bless AMERICA     


oh I forgot pass this on to everybody you know

cedarview kid

Quote from: Bigbird48 on February-22-13 17:02
Bad to get ahead of you or bad to stop acquiring mini's  LOL ??? :-*

BAD to get more minis--more than me. (We all know that's really not bad!)


Well Naa if the picture on the left, is what you got ,I don't think you have to worry.(LOL) ;D


Look what came in today!!! So excited I can't wait to shoot it.


Your sidewinders would look real good with a  Globe & Anchor Lasered on it, heres my maxi grips for my BW.


That is awesome! I like the EGA. I wonder if that would fit on these smaller grips?


In Bolin Memorial Park, Phoenix, AZ


it would be almost the same size a hair smaller its about 1 sq inch. I think thats about the same as a sidewinder I'll measure the area.



Did you color or fill the part that was etched with anything?


No not on this one thats just lasered no fill. If the wood grain isn't perfect smooth finish then the fill doesn't come out right. All the grain has to be smooth.


Hard to get a good picture and was doing it fast just to show you, but this is a pearl grip filled with gold fill paint on a mini grip.


Hello all.  This is my first post.  I tried to order a SW through my FFL last Thursday. he checked and said they were not released yet.  I ordered a SW through the link  later in the day and it will arrive at my FFL tomorrow.  I'm already liking my mini mag. I hope I don't end up buying more ;D


Didn't anyone tell you! Mini's are an addictive drug, or more like lays Potato chips

You Can't buy Just One!!!! Better get a second job to support your newly acquired (MINI HABIT)
Welcome to to forum we'll be seeing more of you.

cedarview kid

Nice globe and anchor. That laser does a nice job. How hard is it to create a custom design?

cedarview kid

Quote from: DWill on February-24-13 23:02
Hello all.  This is my first post.  I tried to order a SW through my FFL last Thursday. he checked and said they were not released yet.  I ordered a SW through the link  later in the day and it will arrive at my FFL tomorrow.  I'm already liking my mini mag. I hope I don't end up buying more ;D

What, you didn't take your dealer's word for it? LOL. Congrats on getting one! And don't even bother with that hope. You'll get more. You just need time for your NAA budget to recuperate. Hopefully THAT won't take you too long.

WELCOME to the board!


Yes I concur. One is never enough. There will be more in your future.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: naa_collector on February-25-13 11:02
Nice globe and anchor. That laser does a nice job. How hard is it to create a custom design?
Thanks Naa I sent you a PM


DWell i said the same thing when i bought my first one 2 weeks ago. lol now i am trying to work out a deal to buy my next one. welcome you will not find a better bunch of guys. these guys are awesome....