Started by cedarview kid, March-24-13 20:03

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cedarview kid

I found a new site that's basically "Google for Ammo" that's pretty cool. You specify what type of ammo you are looking for and it finds places that are selling it and in stock, plus what prices it's selling for. Check it out:


Pretty cool thank for sharing I will definitely use this. I can't wait until ammo comes back down in price. I was able to snag 250 rounds of .22Mag Hornady 30 GR from Cabela's about a month ago for $69.99 with a free ammo case.

I just checked Cabel's and they have in stock some CCI LR rounds $8.99 for 100 rounds. I just bought one, that's all they will let you check out with.

cedarview kid

Yesterday, I used the above site to find the cheapest price on some more .22TCM and some 7.62x38R Nagant pistol ammo. I even found some .22LR blanks, which I may use to celebrate the Fourth of July with my two Sidewinders! :)


PSA has had some stuff trickling in. You can always tell because it lags the crap out of the site.
Never underestimate the delusional power of irrationality.

Arrogance isn't the same as stupidity, but it tends to have similar results.---David Drake


Hey collector,
I like that.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Thanks for the link. Academy Sports is usually a pretty good place for bullets in this area. Called them and they aint got either .22LR or .40 SW..which is what I was wanting. The guy said show up at 8 AM on MWF (when the truck comes in) and get in line to fight it out with other folks till the bullets are gone. He did say Cheaper than Dirt has some but they are doing some serious price his view. He said they are expecting the shortage to lessen in August maybe. Did not specify why Aug was the magic date.


Just came in from the local farm supply place.  They had CCI .22 CBs for 7.99--normal price.  There were a couple display cases of it (10 boxes each?) There was a dozen boxes of some .22 WMR too, but didn't pay attention to brand.  Price was normal though.  Only other .22 was #12 shot, and there was plenty of that.  I was happy with my ration of 2 boxes of CBs to plink with, especially since my BW and shorty returned yesterday from NAA with their new makeovers (barrels, crown, springs.)  And the temp here in MN is finally above freezing!


Congrats on the find!

Around here, .22 snake shot never went out of supply. Perhaps this means that the hoarders weren't interested? It always seemed to be the last thing on the shelf.

Good weather? Now go burn 'em up!  :)


Sure John Wayne would not condone any frivolous expenditure of ammo at this critical juncture of the good guys being under attack by commie liberals..muslims..radical homos..and assorted other godless democrats. Why dont we go toss back a few brewskis whilst helping refight previous wars at the local VFW Hall?  That should be more fun than wasting bullets huh?  Cheaper too.


TwoGun: I'm anxious to see if the re-rifled minis shoot better (was it the rifling or my incompetance?!)  AND I have a new Rossi .22 set up with tactical stock, cheap scope, and other cool but useless but fun upgrades (single shot rifle with optional .410 interchangable barrel.)  All my .22 mini ammo collection works with it, so it adds to the afternoon target fun, as well as being useful on the menace of warrior red squirrels that threaten the safety of electrical wiring and attic insulation.  The hapless grouse or snowshoe hare that wanders within range  will now have a new terror to contend with also, as winter game grilling is always a bonus in the northland.

cedarview kid

Quote from: TwoGunJayne on March-26-13 13:03
Around here, .22 snake shot never went out of supply. Perhaps this means that the hoarders weren't interested? It always seemed to be the last thing on the shelf.

I was looking for some .45ACP ammo and all I could find was shot. I guess people don't care much for shot in a .45. Perhaps it's worth buying ANY ammo you can get in anticipation of the zombie and/or Dem-gun-grab apocalypse.


Well I used to hob nob with some small town local yokel po pos who carry around little .38 special rat shot loads with a clear nose which poked out of the case a good ways..mainly for shooting mad dogs and stuff..but one of them tole me it was worse for a human to get shot with that..than with a real bullet. I would not turn my nose out of em till you can tell what is up there. They may be good in other words. I aint sure whether that guy mighta been lying or just ignorant etc. Also assuming he knows of what he spoke..not sure how it jumps to being applicable to other calibers. Too many loose ends to attempt solving this equation.


Quote from: naa_collector on March-26-13 17:03I was looking for some .45ACP ammo and all I could find was shot. I guess people don't care much for shot in a .45. Perhaps it's worth buying ANY ammo you can get in anticipation of the zombie and/or Dem-gun-grab apocalypse.

I hear that it just plain sucks to get hit with that. You won't hear me volunteering to take a .45 shot load of any caliber. The main problem is eating around the shot. It gets more difficult as the shot gets smaller. As a young man, I chipped a tooth on a piece of shot. Oh well.

Quote from: swolf on March-26-13 15:03
TwoGun: I'm anxious to see if the re-rifled minis shoot better (was it the rifling or my incompetance?!)  AND I have a new Rossi .22 set up with tactical stock, cheap scope, and other cool but useless but fun upgrades (single shot rifle with optional .410 interchangable barrel.)  All my .22 mini ammo collection works with it, so it adds to the afternoon target fun, as well as being useful on the menace of warrior red squirrels that threaten the safety of electrical wiring and attic insulation.  The hapless grouse or snowshoe hare that wanders within range  will now have a new terror to contend with also, as winter game grilling is always a bonus in the northland.

