New dude here - longtime NA Mini owner

Started by Armybrat, March-19-13 14:03

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Okay, found Round Rock on a map. I have never been through that area: I have passed through San Antonio a few times and Dallas a few times. I keep meaning to take a few days and explore the Hill Country. I really like the Big Bend area and the Davis Mountains area, but I have never slowed down and enjoyed the middle of Texas.


Hey I have an old high school chum who owns some Bed an Breakfasts in New Braunfels. Its just cheesy cinammmon rolls and fruit for breakfast but he aint expensive. He is way far to the left (TCU Grad) if you can tolerate those.. I was thinking of taking the Warden down there sometime since she constantly complaining about never going no place but me and him got to spatting about abortion and he unfriended me..sniff sniff. If you go down there dont mention that you know me. It would prob be cheaper. Think I still have his link around here somewhere.



Your friend is way to the left?  My car won't even turn left, so I couldn't go to a place where the people lean to the left!  :-\


All my ex's live in Texas
And Texas is the place I'd dearly love to be
But all my ex's live in Texas
And that's why I hang my hat in Tennessee

Rosanna's down in Texarkana
Wanted me to push her broom
Sweet Eileen's in Abilene
She forgot I hung the moon

And Allison's in Galveston
Somehow lost her sanity
And Dimple's who now lives in Temple's
Got the law looking for me

All my ex's live in Texas
And Texas is the place I'd dearly love to be
But all my ex's live in Texas
And that's why I hang my hat in Tennessee

I remember that old Frio river
Where I learned to swim
And it brings to mind another time
Where I wore my welcome thin

By transcendental meditation
I go there each night
But I always come back to myself
Long before daylight

All my ex's live in Texas
And Texas is the place I'd dearly love to be
But all my ex's live in Texas
And therefore I reside in Tennessee

Some folks think I'm hidin'
It's been rumored that I died
But I'm alive and well in Tennessee


Hats off to King George. Mighty good taste in music you have Sir..if might I Likes some of that Bocephus Music too. You got the words to some of those classics? Why do that boy roll smoke? Do he have the same kind as they get on here?  Enquiring minds need to know this kinda stuff. Thanks. Course it takes Minnie Pearl to sing a good truck driving song huh? My dearly deceased said that and he was a Truck Driver so he bound to know about such stuff or would seem so. 


All the replies about Texas got me in the mood to sing.  ;D I don't actually live in Texas or Tennessee, and I don't usually wear a hat.


Well as has been said before and as articulated by King George..regardless of where a person hangs the hat..Texas is a state of mind. I have met some Yankees from Noo Yawk City who make better Texans that some of the natives. Sorry about the hat. Gimme caps and Boonies work too.


Quote from: G50AE on April-02-13 18:04
All the replies about Texas got me in the mood to sing.  ;D I don't actually live in Texas or Tennessee, and I don't usually wear a hat.

No Gene Autry songs please .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .



TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .