22WRF verses 22WMR

Started by mattnky, March-14-13 11:03

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Hi I am new to the board.  I recently was trying to buy som Mag ammo. They were all out but thay had a box of 22WRF ammo 50 rds for $10.00. The shop said they would work in any 22mag.  They are about 1/4 inche shorter.  They are loaded with a 45 gram flat nosed lead LUBALOY bullet.  I looked them up.  1320 fps and 175 ft lbs.  Has any one used these in the past? 
Mattnky ???


Yeah, those numbers are for a rifle. I wasn't really all that impressed out of a pistol but if it is all you can get, go for it. It's better than dry firing.

I forget the exact velocity I got out of a mini, but I recall it was sort of "meh." Bangs are bangs, though. Get what you can.


Okay thanks for the quick reply.  What is the best ammo to shoot?  I saw a You tube video that claimed that the 22mag with a 40 grain FMJ had about the same effect as a 380 ACP hollow point.  What am I looking for to gert the best bang for my buck in a conceal and carry situation?  I have a wasp with the 1 5/8 barrel.  I understand I might have to special order or wait for a while.

cedarview kid

They're actually shorter? Just the casing or the bullet or both? I thought they were just different designations for the same round.

in any case, you should be fine with them.


About the time I lost much interest in such things..the general rumor was out of short barreled pistols i.e. minis..derringers etc.  the difference twixt .22 mags and the regular old version was about the only thing gained with the mags was more muzzle blast and unburned powder. The same dilemma was said to occur with snubby .357 mags. Just as well stoke it with .38 specials and go on about your bizness. Seems like the general consensus at the time was it took an 18" barrel to get full potential out of the .22 mags. Not sure what was the sweet spot for .357's. Guess a rifle would shoot them hotter and faster too. Anyway sounds like somebody now has new scoop..lol. Keeps us posted. Its great to be kept up to date on such stuff. Will testify when frog hunting with a rifle..the hyper velocity stuff such as Stingers and Yellow Jackets would flat sling out the guts where they couldnt hop back into the water. If you shoot them with most other bullets it just poke a hole and they jump back in the water and get away. I would get some of those if they still make em. Now if a person was wanting some peneteration potential that might be a bad choice. Might just splatter out on an alleged perp wearing a heavy coat or something. Its hard to figger sometimes. 


Both I am trying to upload pic with no luck.


Yeah, WRF is a touch shorter, I think.

Watch out for those youtube claims. I think someone was mixing up information. The .22 mag Hornady critical defense xtp in a 4" barrel (like a mini master) has nearly the same penetration and energy as .380 from a 3" barrel. After watching some tubes about people making dangerous 12 gauge handloads, I realized that they mostly aren't experts. Keep a sharp eye for stuff that could potentially dangerous. WRF in a mag is safe unless your gun has a problem.

Really though, practice and shot placement. It means way more than anything else.

About half the time I carry FMJ in my minis. I wouldn't feel unarmed with a mini stoked with WRF, either. I've been packing the Hornady CD loads lately and haven't found any Winchester PDX1 rounds to test. I hear many good things about them. Long-barrel mags rarely expand out of a mini, but the stuff designed for a short barrel will. Winchester Supreme and CCI Maxi-mag +V jhps don't expand but have higher muzzle energy than some other loads. I'd treat them as a high energy fmj from a mini.

There's plenty of good information here about stoking these minis with different things. Some of us have chronographs and some of us do gelatin tests. Feel free to ask questions and don't worry... we don't usually bite very hard.


I hope this works

cedarview kid

Wow. That's a massive difference. I never put two of them up against either other before, I guess. Thanks for the comparison photo. I learned something today!

But, like I said, if they'll fit the chamber, they'll be fine. I have READ (without the help of your great photo, BTW!) that they are compatible rounds. I think they're probably included in the round-comparison thread that was moved the the FAQ section.


Mr N.C. is correct. Go read the FAQ section and think of some stuff to talk about. We'll be here.

Kentucky Kevin

But, we did hear from TGJ, who I assume is a female that size does not matter, it is all about how you use it. :) ;D :-[
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Quote from: Hardtackwon on March-14-13 12:03
But, we did hear from TGJ, who I assume is a female that size does not matter, it is all about how you use it. :) ;D :-[


It's all in how you use it.


Mini's don't exactly follow velocity statements made by manufacturers or by the self appointed experts.
All that velocity crap is useless if you can't hit reliably, find a round that works good for you and don't worry about the hype. Powder burns never puts someone down ( many rounds are designed for longer barrels and all that extra horse power is wasted on a barrel less than two inches because its still burning after it leaves the gun)
The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday


I don't know... a few powder burns to the face would probably change a few minds. It's like your .22 mag mini comes with a free shot of pepper spray with each trigger pull.


Good point, hybrid gun/pepper spray.
The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday