New Guy Here, Couple of Questions

Started by Urizen, April-08-13 13:04

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I just bought an NAA Sheriff for my wife.  It was a first anniversary gift, and I'm going to have it engraved for her, as an heirloom/keepsake.  I found a local hand engraver, but he's been flaky or really busy. Can anyone recommend an engraver?  I know from looking over old posts that there are some engraved minis out there.

Also, we took the Sheriff to the range today, and now I have to have a mini.  I really shouldn't be buying another gun right now, but I stumbled on a Sidewinder at a gun shop.  If I don't buy it immediately and miss out on it, what are the chances of me finding one again in the next couple months?


Welcome. Nice snag on the Sheriff. Prob be best to hunt somebody local for the engraving. Would be a big hassle to mail it to Noo Yawk City or something like that. Local jewelers always did a fine job on Zippo that can do a mini with no problems. I know my trophy making guy can engrave anything you want too. Not sure on the gun supplies..would say they are tending toward the tight sign. Best go ahead an get it if you want it. Kindly dont be a lurker.


Thanks Bighwheel,

I'll try not to lurk, as I have been the last couple of weeks. Seems like a nice little community.

Anyway, it looks like I'll be dipping into the savings account for my second mini tomorrow.  This could get expensive.

I'll post some pics of the engraved sheriff once I get that all taken care of.


Got to be at the least a good investment for the future. The prices seem to be going up up on anything that can pop a cap.


I'm a firm believer in buying as many guns as you can afford. My only hangup is that this will be the third gun in 2 weeks, and that seems a little excessive. The Sheriff for my wife and a Bersa 380 for my little sis since I promised I'd buy her a gun if she got her ccw permit before her next bday.

I'm going to go pick up the sidewinder tomorrow, and I'm going to rationalize it with "it's my turn."


Welcome to the board, Urizen.

I've also bought 3 guns in the last 2 weeks, but to be fair, I've also sold 3 to fund them, so it kind of evens out--and I get the "new gun buzz" for free!



For whatever reason, I seem to have lost the ability (knowledge?) to post pics, or I would show off my original LR mini I had engraved 8 or 9 years ago. I suspect a search will produce some pics. Here is the email for the guy who did mine, and, yes, he will get the chance to do another one. His name is Jim Small:

Small  engrave  @  aol . com  (Just take out all the spaces.)

The gun market is very demanding right now. None of the manufacturers can come close to keeping up with demand, including NAA. If you find something you want, I would suggest you buy it as soon as is feasible, otherwise you may miss out for months.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Quote from: grayelky on April-08-13 23:04
The gun market is very demanding right now. None of the manufacturers can come close to keeping up with demand, including NAA. If you find something you want, I would suggest you buy it as soon as is feasible, otherwise you may miss out for months.

Sound advice. BUY MORE GUNS! And get your friends to BUY MORE GUNS!

While the liberal left is throwing out that bogus 90% number that's supposed to prove Republican Senators aren't listening to the American people, they will continue to hit gun control hard. Heck, even when further gun control attempts get shut down, they KEEP trying. Just wait until the next mass shooting hits. Will it come? YES. Will it energize the gun grabbers yet again? Undoubtedly.

In the meantime, stop up! ;) And make sure your voice is heard and your representatives know where you stand. Obama and the liberal gun grabbers haven't been able to get a date so far, so they're getting desperate and willing to date the ugly girl now. We can't let them have ANYTHING right now.


Well, I took the popular advice, and brought home my new Sidewinder today. I actually just went to put it on layaway, but they just stopped taking layaway on handguns. It was either walk away or pull the trigger. I'm attempting to post a pic from my phone.


Nice pick up there Urizen. It will probably be the second of many more. One can never really have too many guns or too much ammunition. Just look for the right prices before you drop the hammer so to speak.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Looking good Sir!! Glad you pulled the trigger on it.


Gray, thanks for the contact on the engraver. I'm going to give the local guy a couple more days to get back to me and then contact him.  I'll try to look for your engraved mini.


Nice snag. Grats on a fine purchase. Now for some leather... ;)


Yeah leather comes next.   I've been looking at a few options. It's going to be a backup gun or for quick trips out of the house when I don't want to or can't strap on my Kimber.


Here's a pic of my wife's sheriff and my sidewinder.


