Pocket holster for mini in .22 short

Started by antares_b, December-15-10 02:12

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Can anyone recommend a good leather one?



Sorry, but I can't seem to add anything worth while. Jtartam covered it.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Thanks for the quick responses. I looked at the Mad Hat and Concealment Holster Solutions Web sites, but I didn't see any offerings for the .22 short. I'll contact them directly.


Mad Hat Leather just started making them, not on web site yet. Just email him..


i just want the mini short. out of stock in my part of the country




   i just want the mini short. out of stock in my part of the country

   Locate a local dealer who buys from Lipsey's. They have 7 in stock, or Glenn Zander's. They only have 5 in stock.


   Good luck.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I just received the "Pocket Holster, Wet Molded Leather. Thad Rypka design with ammo pouch" for my min .22lr:


   HPT-L @ $30.00 each


   (Free Shipping all of December on any order of anything!)




   So far so good.


Don't get that one at Bud's, it weighs 4 pounds.  


   That's too heavy for a pocket pistol, your pants will fall down and show you're packing a short.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! I just love it!