Ammo availability and you

Started by lohman446, March-18-13 07:03

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Great news. i heard various commie liberals nagging all day that the shortage has yet to be eliminated in this locale. Unless the War of Nothern Agression should erupt yet again..think I will have plenty..not even counting the dove loads for old betsy. Smart space aliens should give us a 



Quote from: bigwheel on April-24-13 20:04...the War of Nothern Agression should erupt yet again..

You mean the one where the Southernors ignobley fired the first shots?


It was actually rowdy college kids from VMI who get credited with firing the first shot. Transplanted yankees most likely. Who has read the book, Confederates in the Attic? Very good info in there about just such stuff. Why is Stonewall Jackson buried in two places? 


I've caught several gun stores doing this. They hide the ammo in the back and let the shelves look bare. They use this as an excuse for jacked prices because they're "doing you a favor."

Chiselers! Gougers! (in antiquity, this has dire negative and slanderous meanings) Crooks!

Gun and sporting goods stores are the worst of the bunch when it comes to generating this "oh no there's no ammo" garbage.

I've caught three gun stores doing this!!! I didn't realize it at first, but now I see what's going on.

This is the scam. Shelves are empty, you ask for a certain thing... "Oh yeah, we've got one box in the back." The price is all screwed up.

This is half of the ammo shortage problem right here.

Kentucky Kevin

I did not know this was a problem. Asked about CCI Quiet at LGC when I bought 35BX for $38.45 out the door, he had to go next door to the wharehouse, and came back with some other brand, said no thanks because I really want to try the CCI. This in conjuntion with the previous info makes me wonder. I'll continue to throw them an occaisional bone, because we need the LGS, but I'll spend the bulk of my money where I get the biggest bang(pun intended) for my buck
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


First I saw it on the internet. I didn't believe.


They actually have ammo, it's just that the shelves are empty so that can... pssst! Hey! Hey buddy. I gots the ammo here! Just $20 for this box of .22 magnum...


Scam ripoff crap punks!!!

Kentucky Kevin

I will continue to mine them for info, and give nickles, but my eyes havve been opened
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


The first gun store I caught doing this, I didn't even realize that they were doing it. I see now.


You don't have to draw me any more circles in the sand. I understand now. These chicken suckers are bold enough to do it in front of my face.