Big comfort in a small package

Started by keith44, April-20-13 17:04

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I was in the process of pumping gas when I became aware of a young man approaching much closer than I prefer.  He said "sir, I ran out of gas just down the road and was wondering if you could spare some change so I could get some gas"  The entire time he was talking he kept walking toward me, until my hand slid into my pocket.  Suddenly he stopped advancing, and was able to stand up straight and look me face on, instead of looking around the otherwise empty gas station lot.  I told him I did not carry cash.  He backed away several feet and then walked away very quickly, saying not another word.  I finished my business, and just to verify my suspicions, drove a mile down the rural highway in the direction the young man had indicated.  No vehicle in sight.  I turned around, and drove back the other way, the direction my planned route would take me normally. About 1/2 a block the other side of the gas station I had left (the only one in town) I saw him walking with three other young men (ages 18 to 25 or so) and headed to the tobacco store.  Still not sure of his intentions, but I was very comforted by that little .22 Mag NAA in my front pocket.


   Very cool there Keith44 . Just goes to show ya some street wise punks . Myself I woulda started screwing with their heads for fun and following them here and there , watching them slithering to evade maybe let off a round in the air for an instant panic attack . Good for you .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I have had a time or two when a mini in my pocket gave me all the confidence that I needed to appear to be in charge.
Can make a big difference in the outcome...


The mooching for gas money is real prevalent around hear. Wife got hit up by two or three different one at the same store just recently. There was an article in the paper about how much money some of those clowns are knocking was shocking.  It might beat working.  Glad you had your little friend handy. If they are riding a Shetland..shoot


Yes...   there are times when having your second best friend along
can be an advantage, just don't let it give you a false sense of
security where you get a big head and start feeling cocky.

These slackers are running in packs as you mentioned and they
are getting bolder and bolder with each passing week, like with
the "Knock Out Game" and commiting home invasions and so
forth...   when 5 or more teens and unemployed 20 somethings
get together in a group they tend to gang up on people for the
fun of it in hopes of scoring some money for gas, drugs, smokes,
or alcohol...   and the day may come when you will be forced
to actually use the gun in your pocket to protect yourself.

For this reason, I have a rule of thumb that I personally go by.
I don't pull my gun unless I'm ready to use it to defend myself
and I don't bother firing a warning shot, each one will count.

If your not ready to explain this to a cop and a judge both and
spend some time in a jail cell over it, then it is best to avoid
such situations if at all possible while you are out and about.

The gun in your pocket should only be your last resort to
protect yourself when you are faced with no alternative.
(Because this issue will definately come up in court.)

And it could mean the difference between
"Self Defense" and "Manslauter or Murder".

Just giving you a heads up.

And Boom......There it was!!!!


Great thoughts Sir! Its the proverbial Ace in the hole. Dont want to show that one too early in the game. Have known more than one who drug it out way too soon. When the bad guy says..Go ahead and shoot be ready to hammer down or put it back up. Putting it back up makes folks appear foolish. So not bring the guest to the podium until he/she/it is ready to speak. lol


Thats why I love pocket carry, descreet confidence.  I may have somthing bigger on the belt, but I will always go to the pocket first, because your just putting you hand in your pocket in the event that nothing happens.


Pants or shirt pocket carry is best with a mini, in my humble opinion.


I had an incident 2 years ago that caused by to draw my G 32NAA. Two young men with tats all over one weilding one of those knives you flip around were approaching me and making onerous comments about the way I looked at their lowrider with music blaring louder than a jack hammer.
When they got about 30 to 40 feet away and refused to stop I pulled my friend and put a red laser dot in the middle of the chest of the guy with the knife.
Suddenly they were gone.

After that I put lasers on everything I own that will take one. They are a good deterrent.


Good story. Always love those happy endings.

Kentucky Kevin

Glad it worked well. I had to go to  step one in the draw stroke twice: man approaching outside of package store, asking for money, I replied no thank you and placed left hand palm up towards him. When he continued approaching I placed right hand under jacket and repeated, thank God it ended there. second time large city at dusk, young man running towards me asking what time it was. I placed hand under jacket, he stopped and said its coll and ran off
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Glad your deal worked out good too. Dont hear much of this positive stuff on


  Maybe because I'm so dam ugly but I just can't have things like this happen with me . I know red hair has something to do with it seems minority types think it's some type of omen , I know this because I confronted a couple of darker type buds and asked why I'm ignored even walked around . Might also be the swastika on my forehead , said that for one of my buddies on here . :) :) :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I said this in another thread but my old Dad always taught me each time we went shooting " Never draw unless you are willing to use it, Never aim unless your willing to pull the trigger, Never pull the trigger unless you are willing to kill ". When I was older he added something that he taught his men in WWII always pull the trigger 3 times aim low then in the middle then high. Not sure where that came from but he brought back a lot of his men so I never asked.