Great comparison pic. Looks like the SW would be at home in one of them fancy pocket holsters.  The High Sheriff model might need something a bit more spacious..such as a ladies purse or even a small fanny pack. All the ladies out jogging wear those. Not sure what is the fanny pack of course. Surely a pistol..the ever present cell phone and pint of Old Crow...can of Skoal? if they Texas ladies of


Haha Bigwheel, my wif'e's a Texas native. I just bought her a holster purse for her Taurus pt638. Since I'm not a huge fan of purse carry, I'm hoping she can find a way to strap the sheriff to her person in case someone gets a hold of her purse. If she can't do that, I guess we'll be buying a third mini.


WASP or PUG will be you next.  I just got my pug in, and love it.  WASP/Sidewinder/Black Widow are in my future.


Ok well look at both of these and then buy one of each or if I was going to pick one out for a lady with a little gun would start with the Smart Carry. She could carry the Sheriff plus a 1911 down in there. Nobody would ever know she was packing.


JW, they had a pug at the gun shop today. I had my eye on it, too, but the wallet is getting a little thin.

Bigwheel, I like the idea of the smart carry. I'll have to sell my wife on it. She's hoping she can find one of these to fit the sheriff. They have them listed for the naa .22 mag mini revolver.


Urizen....First off, welcome to the asylum!! Oh, I mean Forum!! lol  :o Your very lucky to have found a Sidewinder on the shelf! They are VERY popular and with the current "Gun Grab" still in full effect, it's like winning the lottery to find one!  My suggestion in choosing the right holster/carry method for your Wife (Congrats on the 1 year anniversary by the way!) is to go to YouTube and search female personal carry options. There are a TON of great options out there and you can see them in practical use through the videos. Also, I would do this with your Wife, so she can choose which option she thinks would work best for her. Be sure to let us all know what your choices are for your self and the Mrs!!

Personally, I carry my 1 5/8" Magnum Mini in a pancake holster that can be pocket carried or belt carried. It's made by Simply Rugged and just one of many options out there. Also, don't discount the ability of your minis. My Mini is my primary carry and I'm very confident that even if the bad guy had a RPG on his shoulder, that I am equalizing the playing field with my Magnum loaded with Federal TNT ammunition. Again, check YouTube and watch all the 22 caliber videos you can. My 22 WMR loaded with the Federals will punch a hole the size of any 380 and go deeper!!

Again, congrats on the anniversary and I hope my opinions and suggestions help you with your search and possibly show you that even if all you carry is your Sidewinder, that it is formidable against any would be attacker. The small size of these Mini revolvers doesn't intimidate as much as pulling out a full size semi auto, but one pull of the trigger and the Bad Guy still loses and that, ultimately, is the desired result.


Quote from: Urizen on April-09-13 10:04
Yeah leather comes next. I've been looking at a few options.  I've been looking at a few options. It's going to be a backup gun or for quick trips out of the house when I don't want to or can't strap on my Kimber.

You can't go wrong with Absaroka Kid leather! ;)


Quote from: Urizen on April-09-13 13:04
JW, they had a pug at the gun shop today. I had my eye on it, too, but the wallet is getting a little thin.

NAA's SUCK... your wallet dry. ;)


Dang thats a cool link to the bra holsters. I saw a u tube of them in action but did not know where a person could buy one. That looks like a great plan to me..give a new hubby an excuse to fiddle with the dinners etc. I many have to get the Warden to trade her eyeglass case off for that one. I think you just cost me some money here. Bad 


Zippo, thanks for the advice, we'll be sure to take it.  I would never want to discount the .22 Mag as a defense round. My wife just loves her 380 and feels like she'd be better off with it in a pinch. She likes the Sheriff bc it's smallish and she could conceal it on her person.  I've been pushing her toward this, (in addition to the 380 in her purse) bc of the many scenarios where purse carry is far less than ideal.

Mr_22, I like the pics I've seen of his leather. I'll be looking into it more when I recover from these recent purchases.

Bigwheel, the flashbang holsters seem like a really great concept. They seem like make it so a woman does to not have to dress around her gun, or worse, not carry because of what she's wearing.  I'll let you know how it works out, if that's what we decide to go with.



You know bigwheel, the more I look at that smartcarry holster, the more I like it.  I'm not sure how it would work out for me though. As it is right now, I carry my 3" 1911 iwb in an mtac holster with shirt tucked in over it, but I have to go into hospitals for work, so once I arrive, I have to untuck my shirt, and lock the gun in the car, and make myself presentable. I usually take the holster out at this point, since having it on makes the shirt tucking process more difficult.  When I return to the car, the fun starts.  While standing next to the car, I've got to undo my belt, unzip my pants, put holster in pants, gun in holster, and tuck shirt in over top.  It gets rather complicated, and it's difficult to be discreet. I wonder if the smartcarry would be discreet and comfortable enough to just remove the gun when I can't carry it and leave the holster on.


Sure it would be fine to do it like that.  Most likely have to loosen the the belt to get it back in place. Never have tried that series of maneuvers. Is it you cant carry the gun in the hospital or you cant have an untucked shirt? I did a little sub school teaching not long back and they have a shirt tail fetish so I just strapped it on..tucked in over it and and wore it 9-10 hrs a day without an issue. Takes a special trick to make Its a highly remarkable and simplistic gadget. Indispensable to be locked and loaded and all neatly tucked in on some occasions.


Quote from: MR_22 on April-09-13 14:04
Quote from: Urizen on April-09-13 13:04
JW, they had a pug at the gun shop today. I had my eye on it, too, but the wallet is getting a little thin.

NAA's SUCK... your wallet dry. ;)

YES they do... But worth every penny.  Just hard to feed them right now, it's shooting or the next mini for the collection, hmm what a conundrum...


Yeah, the issue is that it's not legal (at least in Ohio) to carry in a hospital. With the mtac holster you can carry w shirt tucked in easily, all you have are a couple of black or brown clips showing.


Quote from: Urizen on April-09-13 19:04
Yeah, the issue is that it's not legal (at least in Ohio) to carry in a hospital. With the mtac holster you can carry w shirt tucked in easily, all you have are a couple of black or brown clips showing.

That is so stupid. Just as dumb as the school gun-free zone. Why don't lawmakers get it?

In Utah, you can even carry in schools. Almost everywhere is legal that isn't banned federally.


Quote from: jw1128 on April-09-13 19:04
Quote from: MR_22 on April-09-13 14:04
Quote from: Urizen on April-09-13 13:04
JW, they had a pug at the gun shop today. I had my eye on it, too, but the wallet is getting a little thin.

NAA's SUCK... your wallet dry. ;)

YES they do... But worth every penny.  Just hard to feed them right now, it's shooting or the next mini for the collection, hmm what a conundrum...

Very true. I ran across a 525  brick of federal 22 lr last week for 28 bucks and have a little more sitting around. Haven't been able to find 22 mag though. The range I go to has Fiocchi. I had the sheriff loaded with  when my wife noticed it says "not for use in naa firearms" on the box. Which leads me to another question, why?


Ok gotcha on the no hospital carry deal. They have nutty laws like that around here and a bunch of other locations where being armed would come in handy sometimes. Got kin who are in the wholesale grocery selling bizness and calls on schools. Gun a big no no in there too. I'm currently trying to figger out why its critical to be formally holstered up to drive to work and back? Looks like a fanny pack would be the best deal. Belt it on and throw in the trunk when you get there or a nearby remote location in case some democrat happen to see you stash it and come steal it out of the trunk.  Schools for example if they catch you on any part of the property with a gun its bad news. One of the school security folks go himself arrested a few years for having a long gun hid out in his pickup. Idiots are running the world.


Completely agree Bigwheel and Mr_22. Whenever I think about these gun free zones, I think about the gun control episode of Penn and Teller's Bullsh*t. There was an interview of a woman whose parents were killed in a restaurant. Where and when this was, you couldn't carry in restaurants, and she had left her weapon in the car. The quote from the woman was something like: "I partially blame myself for obeying a stupid law. That cost me my parents lives."


I should prob explain further, bigwheel. I don't work at just one hospital.  I work for a medical company as a field engineer, and some of the hospitals I have to go to are up to 6 hrs away. I like to be formally holstered up for the trip and any pit stops I have to make in questionable areas along the way.

Edit: Also, some of my visits are to dr offices where concealed carry is legal. In any given day, I'll be stopping between places where carry is legal and I need to be holstered and tucked and places where carry is illegal.