Car Hideaway

Started by ricart, December-05-10 16:12

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While most on this board carry mini's only, now including myself, it brings up a point I have not seen discussed. Many times, I go to other towns at night, to eat out, whatever.  I like to carry a nice big weapon in the car.  Has any one given thought how to make a secure hiding place in an auto?  I am always concerned that a break in of my vehicle could net a crook one of my guns.  Then, with the idiot court system, I could be held libel.


I keep a small pistol safe in the trunk of my car.  It has a cable connected to the car frame itself.  Certainly not foolproof, but much more secure then tucked under a seat or in a glove box.


In Ohio if you conceal carry you have to carry it on your person in the car.  If not, you much have it unloaded and separated from you and the ammunition, such as trunk if you transport in a car.  Ohio conceal carry law at least gave us a usable way to be in the car with a weapon.  



If I leave a gun in my vehicle, which is about

   every time I leave the town I live in and go

   to a different town, I don't leave anything  

   where it can be seen. Truck, no trunk. I put

   a lot of effort into parking in the saftest

   spot I can. A spot that would have people passing

   by if possable. Lights.

   If I had a car and wanted to leave anything

   like a gun in it I would lock it in the trunk.

   I live in an area where vehicle breakins are  

   rare. When it happens it usually is when somebody

   parks out on the street at night.

   There are places in this country I would not

   ever leave a gun in a parked vehicle, ever....


A guy on this forum posted his idea on how he carried a handgun in his car. He used a empty coke cup with his firearm inside it with a napkin stuffed over the inside of the cup. Carrying a large gun, he used a large king sized cup. Smaller gun, he used a smaller cup.

   He said nobody would think to look inside a used coke cup with a napkin stuffed over the inside of it. Of course if they removed the cup from the cup holder, it would be heavy, but who wants to mess with a used coke cup?

niterider"> I have two in two trucks and love them.Sure a thief can get into anything with the right tools and enuff time but these safes will slow em down or turn the unprepared away in frustration.


This just came to me: What about getting some vinyl covered small cable/heavy wire. Loop it around the seat bracket and leave a small loop. Use one of the (until now  ) useless locks all guns come with, and lock your gun to the seat, under neath, out of sight. You could leave just enough to be able to lock/unlock conveniently, but not enough to get to the cable easily. Precious few thieves come prepared to cut a light cable, and the vinyl covering would protect the gun.


   Heck, perhaps one of the types of locks that have a cable that can be looped through the mag well. You may need to add a loop to the seat bracket or some such to loop the lock around.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


You aren't talking for fast acquisition are you?  On my car there is a CD tray below the CD player.  This can come out fairly easy.  I have never thought to, but I suppose there would be a way to rig a gun behind it.  To me that is the only type of place that gets looked over as a thief is ravaging your car.  Just make sure you take it out before you go to NEW JERSEY.


I carry my .22LR S&W revolver in a holster in my glove compartment.


   Agree 100% with Coinchop.


   I happen to live in a very safe place. Lots of times don't bother to lock the front dooor of my house, etc. and my car is garaged. I would handle it differentlyif I lived elsewhere.


   lol. Reminds me of when I had first moved here. I grew up in NYC and was very crime oriented. I was locking the "club" on the steering wheel of my car and someone passed me in the parking lot and said "Hey you're in Oregon now, you don't need that". Have to admit they have been right so far. Figures, I lived most all my life in NYC, then Los Angeles and San Diego. Really could have used a gun on me many times. Now I live in Shangra La and, here, I get to carry. Talk about a mixed up concept.


if its a small gun especially a mini, you can hide it under the tissues in a tissue box. throw a few used ones on top to complete the effect.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I use one of those little car-safes to separate guns from ammo when driving to/from my range here in NJ.  I never worry about car thieves since I never leave a gun in the car (no carry in this backward state).  It does give me a small comfort to know any LEOs here will see compliant intent.  Of course, searching the trunk of a car without probable cause is illegal here.  Even asking and receiving permission isn't allowed, although I would never test that since I'm not a fool.


   If I lived in a carry friendly state, within legal parameters I would use the same little box for short term lockup, such as inside a diner for an hour.  If I was shopping for hours at a time I might want something more substantial bolted to the frame of the car inside the trunk, or maybe one of them tough steel lock boxes bolted on a pickup.


   Of course, in a carry friendly place, it would be in my pocket or on my hip


When I ride, I have a center console and that is where it rides for easy grab.  The trick, what to do when leaving the car.  I think this is where gun laws are whack.  Why allow us to carry, but then have restrictions for places we can carry.  Do you trust us with a weapon or not?


There seems to be a need for the makers of our

   laws to give the criminal element equal footing

   with the good guys so they made gun free zones

   so the bad guys wouldn't be completly deprived.

   We have to keep this thing fair, don't you know.

   If we didn't have gun free zones the pro gunners

   might win this thing, and the anti gunners might

   be out of a job... SOB SOB....


   Oh, and did I mention STUPID????


Quickdraw, that's what I hate about gun free zones. Much a I hate shopping and the Mall, for example, I do not suddenly become so grouchy that I cannot be trusted to carry. However, if I leave my handgun in my vehicle it could easily fall into the hands of some drug crazed low life. As you say - Are we trustworthy to carry or not?.  


   Creating gun free zones only produces more risk for all law abiding citizens - what happens if a BG steals your gun from your truck and then decides to enter the Mall and use it in a crime, now we have one armed BG in a Mall, where many CWP holders are milling around without their guns. (if they follow the Mall rules)


   Sounds like the STUPID Coinchop mentions.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


First, as a retired LEO, let me say not all LEO's are against packing.  When Texas wanted to have CHL's the female governor at the time wouldn't let the people vote for it.  That was the big thing that got her defeated and George "W" elected governor.  The vote to allow CHW carry won by a big margin.  We still have our gun free zones, but they are getting fewer each year.  

   That said, thanks for the ideas re car carry.  BTW, Quickdraw, N.J is one of the States that will never get my tourist business because of the gun laws.


I hear ya.  I only have flown out of New Jersey once and prefer seeing it go away under the plane rather than live there.  Especially as they spit on the constitution with their latest actions.  Ashamed to consider them one of the 50.