I almost got mugged once.  If I hadn't taken the lead pipe away from the guy
and hit him in the face with it I probably wouldn't be typing this today. It was
a bad situation involving a desperate homeless guy looking for an easy score.
I didn't feel good about doing it, but it was him or me, and he is the one that
attacked me first so he got what he had coming to him.  It was this incident
that changed my mind about carrying a handgun.  I realized that if you don't
protect yourself no one else will, and the cops are rarely around when these
types of things happen.  They only show up after the party to take names
and clean up the dishes.

No disrespect to LEO's, it's just the way it always seems to happen.
With that said owning and carrying a gun is pretty much common sense.
Never try to bully, rob, or mug someone else, and only use it to protect
yourself in the event that something like that should happen to you.
That's really the only point that I'm trying to make.

And Boom......There it was!!!!


Sounds like a tense situation..very glad all went well on the encounter. I'm with you on the gun vs cop thing. I carry a gun because carrying a fat cop would get too


A cop with a gun and  donuts is a very bad thing.   LOL

Kentucky Kevin

Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Highly true Sir. My Daddy always preached from an early age..Cops aint ever around when you need one.  Sorta quasi cute story here: Back in my old country po po days..stopped to check out what appeared to be broke down car on the side of the road. I goes up and its a real nice looking lady and her crusty old daddy. So I help them change the flat or give a jump I forget right now but something minor. Anyway whilst I was scurrying around trying to be helpful..the little cutie calls me aside and says this, "I'm sure glad you showed up. My Daddy was just bad mouthing cops sayng..there aint never one around when you one." I say, "Dang my Daddy said that too." We both got to laughing purty hard. Her ample bosoms started to shake and heave That was most likely pre


Last week was stopped at a bank ATM in a shopping center.  Four local drunks started to approach me to put the tap on me.  When they were about 20 feet out put up my left hand at the same time my right hand went to my pocket and said in my best cop voice, "STOP!"  Of the three loud messages - the left hand signal, the verbal warning, and the hand to the pocket the later was the strongest.  They all stopped and seemed to be staring at my pocket.  They backed away.  Later we were in the same supermarket in the shopping center, they saw me and want the other way.


Sounds like some forceful and assertive gesticulations to me..seems to have worked good too. The poof of the pudding is in the eating as I was taught. Love those stories with happy endings. Good job Sir!!

Kentucky Kevin

glad it worked well, thank God for being prepared
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Amen Brother...The meek shall inherit the the big church going All American defensive tackle from LSU say to Jerry Clower (good Baptist from Baylor playing offensive guard) as he slammed his mouth down into the grass and dirt. That is writ. Now this may have been Eugene or Newgene who went to Baylor. It was one of the three seems like. I think Uncle Bursey would have been a little long in the tooth to have been the antagonist in that story line.


It truely amazes me how many crimes are prevented with lawfully armed citizens, too bad liberal media never says that.  What is even better is the stories here, where they did not even have to display the weapon, that just the idea that the person might be armed stopped the treat.  Shoot strait, always carry.


Heh, I did something similar in a bad part of the city. I didn't have a gun on me, it was $20 that I was reaching for. The effect was the same. I got lucky that time.


I wrapped a twenty around a mini once for that split-second edge.

"Oh he's giving me his mon..."*BLAM!*

Who needs to pay for a wallet AOW? Really? Wrap a $20 around it. You don't even need a hundy. A double-sawbuck is good enough.


Well I know of this group of drunk guys who was in a biker titty bar in Austin..when one of the fun lovers decide to drop a quarter into one of the exotic dancers g-strings as opposed to folding money (poor guy did not realize that is apparently an ultimate insult to upper crust titty dancers in that area.) So she gets in a huff and heads for the tatted up floor bouncers. So several of them group up and come to do bizness and beat the offender senseless. Fortunately one of the group on innocent drunk folks had a sorta badly concealed 1911 stuffed into the small of his back and trying to keep it hid with a cheap corduroy blazer suit coat. Well when the guy leaned over to shoot pool the nasty square handle made a perfect imprint on the back of the coat which was noted by the bad guys. They put on the brakes and made a u turn..deciding to try the non violent approach.