Olde Age and Forgetting I'm Packing my Mini...

Started by riverkilt, March-03-13 21:03

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My .22 NAA with the fold up holster thingie is sooooo dang convenient.  I use it as a car gun and keep it in the drop open sunglass holder up by the visors.  That way I always have it with me when I'm out and about.

When I feel the need to take it with me usually put it in my jacket pocket.  Nice to know its at hand.  But when I get into doing my chores or having fun I find I've forgotten its on me and gone into a restaurant/bar for dinner or been picking up my mail at the post office with it still in my jacket.

Worse, get into sticky situations.  Had my car in for recall work at the dealers and put the mini in my jacket pocket rather than leave it out with the mechanics.  Was hopeful to get the work done before a meeting at City Hall.  Work got delayed and the dealer offered to give me a ride to the meeting and pick me up after....but I can't go into city hall healed....and I don't wanna ask the dealer to excuse me while I put the mini back in the sunglass holder for the mechanics to ponder.

Point is - I gotta do planning with this little gun, just like my other carries....but I also gotta remember better when I'm packing.  Its just so convenient.

As mentioned on another thread...its not a "take down" gun...but for me it seems more than enough to change a bad guy's plans if ever needed.


There are no metal detectors in my county so I carry every where I go. 8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

cedarview kid

It seems that every couple of weeks, somebody gets caught at the Salt Lake airport with a loaded gun in their bag, which they forgot they had. It seems carrying has become so common for them to have it, that they don't think about when they shouldn't have it.

Sending a loaded gun through the X-Ray machine at the airport is a very bad idea. TSA kind of frowns on that. Plenty of people seem to be doing it, though. Kind of makes you wonder how many of them get missed by TSA. Wouldn't it freak you out to realize you had a loaded gun on an airplane? Geesh, scary. What would you do?


Got invited to a Utah Jazz Basketball game on Friday night at the last minute, we went for a meal first and decided to leave the truck by the restaurant in Salt Lake and walk to the game. Luckily I thought to ask my friend as we were getting our coats from the truck after eating, if they had metal detectors etc. at the venue. I hid my Guardian as best I could in his truck, hated doing it, hated walking the streets unarmed with a few weirdo's about even more. No gun zones are a total pain and when caught off guard, it would be much safer for me to be carrying my gun than hiding it in a truck that you hope doesn't get stolen or broken into.

Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

Yeah, that's a royal pain. I have yet to determine if the gun ban at the Jazz center is legal, but with the metal detectors, it probably doesn't matter--you don't have a choice if you want to enter.

As I understand Utah law (and maybe I don't???), only Churches and private residences can ban you from carrying your firearm on site, not a business, which the Jazz is. Of course, if they have metal detectors, which they do, that pretty much prevents you from bringing in your firearm, so I guess the point is moot if you wish to enter.

I have also seen a no-guns sign at theaters, but without metal detectors, I don't think Utah law excepts businesses, even with a sign, from legal concealed carry. I generally don't, but that's a matter of my choice.

EDIT: Here's what I found on the Utah BCI site:

"What about private businesses? Can they post signs prohibiting someone from carrying a gun into their business even though the person has a concealed firearms permit?

Naturally, private property owners may apply whatever restrictions they want. Whether or not these restrictions violate one's constitutional rights is for the civil courts to decide. But the only statutory restrictions on a permit holder are secured areas such as airports and federal buildings."

So, it's a civil issue, not criminal. I suppose if they knew, they could eject you based upon trespassing laws, but that's about it. Or if you were involved in a shooting, they might could sue you civilly. But it's not a criminal offense, as least in Utah.


That was my understanding in UT the only offense is trespass, but that clarifies the law behind it.  Either way I find it gun free zones very inconvenient and when backed up by metal detectors you have no choice but to comply. It's hard to leave home without a gun, but equally I'm very uncomfortable having to leave a gun in a vehicle.

The only thing I will say as a sort of positive is at least when there's metal detectors at the door it hopefully stops criminals and mass shooters entering the building, as opposed to other places like the Mall, where only the law abiding will be unarmed.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Flying is over-rated...   and I try to avoid courthouse visits if at all possible.
Still, I prefer to have and not need than to need and not have.
It's pretty much the same reason I carry a pocket knife.

And Boom......There it was!!!!


Funny you mention TSA and pocket knives in the same post, someone sent this to me yesterday, and looks like a good step for us.



Quote from: jw1128 on March-06-13 08:03
Funny you mention TSA and pocket knives in the same post, someone sent this to me yesterday, and looks like a good step for us.


"knives with molded grips also are still banned."

Them "molded grips" can kill in a microsecond......
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

cedarview kid

"Molded grips" constitute "scary knives," don't you know?


This makes me want to make a custom knife with all of the "banned features," A telescoping stock, barrel shroud, both molded pistol grip and molded vertical foregrip, flash suppressor and bayonet lugs (yo dawg...) It needs to have a vibration mechanism for "full auto cutting" and a selector switch, of course.

Pic is an already-banned "high capacity full-auto switchblade box cutter." I have a few preban ones that are skyrocketing in value. Stock up on spare blades while you can.

When did we become England? I missed it.


The new TSA rules sound like a good way to go to the airport with a knife that you think is OK. only to have it confiscated any way on some technicality. There knife collection must be shrinking or something.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I know a guy who buys the junk that the TSA steals and sells whatever it is that they don't keep. I hate him for that, actually.

TSA stole my Leatherman Micra (this thing is TINY!) before 9/11 and the rules in place at the time said it should have been allowed. This is what I get for forgetting it was on my keychain. Is there anyone who doesn't think the TSA is a bunch of bastards?


Now, now is that anyway to talk about those fine upright, highly trained, polite officers? They are working so hard to keep the sheep safe, when they fly the friendly skies.
"TANSTAAFL ['There ain't no such thing as a free lunch']- Robert Heinlein   
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."- Albert Einstein

Kentucky Kevin

So, if the sign CLEARLY says no concealed weapons, is a 4" MM with the Large rubber grip Clearly sticking out of you back pocket Allowed???
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Obviously, a 12 gauge Biden-model double-barrel is permitted as open carry!