Oh, NICE! I've been looking at a Wizard for years... debating on whether or not to begin converting my H&R single barrel or add more barrels for the T&C. Looking good!

In my experience, any mini that comes back from the NAA Tender Loving Care tends to work better. Here's to hoping that you hit your targets!


Snakeshot? not a real knock down load, but! Imagine the surgery required to remove all of those little pellets.


I read a real-life horror story about a guy in Mexico who had a potato gun blow up in his hands. The shrapnel removal account was... beyond bad.

Lots of little bits in anybody means a bad time.


I am trying to get a grasp on how the .45 rat shot gonna cycle through the innards of the gun. Might turn a 1911 into single shot. Surely it cant feed and eject..or it could not have much of a bb load and need to be hard and round on the end. This is getting real puzzling.


Quote from: bigwheel on March-26-13 19:03
I am trying to get a grasp on how the .45 rat shot gonna cycle through the innards of the gun. Might turn a 1911 into single shot. Surely it cant feed and eject..or it could not have much of a bb load and need to be hard and round on the end. This is getting real puzzling.

The nose is a plastic cone the shape of the bullet, such that loading supposedly works fine. I've never tried it.


Start cutting the loops off of a mainspring until your particular load of .45 rat shot starts cycling. Otherwise, you could just start using worn-out 1911 mainsprings.

The 3" barrel 1911 .45 pistols tend to kill a mainspring in under 1,000 rounds, from what I've read.

I have a 3" .380 that has the slide battering the frame and it's got less than 1,000 round through it. Recoil has gotten snappier. Strangely, the feed and functioning has gotten better. Weird.


swolf, isn't a tactical single-shot .22lr assault rifle pretty close to useless... without a bayonet lug?  ;D


Heh! Back in the days of the Revolutionary War, they had "barrel plug" bayonets that would work in any rifle.


Quote from: TwoGunJayne on March-26-13 19:03
Heh! Back in the days of the Revolutionary War, they had "barrel plug" bayonets that would work in any rifle.

Good thing Feinstein wasn't around or she would have banned the first assault rifle.


Kevin; Got it covered!
TwoGun; Plug bayonets go back to matchlocks.  Pictured is my repro .50 smoothbore matchlock.
AND to not be accused of thread drift--Ammo is easy to come by for the matchlock (any lead that fits will shoot.)
Gives me an idea: Plug bayonet for a mini?  Brass rod with a short dagger blade and holster made to hold both, allowing the blade to be used independantly?  Perhaps push dagger style.....


BP arms are one of the few cases of American law currently being correct, for the most part. Now if we can only get the metallic cartridge laws fixed...


A chap on here swolf made a rather natty, skull crusher/enlarged handle for a mini... You may be able to extend this idea to incorporate a folding bayonet i.e. running from the base of the handle to the muzzle, would be the knifes handle then from the muzzle out to this distance the blade etc perhaps.


Two-gunJayne,     I love that poster!   Where can I get one?


I don't know, just found it while browsing pro-2nd pictures on google image search...

I can't find the original source, unfortunately. Stuff like this gets passed around pretty hard, especially the good ones.

The NRA needs to discreetly plaster these all over Washington.


Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Does it come with a belt buckle attachment?



It still needs to have a front pistol grip to make Feinstein have a heart attack & DIE ... but I couldn't figger out where to put it.

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


They should make an assault mini, as novel, sort of memento... He he, hey it looks kinda accurate.


Not sure what you funny fellers are huffing..but just got off the phone with my Viet Nam Veteran pal..and he say he will take two bags sight unseen. Yall are supposed to let me know so I can tell him. Thanks.


Quote from: glenn on March-27-13 09:03
It still needs to have a front pistol grip to make Feinstein have a heart attack & DIE ... but I couldn't figger out where to put it.

What REALLY gripes her posterior is that a forward magazine doesn't count as a forward VFG. Oh LORD, how she hates that.


Cool. A Skorpion. My 4'11" 95 lb. wife calls it her Zombie gun. It's a gas to shoot and apparently an investment as the price has doubled since Feinstein got her skirts in a wad.

I can also vouch for the Rossi and the use of 45 shotshells. I have pistol version. It is surprisingly accurate with the 22 barrel. I've shot the 45 Long Colt lead rounds and shotshells in it. They make a nice spread but I must say I prefer the .410 for shotgun effect. Terri has her Zombie gun, this is my rabid raccoon piece. I bought after a friend dispatched one in front of the neighbor's house.



Is that a Tec-22 Scorpion, or what? I don't recognize the wooden handle--it doesn't look like mine with the polymer. If not, what caliber is that? It's not a Tec-9, is it?