Buying the Gun to Fit the Ammo in Stock

Started by riverkilt, March-07-13 14:03

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So last night I'm reading a new gun magazine about the NAA Sidewinder .22 Magnum.  Today I'm in my LGS checking for ammo.  He lights up and says he got in some .22 Magnum today.  I almost ordered the Sidewinder to go with the ammo he has in stock.  Thats crazy on one level and wise on another...still thinkin' about it.


Nice, I have heard stranger reasons to justify a purchase. Unsure about the sidewinder, but if it comes with the option to also have a 22 LR cylinder, I would add that to talking myself into the purchase
The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

cedarview kid

LOL, whatever works, go for it!

It seems to me that the buying frenzy for guns & ammo is slowing down, though. So maybe just a little bit longer wait and you'll be able to get what you want.

I think gun owners are starting to realize that Obama and his liberal cronies aren't going to get much done after all, although some of the states are considering, and in some cases even passing, what are probably illegal bills that are going to cause on short-term havoc.


I'd been debating a .17 rimfire rifle for quite some time. After the Nth trip to the LGS to get .22 rimfire ammo that wasn't there, I noticed they had always had a stack of .17 hmr and still did.

I said, "Let me see a .17 hmr rifle."
The lady behind the counter said, "Sorry, we just sold the last one."


Kentucky Kevin

how does the .17 work in the mini's?
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


NAA made some .17 minis, but they were problematic to keep in production from what I've heard. They liked to jam by cartridge casing setback. I've heard a few people say that they had no such issue with theirs.

I've never seen one in person, they're very rare.

cedarview kid

Some of the NAA .17's had problems apparently, some did not.

I actually used to carry a .17HMR Black Widow in a MadHat holster. I shot it numerous times at the range with no problems whatsoever, or I wouldn't have carried it. I have since sold it, though. I'm also in the process of selling off the rest of my NAA .17 collection. Most of them are gone now. I think I had six of them total. All I have left are a .17 Mach2 Mini and a .17HMR Magnum-frame mini. These are the rarest of the lot and will got on GunBroker to see how much I can get for them.


Around here, if you bought a gun to fit the ammo in stock, it would be a 410 or 20 gauge shotgun.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Around here, there's plenty of: .45-70, .35 whelen, .30-06, .308 (huh?) .270, .243, 12 gauge, .460 mag, .454 casull, .44 magnum, .40 s&w., .17 hmr, .17m2, pellet rifle (all flavors but .20 and .25, less than 14 grains,) Powder (2f black, red and blue dot and HS-6 are all you really need) and primers (small and large, pistol and rifle, 209) are doing just fine. I occasionally see a box or two of overpriced .22 mag.

Around here, you can just plain forget about: 7mm-08 (dammit,) .223, .22 short/long/longrifle except powderless CB caps, 28 gauge, 20 gauge, 16 gauge, .410, .45 lc, .45 acp, 9mm, .380, .32 acp, and just about 100% of all "metric" calibers such as 7.62x25 Tok, 7.62x54R(mosin), 9x18, etc. Around here, you can forget about percussion caps of any flavor, as well as 3f and 4f powder.

I guess we like the American big guns and the American fast guns around here. It's actually cheaper to shoot .30-06 right now than .223 (assuming you find some.) We have all the bows and crossbows that you can shake a stick at, and probably a few more than that. How bizarre is that?

Kentucky Kevin

My local Wall of china is stocked with shotgun, starting to rebuild a supply of rifle, a occasionaly has pistol. Have not seen any 22.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


The only handgun round I've commonly seen, usually a couple of boxes sitting on an empty shelf, is 25 ACP. So  if all else fails I can fall back on my Beretta 950.

My wife works in a Sporting Goods store and she's been telling me how people keep coming in asking for ammo and getting quite upset that they don't have any. I  was in there this morning buying some shoes and some old guy bought some 30-06 ammo and then proceeded to mumble and chunter on about them not having any 22, like somehow it was their fault. In order for my wife to keep her job, I kept my  big mouth shut, but really are people so ignorant that they think the stores are the problem here?  So I know non of us would act like that, but be nice to the people in the store, it's not their fault, they have loads of Ammo on order, it's just it doesn't arrive because their orders are not being fulfilled by the distributors.

May be people are like that, because they want to blame Obama - but nothing is ever his fault  . . . . it's official, watch any mainstream media channel for further details..
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

Could it be that some people just don't know what's going on?


Gonna have to start carrying my Khukri for defense if shooting supplies don't start flowing again.  Wouldn't that be cool, bad guys attacking you with unloaded guns and citizens hacking bad guys up like Zombies!
The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday


Quote from: RiverRat9533 on March-08-13 16:03
Gonna have to start carrying my Khukri for defense if shooting supplies don't start flowing again.  Wouldn't that be cool, bad guys attacking you with unloaded guns and citizens hacking bad guys up like Zombies!

What I wouldn't give to see the facial expression of said bad guy when he points an empty gun in your face and his arm comes off with a surgical cut from something along the lines of your Khukri or my Hisshou just below the elbow.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Now that would be cool, maybe the "shortage" will turn out to be a good thing after all. Sure as heck would make picking the fool out of a line up easy, "yep, that's him, third guy from the left. Yes I am sure, I have the rest of his arm right here in a sack...wanna play Cinderella and see if it fits?"
The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

Kentucky Kevin

Quote from: RiverRat9533 on March-08-13 19:03
Now that would be cool, maybe the "shortage" will turn out to be a good thing after all. Sure as heck would make picking the fool out of a line up easy, "yep, that's him, third guy from the left. Yes I am sure, I have the rest of his arm right here in a sack...wanna play Cinderella and see if it fits?"

Thank God, I needed a good laugh.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."

Kentucky Kevin

Quote from: roguets1 on March-08-13 19:03
Quote from: RiverRat9533 on March-08-13 16:03
Gonna have to start carrying my Khukri for defense if shooting supplies don't start flowing again.  Wouldn't that be cool, bad guys attacking you with unloaded guns and citizens hacking bad guys up like Zombies!

What I wouldn't give to see the facial expression of said bad guy when he points an empty gun in your face and his arm comes off with a surgical cut from something along the lines of your Khukri or my Hisshou just below the elbow.

The Hishouto conceals well, how do you hang the Hisshou
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


My japanese is really bad.

QuoteThe Hishouto
certain hand? Heh.

Anyway those CRKT blades conceal well with tip up and a shoulder loop through the lashing holes on the sheath. You can go behind the back or across the front of the chest with that.

Don't ask me how I know as I don't own a CRKT short sword... I've only got the knife, which I never carry.  ::)


I can help a little on Japenaso counting. Its itchy..knee..sun..she..hoochie..koochie..koo..jew. Or similar.  Do you know they go poo in little square holes in the floor? Big Mac prob cost twenty bucks by now. They was five bucks in Tokyo when they were .99 in Sweetwater so it should add up considering inflation.


A US serviceman stationed in Nippon told me that when he was there a $15 bottle of Jack on base from the (mil store) fetched over $80 on the local black market and that it was the only way you could afford to go and do anything on the local economy because everything is just expensive in Japan.


Yeppers I have heard all kinds of horror stories. London is supposed to be crazy expensive too. Right Old Bean? I think the commie liberals are printing too much money. We need to get back n the gold standard..or maybe at least silver. They claim guv'ments are the only entities who can take a valuable commodity i.e. paper and make it worthless by turning it into money. Not sure who said that but think they was surely right. The house of cards ifs fixing to fall soonish I think. Stock up on food and ammo. I am going to be sellng water.

Kentucky Kevin

W.W.W.F. weapon, web gear(what I Always carry in pockets) water food
you have to be able to protect your life before you can use your gear to help, then water, then food
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Quote from: Hardtackwon on April-24-13 19:04
Quote from: roguets1 on March-08-13 19:03
Quote from: RiverRat9533 on March-08-13 16:03
Gonna have to start carrying my Khukri for defense if shooting supplies don't start flowing again.  Wouldn't that be cool, bad guys attacking you with unloaded guns and citizens hacking bad guys up like Zombies!

What I wouldn't give to see the facial expression of said bad guy when he points an empty gun in your face and his arm comes off with a surgical cut from something along the lines of your Khukri or my Hisshou just below the elbow.

The Hishouto conceals well, how do you hang the Hisshou

If I was wearing it on a tac vest I would hang it tip up on my left side chest. If I were to wear it on my belt it would be left side with edge up. I rarely carry it but when doing so it is most often edge up in my bag with grip under my bag's flap for easy access and draw very similar to left side belt carry.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

Kentucky Kevin

I'm not trained in knife work, guess it's time to do some internet research. Carried a knife all the way back to fourth grade in Germany while dad was stationed there for the Air Force
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Smart thinking about the knife in da Fadderland. Never know when a person might need to cut up a snitzle or something. My oldest grandson now 21 or an Army Brat kraut hatched at Minze. Came back to civilization when he was a month old but he still loves Brats and or anything else remotely connected to Germany. Funny how a person gets imprinted by a furrin country like that huh?


TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


May God Bless you. Smart old boy told me one time how Germans are so mechanical minded. He say its all in the language.  He say for example..a person might want to make a manuel which splains to folks how to build a refrigerator from Deutch it be about about and inch thick or Engrish about 6 inches tall. In Spainish it look like the phone Directory for Noo Yawk City. Always sounded plausible to me. Now he say for working cattle and chasing wild wimmen..Spanish is best. What do yall think?

