Sandy's Soapbox and Bitchin'

Started by grayelky, March-03-13 08:03

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Boys and Girls-
Have you read Sandy's soapbox yet? Why not? Did you know about the newest Early bird? Me either. If some folks get their way, there will not be anymore Early birds. Or standard production items either. Confused? I hope so. Now, go read his column (It is actually very informative. I learned several things I was unaware of, and I suspect you will also.) When finished reading, click on the box he indicates.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


That page is very informative and well worth the visit, a good read! I encourage everyone to go there and scan the different subjects.
Thanks grayelky for the heads up on Sandy's soapbox.  :)

Kentucky Kevin

Hi, went to Sandy's soap Box, clicked the suggested links and never found any information about Early Bird specials, please advise
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Maybe I am missing something but I saw nothing on the Soapbox. Just talking about an Industry meeting and the Shot Show's relevance to said meeting. Could you point or give a link to what you speak of?
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

cedarview kid

I'm thinking what Grayelky meant is that if some of the gun grabbers in this country get their way, that there will be no more Early Bird specials, or no production, models, either, or any new guns for that matter. These people want gun production to STOP and want current guns held by citizens across the U.S. to be confiscated and destroyed.

So, we must be vigilant and make sure none of that comes to pass.


Here's what I clicked on and found interesting on Sandy's soapbox:

Fact Sheets and Backgrounders

"3D Printing" of Firearms

"Assault Weapons" / PDF

Ballistic Imaging / PDF

Brady Law / PDF

Bullet Serialization / PDF

Contiguous State Long-gun Purchase Restrictions / PDF

Export Control / PDF

FFL Record Retention Reference Guide / PDF

Firearms and Ammunition Industry Economic Impact Report - 2012 / PDF

Firearms Tracing / PDF

"Gun Show Loophole" Myth / PDF

"High-Capacity" Magazines / PDF

Mayor Michael Bloomberg / PDF

Mexico and the 90 Percent Myth / PDF

Microstamping / PDF

    Guest view: Microstamping gun firing pins is unproven technology

Pittman-Robertson Act Apportionment to the States / PDF

Purchase and Sale Restrictions on Ammunition -- (S.3458 / H.R.6241) / PDF


State "Right to Hunt and Fish" Protections / PDF

Straw Purchases / PDF

Sunday Hunting: Economic Impact / PDF

Suppressors / PDF

Sweat the Details / PDF
A guide to staying in compliance with the requirements of the Gun Control Act and ATF regulations

Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act / PDF

Traditional Ammunition / PDF

    Economic Impact of Traditional Ammunition Ban / PDF
    Chart: Causes of Annual Bird Mortality (PDF)
    Op-ed by Gerry Perry, Arizona wildlife biologist and retired regional supervisor for Arizona Game and Fish Department
    Eating Game Taken With Traditional Ammunition Does Not Pose a Health Risk


Thank you for posting!
The Sheriff's letters gave me some comfort in seeing there are some loyal elected officials, them.

note: I'm definitely not an Early Bird visiting the "National Shooting Sports Foundation" site. Sure glad I know about it now.


naa_collector- Thanks for the help. Obviously, I was a little too vague. Let's see if I can be a little more direct:

For those who missed what Sandy said, and what I was alluding to: IF you do not speak up and let your elected officials know your feelings, they will bow to political pressure and allow the "Leaders" in what has become a Socialist party to have their way. Those "Leaders" have no concern for you or your safety. They are only interested in furthering their own agenda, which is contrary to the overall good of our Nation. It is up to you to convince your elected officials to vote how you feel they should, OR you will take the needed steps to find their replacements who will vote the way you want. Have you told them that? Why not? I can assure you my elected officials know how I feel and that I will take steps to help them get defeated if they go against how I feel. Do your elected officials know how you feel? Why not?

Perhaps if you actually read the entire Soapbox page, you would have noticed the most important line:
QuoteSpeak now, or forever hold your peace" – and risk losing your rights.
Of course, you would have had to read the first part of the paragraph to have an inkling of what he meant. I'll help you: If you do not take the time and trouble to let your elected local, State and Federal officials know how you feel about the Constitution, you will lose the right to speak up. Since you seem to have an issue with reading, I will make it even easier for you to "speak up" (By the way, "speak up" simply means letting your elected officials know how you feel. It has no bearing on the volume you use when you actually speak.):

Oppose S. 150 and H.R. 437 and all efforts to ban firearms and accessories
Voice opposition to the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013

Oppose S. 33/ H.R. 138 and all efforts to ban firearms and accessories
Voice opposition to the Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2013

Ideally, you will have views on the above 2 topics similar to mine. If not, let your elected officials know you agree with them! It is all about getting involved! Either be one who is able to say, "I helped save this great Nation!" OR, be the one bragging, "I helped topple a great nation!" either way, GET OFF THE SIDELINES! As I read what Sandy wrote, I understood he was giving some background on the NSSF, how they are partially funded and NAAs involvement, among others. He was leading up to asking us (gun owners) to become more involved in the political process by letting our elected officials know how we feel. His last paragraph was devoted to this, and how NSSF, and by providing a link to NSSF, NAA is making it easier for us to do so.

You are either:
A) messing with me
B) Too dense to have an opinion

If you are messing with me, you did really good! If you are really that dense, oh well.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Don't forget to notify your state representatives as well. I found out that my state reps are 100% pro-2nd except for one jackass (that's a Dem who doesn't support the Constitution.) I will vote against him next election. He killed our Montana-style "freedom of firearms" bill. We will try again next session. We've had a whole lot of change this session, though. We confirmed open carry, we are in the process of passing a bill to protect privacy of concealed carry permit holders from the US DOJ, National Associated Press, etc. Change is possible at your state level, 1 activist is worth probably more than 100 voters. You CAN make a dent if you try!

It's kind of scary when the Associated Press tries to get a list of the names and addresses of all permit holders in the state. It's like they're going to try what that newspaper in New York did and publish the list. The irony is that the anti-gun NY paper hired ARMED GUARDS after the backlash hit them for providing criminals with a "shopping list" of where the guns were.

GET ACTIVE! I just forwarded those links to some people, they will hit both my local TEA party and Libertarians. I'm 100% that those folks will do the right thing. Everyone should do the same. Stand for your rights or lose them!

Kentucky Kevin

I guess I must be that dense, I went looking for the information spoken of, not similis and metaphors. I already spoke personally to my elected official at a Republican Fundraising Dinner on legistlation that I would see
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Hello everyone this is a great topic. i was on the ruger web-site and they have a link that will send a letter to all the goverment reps from your state to the president with just a few clicks of the mouse and keys on your key board. give it a try...


Here is some food for thought:
How hard would it be to send an email to an elected official in another state and tell him/her how you feel? Depending on how deceptive you wanted to be, you could straight out and lie and claim to be in that person's district, or, you could just say this is how you feel, and if they do not care to vote that way, you will do all you can to get their counter-part elected. No lie. All it will take is an email address.

As to the lie, one of the current pushes is to take steps to stop the illegal gun-running, and to make it unlawful to buy a firearm for someone who cannot legally do so, commonly known as a straw purchase. Ready for this? There is already a law making it illegal to buy a firearm for someone who cannot legally do so themselves! Add to this the "gun show loophole". For those who are not aware, there is no "gun show loop hole". It is merely a catch phrase coined to make the uninformed think there is way to legally break the law simply by going to a gun show instead of a regular gun shop. It seems those who would destroy the 2nd amendment don't have any inhibitions about lying.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"

Kentucky Kevin

GE you can make statements that are 100% true without lies. I am disappointed with your blank and will do all in my power to insure that you are dfeated in the next election.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Edit: Sorry about this post. I didn't mean to "bark." You're right, HTW, of course.

Kentucky Kevin

I believe that we are to speak the truth in love I am what you would probably call a Hard Right Bible thumper. I believe that there is a moral standard to live by and make no apologies for that. I believe that woe unto the watchman if he does not cry when he sees evil coming." They" say we need to be tolarant if we say something that they don't want to hear. God bless you and have a good night, did not come hare to have words with people, thought we had freedom of speach, or did we already lose that one .
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."

Kentucky Kevin

Thank you 2GJ, I felt like you were trying to bully me to have your opinion, and am happy that we can agree or disagree without that.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


I think you are right that it's better to be "more correct" than the people we revile for being notoriously crooked. A moral advantage is important. I think we can get along just fine.


I don't like the way folks fight and argue on this "new" forum. :-*
Too mushy, mushy, and kissey, kissey. :P

Come on, let's get some name calling and diaper jurking like in the old days. :'(
This poop is too stiff shirt. ;D
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I'm a resident of Wisconsin, but last Wednesday I joined the FIBs (Friendly Illinois Bumpkins) for their IGOLD (Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day) rally down at the state's capitol in Springfield. I drove down to Rockford and caught a group bus ride. For $25 I got a three hour trip (each way) that let me chat and discuss guns and politics without having to watch the road, or worry about parking. They  We had a big rally (estimated nearly 8000 people). We had a registration process, where we received packets with legislator contact info, preprinted "drop cards"  (Dear Sen/Rep, I am against the straw "May Issue" concealed carry bill and for the "Shall Issue" bill, etc.), and then listened to several speakers and the leaders of the Illinois State Rifle Association, Illinois Carry , and others. After that, signs and banners were passed out and we marched nearly a mile from the convention center to the Capitol building.

The liberal Illinois media apparently didn't notice 8000 people in gold caps, t-shirts, and hoodies marching through the streets, chanting "Concealed Carry Now", and lining up at all entrances to go through security or wandering from political office to office in the Capitol building or adjacent office building for nearly 4 hours, but the politicians sure did. The pro-gun ones were in their offices for meet-and-greets and the anti-gun ones were "busy in committee meetings". There were more than a few (lobbyists?) snooty people in multi-thousand dollar suits and expensive shoes standing around in the halls trying to "look down upon us", but looking more like they had bit into a s**t sandwich and just figured out what the filling was.  I left some drop cards at random with my contact info and a short message to urge them to incorporate reciprocity with Wisconsin (Illinois is a long state to drive through on the way to states with more sensible gun laws) when they craft the law their Supreme Court said they had 6 months to write.

There was 1 photo in the Chicago Tribune the day after the rally, although fellow marchers recognized Tribune staff at the Capitol (covering their state employee pension funding problems). I didn't see anything on the Rockford Registar Star newspaper web site or any of the several web sites for Illinois TV stations I Googled. For pictures see their Facebook page:

I met some nice people, had a great time and enjoyed indirectly paying back those out-of-state anti-gun weasels who testified and protested in Madison when my state was trying to get a concealed carry law passed. Anyone living adjacent to Illinois or who can afford to attend next year's rally in March should check the Illinois State Rifle Association's web site next January or February.