Kentucky Kevin

My wife has dual nationality Dutch born in U.S.A.she asked me when we were dating if I had German ancestory. I ignorantly said no, Scot, Irish, and Cherokee. Come to find out I also have a heavy dose of german and English. Now I know why it feels like I'm fighting myself
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Well yes..that combo could certainly cause some inner turmoil leading to multiple personalities and demonic oppression?  Fortunate to be able to trace the Roots. Can do it good back to Baltimore on my Daddys side. Always thought we was English for some reason but found out lately we likely Scots/Irish. My Mammas side is real murkey. They found her Mama (my Grandma) wandering around lost and orphaned after a big Forest Fire up in Manysoto. She was about four years old and a nice family took her in and raised her as their own. Never did find her kin. I might be part yummpin yimminie or something..gasp. Thats all that lives up there other than injuns aint it? Woops my Mama had brown eyes..that might be a clue of some sort. 


German's have the best beer!   ;)
It's because of me that the German girls shave there legs now.   8)   At least I take the credit for it.


   HaHaHaHaHaHaHa . THANKS Bud . Sure glad you got them turned around . HaHaHaHaHa . Now who's going to tell the gay guys now that they are out of the closet ? HaHaHaHaHa .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


"It's because of me that the German girls shave there legs now."     

I was over there for a while in 62 and they didn't shave then.
After a few beers I didn't mind hairy legs and arm pits just so they were women every where else..

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

Kentucky Kevin

Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Glimpse of good news on that. Thanks for sharing.


Summary: Be able to use any ammo that you can get during shortage.

I'm sure we've all heard of the Medusa revolver. They are basically unavailable and pull a hefty price, if you could ever find one. It fires .357, .38, 9mm (non +P), and .380 from the same cylinder. It also chambers and fires a bunch of antique ammo you won't find. The Medusa has been out of production for quite some time. For a while, custom revolver smiths were converting .357 revolvers into a similar multicaliber deal. The ones I knew who were doing it have stopped, perhaps you can find one. Good luck.

So what about what we COULD get our hands on that's multicaliber?

Single shot convertibles: You can get tons and tons of different rifle, pistol, shotgun, even muzzleloader-chambered barrels for these things without even going custom. Rossi Wizard rifle, Thompson Center Encore (pistol or rifle,) and a couple of other options.

Three barrels of particular note:

1. Factory .460 s&w allows you to also have access to .454 casull and .45 (long) colt.
2. A custom .357 maximum (there's no factory) also gives you access to .357 magnum and .38 special. .357 maximum handloads out of a long barrel rivals .30-30 winchester under a couple hundred yards.

The neat thing about doing this is that if you handload with these two barrels, you're only buying 2 calibers of bullets and can use 6 different shell casings.

3. 12 gauge. If you handload, I don't have to tell you just how many options this opens up. There are hundreds of chamber-conversion adapters to allow you to fire a huge variety of centerfire and other shotgun ammunition from a 12 gauge. For fun, maybe pick up a variety of .17 and .22 barrels... just to do it. You don't really need a Rossi Wizard to do this trick. Just get any old double barrel (over and under, side by side) and a stack of chamber adaptors. You could have .357 in one barrel and 20 gauge in the other with a chamber reducer. How awesome is that? Note that they don't have a reputation of long range accuracy with the chamber adapters, so the Wizard actually has an edge there.

Rossi Wizard barrels are fairly inexpensive compared to the whole gun. They're cheaper than most double barrels.

Bond Arms derringers. Swap the barrel set and you've got choices in many calibers and barrel lengths without even going custom. Once you're custom, you are into the crazy. Much is possible.

But we want more than one or two shots?

Thompson Center Dimension multicaliber rifle. It's convertible, just like the encore and contender... but it's mag-fed bolt action.

But we want high cap semi auto!!!

Colt LE901-16S multi caliber rifle. It's a long frame that can fire full rifle cartridges such as the .308-family. It also has a few parts that let it take 5.56 ar-type uppers, so then you have the world of cartridges and choices that the short AR frame offers.

The summary of guns to have for Obama's 3rd term in office:

Colt LE901-16S, TC Dimension, TC Encore (for the simply massive variety possible.), Rossi Wizard due to their full shotgun support and the adapters that it brings, and Bond Arms. Maybe a 12 gauge double barrel instead of the Rossi, if you chose an Encore?

Get your gun collection done with fewer pieces.  8) A gun "for every reason and season" and "neither fish nor fowl" in 5 guns.

...then take the money you saved and buy a stack of NAAs to feed your addiction. ;D Who needs full sized pistols, anyway?  ;)

(but if you wanted a convertible full size pistol, Glock and Tanfoglio have a lot of options.)